AH, Locklave (named you Draba for some reason, sorry

) and Igncom1 beat me to making a similar response. It's all connected really

Something as simple as "stopping frigades from being so good" does carry a lot of unexpected nuance with it.
Safety Overrides as an example, it
got an easy Duct Tape Fix which prevented it from being Integrated into ships, but
that did not stop High Tech (and Midline to a degree) Frigades (Scarab, Wolf, Glimmer, Hyperion...), Destroyers (Fury, Medusa, Hammerhead, Fulgent...) and Cruisers (Aurora, Champion, Brilliant...)
from abusing it anyway since most of them had higher-than-average Ordinance Points for their own respective class in the first place.
What it did do on the other hand was pushing a lot of Low Tech ships that instead had very low OP into either irrelevancy, heavily cutting on their SO variants (and requiring 2, even 3 other integrated hullmods to make everything fit) or attempting to stay useful without the hullmod entirely.
We risk these hypothetical "pinpoint rebalances" aimed at frigades to have the same amount of unwanted effects. There's a high risk of nerfing something with the purpose of pushing a specific ship from "broken" down to "overperforming" that also ends up dragging ships which used to be "situational" down to "useless".