Okay there are a lot of issues here, I think they're getting a bit muddled. I think they get muddled because people are conflating various issues at work and also because these issues do turn out to be inter-related. It's not a matter of low tech vs high tech, or frigate vs capital, or SO. Those are roleplay/storytelling/immersion concepts for the more fundamental gameplay design balance between weapon range vs ship maneuverability/speed, or if you prefer, offense vs defense.
Ships that are faster tend to be weaker, both in terms of offensive capability (weapons) and in terms of defensive capability (hit points). Faster ships are able to engage and disengage at will, so they need to create the opportunity to go in and do damage before being shot to pieces. It's a high risk vs high reward playstyle. Additionally, the game is set so that the onus is on the person taking the risk to create the opportunity; the longer they wait, the more the advantage goes to the slower ship. So they need to be more aggressive, but that comes with the risk of overextending themselves and getting destroyed. This can be seen in multiple ways:
1. Frigates are faster but have less flux/armor/hull than capitals. They also have fewer weapons and shorter-range weapons, plus shorter range bonuses, as well as a lower PPT. Additionally, capitals will reduce the PPT of frigates, but frigates may not reduce the PPT of capitals unless there are many of them. So the onus is on the frigate to create an opportunity to take out the capital, and if they wait too long, then they start getting weaker due to PPT and capitals get relatively stronger. Frigates have less flux/armor/hull than capitals, so they can't afford as many errors.
2. High tech ships are faster than low tech ships, but have worse weapons, lower PPT, and take longer to recover after battle. High tech ships have more flux, but energy weapons are less efficient than ballistic weapons, plus have lower range, so some of the ship's flux is used up in absorbing attacks on its way in before starting to do damage. They also tend to be more expensive DP-wise, so fewer of them can be deployed per battle.
3. SO gives twice the flux dissipation, but means the ship has only 1/3 the PPT. So the ship has to get their damage in quickly enough to turn the tide of battle, or they'll be forced to withdraw. Also, SO is a very expensive hullmod, meaning less points remaining for other stuff.
Faster ships having less weapon range means that they have to absorb some fire on their way in to attack a target. It also means that enemy ships can focus fire more easily on them -- they have to get within the range of multiple enemy ships to do their damage.
The reason why I'm getting into this, is that I think it's a lot more useful from a feedback standpoint to talk in terms of whether or not the changes skewed the risk vs reward ratio a bit too much toward one side or the other. Engaging in hyperbole etc. might be cathartic but it isn't useful, in the sense of, explaining the validity of your position.
Alright, getting into some of the specifics:
The initial post. Take for example the Hyperion getting ~17k damage in a single ion pulser burst. Sounds impressive, but let's look at it a bit more closely. It comes from:
10% CR
20% Target Analysis
10% Weapon Drills
20% Wolfpack Tactics
~30% Energy Weapon Mastery (it varied as flux increased)
+~90% damage
So (hopefully I'm not forgetting any other bonuses) the bonus was roughly 90% to the overall damage. I assume this was a 30-shot burst for each ion pulser (expanded magazines), so that's 90 shots, so the Hyperion used up 8100 flux (9000 flux but -10% due to Energy Weapon Mastery) to achieve this. A bit more than double the damage.
The punching bag was the sim Onslaught. No officer, no skills, etc., resulting in shield efficiency of 1.0. Hence the high number. But what if it were similarly equipped as the Hyperion? Then we would have:
-10% damage from CR
-20% damage from Shield Modulation
-25% damage from Hardened Shields
-20% damage from Solar Shielding
-56.8% damage
These are all multiplied (not added) together, so it ends up being -56.8% damage. In other words, properly equipped, the Onslaught would've taken 43.2% of the damage. That comes out to 7249 damage. So against an equally equipped Onslaught, the Hyperion would've expended 8100 flux to do 7249 flux damage to the Onslaught. Less than 1:1 ratio.
Sure it's fun to post some huge numbers (reminds me of when AD&D players would post their huge crit numbers), but it's not really indicative of typical play. Also, the Hyperion is now nearly fluxed out; it seriously risks overloading due to a stray hit, if only the sim Onslaught had any anti-shield weaponry to speak of. (This is what balances out Energy Weapon Mastery: as your damage bonus goes up, your margin of error for taking incoming damage decreases.) Overall though the damage bonuses and damage reduction between equally equipped forces still roughly balances out. So, I don't see what's the issue here.
That's because no other capital ship is explicitly built, for meta and in-game lore reasons, to bring devastating firepower to bear facing forward while being vulnerable to the rear. So people can look all cool and awesome, "look at me, I outflanked the ship that is expressly designed and described as something not to be used solo, but in a fleet setting!"
