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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)


add a pather/pirate mini faction whos ships are fast and durable but cant mount SO?


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Author Topic: [0.96a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.6.1) Fixed ships not spawning in indes hotfix  (Read 217588 times)


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #60 on: November 02, 2021, 05:09:53 PM »

The new planets in Keruvim actively degrade the core starsector experience of selling drugs because of that pirate planet that gets to produce tons of them.


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2021, 03:55:11 AM »

The new planets in Keruvim actively degrade the core starsector experience of selling drugs because of that pirate planet that gets to produce tons of them.
Are you on an older version? I replaced the drug production industry in 0.4


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #62 on: November 05, 2021, 08:27:52 PM »

Just wanted to get back to you. Turns out that the Drone_PD error on Keruvim planets definitely had nothing to do with your mod. It was an error with the "Deacon" cruiser from Weftin's ship pack. It just happened to be spawning in a Keruvim shipyard and causing me to crash. Weftin has since fixed the bug.


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #63 on: November 10, 2021, 06:51:43 PM »

Just wanted to get back to you. Turns out that the Drone_PD error on Keruvim planets definitely had nothing to do with your mod. It was an error with the "Deacon" cruiser from Weftin's ship pack. It just happened to be spawning in a Keruvim shipyard and causing me to crash. Weftin has since fixed the bug.

ah yeah not surprised as weftins are added the midline BPs, glad you figured it out, nothing more annoying then a generic crash that with no immediate clue as to whats causing it


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2022, 12:40:30 PM »

catapult is currently my favorite ship it screams vanilla, but my alltime favorite was the derelict dutchess from anvil industries any chance we will see that one coming back?


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2022, 05:04:59 PM »

I almost downloaded this one!  8)


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #66 on: January 28, 2022, 12:33:47 AM »

Surprised this has flown under my radar! Very excited to try these out, my god that paragon. Just one request though. Could there be an option in config to disable The Reavers of Ludd? Only because I would either have these guys or Legio Infernalis in a game and the Legio can be disabled. I just wouldn't want both piratey factions at once due to their similar colours

I know they're not actually that similar, I just don't want to enable too many pirate factions :L
« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 12:51:24 AM by JustThatGoo »


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #67 on: January 29, 2022, 03:37:22 AM »

Does it work on 0.95.1a or wait?


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2022, 08:48:43 AM »

Surprised this has flown under my radar! Very excited to try these out, my god that paragon. Just one request though. Could there be an option in config to disable The Reavers of Ludd? Only because I would either have these guys or Legio Infernalis in a game and the Legio can be disabled. I just wouldn't want both piratey factions at once due to their similar colours

I know they're not actually that similar, I just don't want to enable too many pirate factions :L

Im not really sure how to go about doing that, down the line ill take a look at how tahlan does it.

catapult is currently my favorite ship it screams vanilla, but my alltime favorite was the derelict dutchess from anvil industries any chance we will see that one coming back?

Im afraid not, nor is the original remnant onslaught. Those are behind me these days.

Does it work on 0.95.1a or wait?
Should work just fine!

An update is in the works, i did forget to put patrol HQs on 2 reaver worlds and will add another shop or 2 to them. Aswell as some minor fixes and balancing as always


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2022, 04:44:33 AM »

I like a lot of stuff in this mod (and I REALLY like Exalted) but the Catapult is pushing me to drop Keruvim entirely.  It has comparable mobility to pirate Falcons and way more firepower; similar role to a Gryphon but close to uncatchable - ends up infecting fleets everywhere to the point that it largely replaces pirate Falcons.  You have the choice of hunting it down with multiple destroyers (the only things that stand a reasonable chance of catching it, with the firepower to do something about it - if I send anything heavier it just kites them) or focusing most/all your fighters on it, or just letting it pound you.  The ones I run into seem to always have safety overrides and heavy armor, zipping all over the place while pouring an endless torrent of missiles in my face.  Really annoying. 

I salvaged 4 from pirates, slapped on whatever random crap I had, and used them as an expendable first wave to attack a star fortress with the idea that they'd soak up a lot of fighters and missiles while my heavies got into position, and when they'd explode I could bring in my glass cannons.  The damn things survived the whole fight and did about half the total damage needed to kill the station.  Just for a start it ought to lose Burn Drive, or have its maneuverability and/or hull/armor cut significantly.


