Hey y'all,
I am loving the idea of this faction... but I am having some serious problems...
I have been struggling to beat fleets and stations with the ships from this faction from the start of the game. I have an Empress, two Chariot mkIIs, a Zweihander mkII, two Artillery ships, and a couple Axe mkIIs and I still cannot beat an 80k pirate base. They seem to lack any punch to get shields down and then get through the armour and so many of their medium weapons point backwards so are essentially useless which I think might be one of the problems I am having... I have tried conventional weapons like hyeprvelocity and heavy maulers to give that little extra distance but it only seems to marginally increase their effectiveness. On top of the apparent poor damage output and consistency, they all seem to want to just beyblade around in circles focussing on missiles and fighters with all their main weapons (just bought an Empress and she spent the entire fight vs an 80k bounty pirate base spinning in circles...) and exposing their behinds and also just ignoring otehr ships sometimes.
Am I doing something wrong? This has made me quit playing three times in the last two days.... Unfortunately, Im an addict and quitting is meaningless... >.< so I am hear asking for any advice from the pros.
Thanks for any help!