I agree, beating the sim Onslaught isn't really particularly exciting or difficult, nor indicative of if the subject ship is too "powerful". Just for fun I took a Pather Lasher, no officer, regular CR, with a couple of Reapers to punch a hole in the armor and then killed it using vulcan cannons. (Attached is the screenshot.) Obviously Lashers and vulcan cannons need to be toned down. (Side notes, I don't think the AAF did anything since vulcan cannons are already firing at the game's max rate of 20 shots per second, and yes it was an obligatory overload since I had to hug the Onslaught to be in range for the vulcans.)
I had stopped using that aurora a bit when I was fighting lots of capital ships, but then I got some spoilery weapons and now I'm using it again.
When I first saw the 0.95a changes, the SO Aurora with the spoilery weapons was the first thing I went for. The spoilery weapons (4 spoilery missiles, 3 spoilery small hybrids, 2 spoilery medium frag hybrids...I just left the middle medium synergy blank because it's tight on OP and because I didn't really need it) makes killing capitals a cinch. Then I found the Doom and man...with 6 spoilery missiles and 2 spoilery medium frag hybrids, I straight-up kill Brilliants in 2 weapon volleys (thanks to mines redirecting shields), and regularly do 60% of the damage of the whole fleet even if the rest of the fleet is radiants or frigates or whatever. I don't get why this much focus on high tech or frigates or whatever when phase ships are the strongest right now but...oh well.
Also higher tech ships should give a max number of ships penalty to max fleet size, while low tech ships should give a bonus to it, but it can't drop below 30 of course, and I have no idea at what number it should cap, but it would look like this (just a very raw example):
The game already has this, it's reflected in the DP of the different ships. What matters is not how many you can have in your fleet, but how many you can have on the battle map, and since high-tech ships tend to have greater DP, you can put more low-tech ships than high-tech ships in battle.
I think the problem is with SO itself. When you put SO on a ship, you are not so much customizing it as making a different ship. Just my personal preference but when I see a capital ship I want to be quite confident that it has more power output and is tankier than a cruiser, and not less so because the captain of the cruiser has 'overridden the safeties'.
Exactly, but that's the whole point of SO. It makes it into a very different ship with a different playstyle, etc. That's why it's there, it opens up the options for the player. If you only do the initial small battles then the shortened PPT doesn't matter, but it *does* matter later on when you fight bigger, more extended battles. Then it really does become a tradeoff at that point. Generally speaking in 0.9.1a I started the game off with SO but then gradually took it off as I started encountering bigger fleets that you couldn't just roll over so easily.
However the Hyperion is ridiculous without SO too. I think this kind of analysis is a red herring.
This. SO's main benefit for Hyperion is to give it the ability to teleport out with flux. Otherwise Hyperion can teleport in, but becomes vulnerable and can't get out. Sure, the double flux vent is nice, but Hyperion isn't a ship that stands there and melees, it's a hit-and-run. Well, elite Helmsmanship gives the same ability to Hyperion. My Hyperions did better without SO (but with elite Helmsmanship) than with, simply because they could last a lot longer in fights, long enough to actually make it through without losing a lot of CR.
My issue with SO is that it completely changes the stats and capabilities of ships in an arbitrary and senseless way. If you are happy playing with that great but I can't agree it's a good addition to the game.
This is an example of Chesterton's fence. Somebody spent the time to think about what might be an interesting hullmod to put on ships, coded it in, played around with different values, playtested it, debugged the code, etc. All that took a lot of effort to get it into the game. If you just wave that off as "arbitrary and senseless" then it means you haven't bothered to understand why it's there and thus aren't in a position to evaluate its merits.
Hyperion shouldn't be a frigate, I have no clue what Alex was thinking with that.
No, frigate is the right ship size for the Hyperion.
A frigate does not mean "weak" or "ineffective". Generally speaking, the "effectiveness" of a ship is roughly measured by its DP cost, not by its ship size. Hyperion is 15 DP (and has the High Maintenance hullmod making it twice as expensive to carry around). That means its effectiveness is actually roughly that of a cruiser. But, "downsizing" it as a frigate instead of a cruiser is actually to
weaken it, because a cruiser -- with cruiser weapon range, OP, number of weapon slots, etc. -- teleporting around would simply be too strong. Similarly, the Monitor is set to be a frigate because a bigger ship with the Flux Shunt hullmod would simply be too strong.
In the 0.95a update, the Hyperion's stats were extremely buffed; it went from 3300 to 8000 flux capacity, and it went from 280 to 500 flux dissipation. Its armor and hull were also increased by 2.5x. Its DP cost stayed at 15 however. So the real issue is "the Hyperion was too severely buffed", not "frigates are too strong and Hyperion is a prime example". It's an extreme outlier of frigates, and made even more so with the update; it's not representative of frigates in general.
