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Author Topic: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition  (Read 7360 times)


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[Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« on: April 01, 2021, 04:08:39 PM »

So I've beaten the Hypershunt's defenders and subsequently repaired it and now... what?

Pre-repair there's a small bit of text that can be best summed up as "You need special Taps to make this function, there are none here, the Tri-tach might vaguely be involved" but.. that information isn't accessible *after* you've repaired a Hypershunt and.. there's no indication about how you should really go about acquiring a Tap which I *assume* is an item you use on a colony but that's pure guesswork.

Anyone got any idea about how to acquire a Hypershunt Tap?
I'm not exactly enjoying my current strategy of "Vaguely wander around the cosmos hoping to randomly run into an object that I have no hints about how to obtain"

Have to say that being left hanging *after* throwing a ridiculous amount of resources at a megastructure is pretty unsatisfying and frustrating.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 04:13:03 PM »

There's an item that you can salvage, just like all the other lost tech stuff (like nanoforges).

Adds demand for 10 units of Transplutonics. If met, +1 max industries, must be within 10 LY of the Hypershunt. (installed in population + infrastructure).

But yeah, it could be clearer.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2021, 04:25:12 PM »

Seriously? Uggh!
I've found a totally ridiculous number of lost tech items already, seems insane that I've never seen a Tap.
Like.. 36 lost tech items so far

Any idea if the Taps only appear *after* you've repaired a Hypershunt? If so then there's potential for horrible critical failure if you've already done a lot of exploration before repairing one :/

Dread Pirate Robots

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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2021, 04:31:54 PM »

No, I got two shunts within the first couple of hours in my game.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2021, 04:37:29 PM »

I've found one shunt, but I've also only found one corrupted nano forge and zero pristine so...


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2021, 04:43:22 PM »

Guess I've just been extremely unlucky then, bugger.

Sure would be nice if the Hypershunts contained 1 tap after being repaired.
It's already an awful lot of work to beat the Shunt's guardians *and* repair the damn thing.. Especially because it requires you to hand in all the resources at once which is a bit of a logistics challenge in of itself.
Would be nice if you were actually guaranteed to be able to use it. Assuming of course there's a worthwhile system within its radius..

Sure is a lot of RNG involved in these things!


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2021, 11:56:14 AM »

That being said, how ARE you supposed to actually meet the 10 transplutonics demand to support the Hypershunt Tap?
A size 6 refining industry produces 4 transplutonics... +1 with admin/player skill, +2 with Catalytic Core (no atmosphere lost tech item), +1 with Alpha Core and +1 with story points improvement. That is a total of 9... you can't actually get more than that because you're limited to size 6 colonies now. Is it an actual bug?

Also, what does "within 10 light years" actually mean"? Does it apply only within the same system, or is it, quite literally, to any system in range of 10 light years (the one you can see in the intel/map screen)?


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2021, 12:01:30 PM »

I've found a tap, but not the shunt itself yet - and I've a strong suspicion that it won't be within 10 lightyears of where I've set up my colony and no I'm not going to be moving, thank you.

My best guess on the 10 transplutonics thing is that you have to do all of that and then also put at least a gamma core on your infrastructure to reduce the demand to 9? Seems excessive; there should be some wiggle room. 8 demand would be reasonable - then if you haven't found a catalytic core you can make up for that with excessive AI core usage - and if you have then you can run the thing without forcing hegemony AI inspections.
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2021, 12:05:40 PM »

My best guess on the 10 transplutonics thing is that you have to do all of that and then also put at least a gamma core on your infrastructure to reduce the demand to 9

Can someone confirm if that's how it actually works? I thought the demand is "external" instead of being slapped onto your colony's infrastructure "industry".


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2021, 12:09:16 PM »

Well, I've got an Orbital Fusion Lamp, which is also an install-in-infrastructure-with-ten-demand thing, and can verify that a gamma core reduces that to nine demand. I feel it's reasonably safe to assume the hypershunt tap works the same way.
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2021, 12:15:26 PM »

Yep doing that with the cryorevival facility.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2021, 12:27:15 PM »

Why don’t you just feed the colony stockpile with actual iron nuggets (20k should be sufficient) and turn on the deficit meet with stockpile? You only need the demand fulfilled during construction of the extra industry.

Plus, I don’t even think there are much use cases for 5th industry. Very much useless reward.

Since all my mods have poor reputation, I deem my efforts unworthy thus no more updates will be made.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2021, 12:34:05 PM »

Why don’t you just feed the colony stockpile with actual iron nuggets (20k should be sufficient) and turn on the deficit meet with stockpile? You only need the demand fulfilled during construction of the extra industry.

Plus, I don’t even think there are much use cases for 5th industry. Very much useless reward.

Yeah it really is underwhelming for all the effort it takes to get it up and running... another industry pretty much just means... more credits. Which is pointless.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2021, 07:45:12 AM »

My best guess on the 10 transplutonics thing is that you have to do all of that and then also put at least a gamma core on your infrastructure to reduce the demand to 9

Can someone confirm if that's how it actually works? I thought the demand is "external" instead of being slapped onto your colony's infrastructure "industry".

Yes, I can.
Alex says u'r gay:

Beta core really reduces transplutonics demand, but description of hypershunt tap says "demand for TEN trsptncs IS FULLY MET". Rock solid "ten". So if you have "beta" installed you can't met this demand in any way.
I think it's just broken. You still can satisfy this demand once to build additional industry and then remove shunt - this additional industry will grant -5 stability (as you can read in pop-up window on "industries" label), it will work, but this isn't the goal.

You can't even give one catalytic core to Chicomoztoc (not only cause it has atmosphere btw) to have sector-wide stable 9 transplutonics production, but because of this broken demand.

I think in this state tap is extremely humiliating and stressful reward for CHs assault. Not only beat imba tesseracts, but bring 20000 metal and 5000 transplutonics to shunt + you need something to transport these to Coronal Hypershunt and for what?
I think tap should give you bonuses without any demands after all or it seems just unfair.


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Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2021, 09:13:34 AM »

I see no Pather cells in the picture.  Last release, there would have been a Pather cell aching to break that colony (but foiled by the Pather bug) due to at least +7 to Pather interest (+6 from Orbital Works with forge, at least +1 from Mining, and more from cores).  Maybe Pather cell generation has changed?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 09:15:17 AM by Megas »
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