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Author Topic: Better description of Starfarer?  (Read 8218 times)


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Better description of Starfarer?
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:49:30 PM »

I've been looking for a good spaceship game to try out for awhile now and a friend showed me Starfarer.
From what i've seen of the trailers, its like space invaders in hd with free roam and customization.

There really isn't much else to go by except whats the features list, but that doesn't really tell me much.
Are there different classes of ships, how effective is the combat, ect. I understand that when yours in alpha
and asking just 10 bucks for it, it may not seem necessary but still would like some more detailed info about the game
or a more comprehensive trailer.

Also multiplayer?


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 05:14:27 PM »

No multiplayer; the devs would rather have a polished single player experience than a half-baked single & multiplayer setup.

Starfarer will have an rpg-esq campaign layer, where you basically go about the sector, doing what you want; be it running an elite force of mercenaries, turning a serious profit smuggling weapons, running a large-scale mining operation, building an empire, or what have you. There's lots of things you will be able to do - those were merely a handful of examples. This won't be in until after version .35 however.

Currently missions are in (custom ones can also be modded in very easily as well: custom ships & weapons can also be modded in), and they showcase the real-time tactical/top-down space-shooter aspect of the game.

There will also be a custom battle option down the line as well.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 05:58:41 PM »

There really isn't much else to go by except whats the features list, but that doesn't really tell me much.
Are there different classes of ships, how effective is the combat, ect. I understand that when yours in alpha
and asking just 10 bucks for it, it may not seem necessary but still would like some more detailed info about the game
or a more comprehensive trailer.

That's an excellent point. We're working on a much better features page and trailer - the current ones are definitely not up to par.

As for the rest of it, yeah, what Avan said :)


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 07:25:33 PM »

No multiplayer? Nothing planned for it at all?
ouch, thats kinda a deal breaker for me, what time I can play games I like playing with friends, even if its just co-op or something :(
Not sure how being able to play with other people turns a game into a "half-baked" SP/MP game.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2011, 07:48:37 PM »

Not sure how being able to play with other people turns a game into a "half-baked" SP/MP game.

Because then the dev team has to allocate significant resources and time into providing multiplayer support. Games don't just magically have multiplayer support; it has to be planned from the start and (especially for a smaller teams) it can be very demanding.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 09:35:02 AM »

I think if multiplayer was added, the playerbase would be small because a lot of people never touch MP :/. If I saw multiplayer though and it was just the skirmishes like now, and not the more complex campaign, I think that would be the best way.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 09:37:35 AM by SilentAlfa »


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2011, 09:49:38 PM »

Not sure how being able to play with other people turns a game into a "half-baked" SP/MP game.

Because then the dev team has to allocate significant resources and time into providing multiplayer support. Games don't just magically have multiplayer support; it has to be planned from the start and (especially for a smaller teams) it can be very demanding.
It seems to be that people don't *quite* get how much work it is to implement multiplayer. Sure, it may be cool, but it would take a ton of time to implement and test.
In case anyone is wondering, here is why implementing multiplayer is hard:

  • Information about each object (missile, ship, etc...) and their states (trajectory, target, etc...) must be sent to each player connected (Not too bad...)
  • Lag compensation. (Collision detection would be a pain)
  • Packet loss compensation
  • Cheating...

This is way too much for just a couple of programmers to do. Heck, even Halo: Reach with 20+ programmers can't get it perfect.
If they did manage to do that, the campaign would probably be awful.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 04:19:22 PM »

I have to say, I may not be the best player but, I think the single player combat is engaging and interesting.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 02:27:23 PM »

Despite all the reasons cloakdood cited, I still have day dreams about what multiplayer could be like.  The reason is quite simple, instead of having a multiplayer where each player gets a ship, instead, each player gets a ship or gunner seat on that ship.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2011, 06:57:10 PM »

Despite all the reasons cloakdood cited, I still have day dreams about what multiplayer could be like.  The reason is quite simple, instead of having a multiplayer where each player gets a ship, instead, each player gets a ship or gunner seat on that ship.

I think there are already games like that, albeit not in the top down format. From what I remember of those games, it generally wasn't very fun to be a gunner on those ships due to the fact that most battles had a considerable amount of travelling to them to get to the enemy. In a game like Allegiance, you had gunners on ships, from what I remember of it, it wasn't very fun when the amount of fighting you had comprised less than 10% of your play time. Or at least, I wasn't aware of any ability to switch out of that position at the time.
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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 07:33:45 PM »

Well sir, allow me to educate you of a game that was top down, (isometric actually.)  Multiplayer space rts.  Players mined, built bases and ships and attempted to destroy each others base.  The frigate is the prime example of gunner seat done right.  You hopped in, and took control of some duel rocket launcher turret with little laser to fend off fighters and gunships.  However, it sucked at that, so you had a corvette provide back up with its pilot and gunner which had DUEL lasers each.  Frigate also had a weapons control seat which fired the torpedoes at other frigates and destroyers.  

In no way is this an advertisement, as the name of the game isn't mentioned and quite dead.  In fact, this is the only media I can find of it... anywhere.

Lethal Dosage

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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2011, 10:50:21 PM »

That must be "Fleet" of an oldie "Infatry" Do I get cake now?
Also is it really dead? That's pretty damn sad.

edit: quick google search shows that people are trying to revive the game through freeinfantry, wooo
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 10:55:25 PM by Lethal Dosage »


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2011, 11:48:47 PM »

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Nope, looks dead to me.  You get a hermit cookie for your efforts, chocolate chip is reserved for astronomical success.


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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2011, 12:32:22 AM »

What game is that?

Lethal Dosage

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Re: Better description of Starfarer?
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2011, 11:30:18 AM »

Infantry online.