Safety overrides is not a hullmod in this manner, it completely redefines a ship in it's entirety. For this reason, I think the obvious choice would be separating it's effects into several other hullmods.
No, SO should be a single hullmod, to
force the player to take the bad with the good. That's what keeps its power in check. Splitting its effect into separate hullmods just means the player can pick and choose the one(s) least detrimental to the ship, basically min/maxing out the bad part. It's the most expensive hullmod (double that of Heavy Armor), meaning the ship gives up a lot of other potential benefits to get it. It also locks the ship into a short-range fighting style, meaning the ship has to get in close (and take more damage) to make use of that additional flux dissipation. And of course PPT is cut to 1/3 so that the player has to make use of it quickly (spending time circling around the enemy fleet trying to find an opening is not a good use of the hullmod). All these for the sake of doubling the flux dissipation, because doubling the flux dissipation is a very strong effect, and you need these drawbacks to make sure it doesn't get too overpowering.
Wolfpack gives major boosts to both damage and PPT, so it's kinda hard to draw that conclusion IMO. Honestly, I think wolfpack could get split into two individual skills for damage and PPT. That would work well in a 3 skill/tier system IMO.
I think it'd be better to simply put a DP cap on Wolfpack, and/or decrease the PPT that it gives. Though I still don't quite see what the hubbub is about; other than the Hyperion, the frigates didn't really do much, even with the 20% damage bonus, compared to what I get out of other ships like Medusas or Champions or Radiants. It's pretty funny watching Hyperions take on ships, but non-SO Hyperions didn't really need the extra PPT from Wolfpack, and elite Helmsmanship lets them teleport around, removing the main benefit of SO for them. In many cases Coordinated Maneuvers was better because having extra speed to chase down targets or getting from point A to point B faster is more important.
I'm going all High tech frigate in my current run, I have zero salvage ships and only the cargo space industry skill because I don't want to militarize my support ships and lower bonuses. I have unlimited fuel & nearly unlimited supplies while exploring and can take on basically anything I run into. This playstyle is easy mode compared to everything else I've tried.
Wait, you're saying you use only frigates as your fleet in your current run and it can take on multiple Ordos fleets, Tesseracts, etc.? Without taking losses nor needing high amounts of CR recovery? What's your fleet composition/loadout?
Do you want to have a conversation or make a straw man? Don't put words in my mouth, I never said any of that was bad and I never said it breaks the game. Don't reduce/dumb down my points into for and against extremes so you can lazily counter them.
Um, I think you're the one who was claiming that Alex was trying to shove a certain playstyle down the players' throats. I don't know how that can be interpreted as anything but game-breaking.
My current fleet has 14 captained Frigates +me for 15, 4 redacted captains, all getting the full Wolfpack bonus without diminished returns unlike every other specialized skill in the game. Oh noes 3 got destroyed in 1 really terrible fight, I'll just have to reach into the giant pile of credits I've saved from only using frigates (again I outlined how they save tons of money) and restore them without a second thought.
Um let me get this straight -- so you're saying that Wolfpack makes frigates too strong and yet you sometimes lose 20% of your frigate fleet in a single fight and you think that represents it being too strong?
Hardened Subsystems pushes its PPT up to 137 seconds by the way, meaning Wolfpack Tactics makes it possible for Overridden Frigades to have a higher Peak Performance time than their stock value. This also means that some Overridden frigades (looking at you Glimmer) also manage to get a PPT value that's higher than not only Destroyers, but also Cruisers. Think about that for a moment.
Eh maybe I'm not doing my math right, but I get that a SO Glimmer with Reliability Engineering, Crew Training, and Systems Expertise comes out with 257 seconds of PPT. The only destroyers with a shorter PPT are Buffalo, Buffalo Mk. II, and Nebula, and the lowest PPT cruiser has 360 seconds of PPT (Heron). Am I missing something?
This is about AI controlled frigates with a captain outclassing Capitols. Player pilots are basically cheating the AIs limitations. Player control breaks the game and shouldn't be included in any discussion but those specifically about that.
And to be clear we aren't talking fleet vs fleet and capitols needing support when outnumbered. It's just getting a spanking 1v1, which is absurd when done by the AI. It's layers of imbalance and failure.
You're saying that an AI-controlled frigate can outclass a capital one-on-one? Is this against an equally equipped capital? And this is due to the 20% damage bonus of Wolfpack (keeping in mind that ships get a variety of damage bonuses from other sources, additive, so this ends up being more like a 10-15% overall damage bonus) and the extra PPT that it gives?
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