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Re: [0.95a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4) The rise of the Reavers
« Reply #70 on: March 18, 2022, 06:25:08 PM »

I like a lot of stuff in this mod (and I REALLY like Exalted) but the Catapult is pushing me to drop Keruvim entirely.  It has comparable mobility to pirate Falcons and way more firepower; similar role to a Gryphon but close to uncatchable - ends up infecting fleets everywhere to the point that it largely replaces pirate Falcons.  You have the choice of hunting it down with multiple destroyers (the only things that stand a reasonable chance of catching it, with the firepower to do something about it - if I send anything heavier it just kites them) or focusing most/all your fighters on it, or just letting it pound you.  The ones I run into seem to always have safety overrides and heavy armor, zipping all over the place while pouring an endless torrent of missiles in my face.  Really annoying. 

I salvaged 4 from pirates, slapped on whatever random crap I had, and used them as an expendable first wave to attack a star fortress with the idea that they'd soak up a lot of fighters and missiles while my heavies got into position, and when they'd explode I could bring in my glass cannons.  The damn things survived the whole fight and did about half the total damage needed to kill the station.  Just for a start it ought to lose Burn Drive, or have its maneuverability and/or hull/armor cut significantly.

Im genuinely sorry about the catapult, its been everything but mobility has been addressed for the next update and ill look into its mobility this sunday! I had planned on releasing a quick fix for the spawnrate sooner but as ideas for the next update grew i postponed it a little bit, but then time became a problem, and usually when i had the time i was just too tired to work on anything, this hasn't changed much but i will see to it that the catapult is cleaned up fully and the update is released soon!
Glad to hear you like the mod otherwise tho!

EDIT: are you sure the base falcons a good comparison? It has 80 speed plus maneuvering jets, the base catapult has 25 speed with burndrive, does not feel like speed is an issue after testing personally. otherwise tho the ship will be... well ship shape as they say by next update.

EDIT 2: ah you mean pirate ones with SO installed, yeah thats a problem child lol.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 08:54:38 AM by connortron7 »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4.1) The Culling of the Catapults
« Reply #71 on: March 20, 2022, 10:08:07 AM »

new update! mostly minor but hey better then nothing!

V: 0.4.1: updating from 0.3 will break your save (but those on 0.4 are fine)
general fixes:
fixed cuidado and heritage not having patrol hq (will requre a new save for this to take effect)
fixed muck up in penger desc
fixed cutlass not having reaver hullmod

general addition:
added drugs and luxury goods to the reavers illigal commodities
added "hates ai" to faction traits with nex
refined nex alightments
added keruvim weapons and export ships to  scavanger fleets
added supership start to keruvim

ship additions:

ship changes:

added solor shielding
   beetlle drones:
  -increased fighter count from 3 to 6
  -formation from V to BOX

broadsword (RBV):
increased OP cost from 10 to 12

talon (RBV):
increased OP cost from 4 to 5

bulked up sprite on right side

both catapults:
cut off some armor and added 2 small jets on each side (no stat changes)
reduced supplies a month/deployment points from 30 to 27
increased crew reqiured from 225 to 260
reduced pirates credit cost from 130000 to 120000 and reduced regulars credit cost from 130000 to 110000
halved spawnrate
added both versions to the sim battle


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Re: [0.95.1a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4.1) The Culling of the Catapults
« Reply #72 on: March 20, 2022, 08:37:04 PM »

Where war wagon


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Re: [0.95.1a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4.1) The Culling of the Catapults
« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2022, 03:52:28 PM »

Where war wagon
War wagon dumb, wait long time.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Keruvim Shipyards (V:0.4.1) The Culling of the Catapults
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2022, 06:08:02 PM »

so small mod update (not actual update yet, more of a update of what im doing with it) i plan on separating the reavers of ludd from keruvim as to not have an extra unnecessary faction that has nothing to do with the main faction of the mod and unneeded bloat.
dont worry i wont be repeating history like the exalted exodus from anvil that was followed by anvil indsutries deletion lol, i also plan on doing a complete overhaul of their lore, no more edgy ludd cult, perhaps a pre-collapse food manufacturer turned independent military power house once the gates stopped, ship sprites will likely get some changes outside of a hue shift, aswell as some proper unique weapons for em, tho it will be some time coming as im often too busy to work on keruvim as is rn and separating a faction and all its odds and ends is a headache for me.
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