Yes I actually found that file and edited it without issue. I understand the concern with the story points and was wondering how much of an effect it will have late game, will let you know how it feels to me when it gets there. A major reason I wanted to increase the level curve was because so many of the fleet battles end up giving like 90k xp and with my modpack I am constantly fending off raiders and invasions from multiple factions simultaneously resulting in having too many story points stockpiled for my liking, wanting to decrease how often they occur to make them much more of a strategic resource than something I can obtain with relative ease, and so far in the early game the do accumulate pretty well to still have a decent stockpile of them, we shall see how it goes later though..
The comments were not changed and make a reference to the default values. I would modify these to end in 0's to sate the OCD compulsion, but I dont want to.
0, // level 1
56569, //40k
103924, //20k
160000, //20k
223607, // level 5, ramp up after //20k
391919, //60k
582066, //60k
791960, //60k
1020000, //60k
1264912, // level 10, ramp up after //60k
1591980, //80k
1939897, //80k
2307553, //80k
2693994, //80k
3098387, // level 15 //80k
3600000, //100k
4123106, //100k
4666905, //100k
5230679, //100k
5813777, // level 20 //100k
6507258, //120k
7223241, //120k
7961081, //120k
8720184, //120k
9500000, //level 25 //120k
10402000, //140k
11327613, //140k
12276287, //140k
13247506, //140k
14240787, //level 30 //140k
15367030, //160k
16518015, //160k
17693253, //160k
18892285, //160k
20114672, //level 35 //160k
21600000, //200k
23114498, //200k
24657657, //200k
26228992, //200k
27828044, //level 40 //200k