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Author Topic: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread  (Read 35963 times)


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Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« on: March 08, 2021, 03:01:07 AM »

Thought I should take the initative...

Right, so here it is. As it says on the tin, this is a thread that is for collating the various mods from Starsector's Chinese community ( that are available for translation, as well as the status of translation for those mods. With Approlight and Polaris existing here for a while as well as the continued queries from the Discord, there's clearly an interest in more of what comes from the creative minds across the language barrier. As such, this thread should help collate and organize future efforts for translation, so that we may all benefit in the future.

Update 28/9/22: Some mods now have Github repositories attached for easy access. Read the note at the bottom of this post for more info.

Mods that have been translated and being maintained

Polaris Prime
Modder: AnyIDElse
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:
Repository Link:
Forum Link:


Idoneus Citadel Exiles
Modder: AnyIDElse/Sundog
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:
Repository Link:
Forum Link:


Modder: Originem
Translator: mrmagolor
Source Link:
Forum Link:


FSF Military Corporation
Modder: A111164
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:
Repository Link:
Forum Link:


Gensoukyo Manufacture (current version 0.6.0rc6)
Modder: homejerry99 et all
Translator: Princess of Evil
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Modder: Linskentry/fire_turtle
Translator: mrmagolor
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Goathead's Aviation Bureau
Modder: Mimeio
Translator: mrmagolor
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Loulan Industries
Translator: mrmagolor, Lortan
Source Link:
Forum Link:

Traverser Design Bureau
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Modder: ValkyriaL, Originem
Source Link:

Note: Someone's doing this, but I'm not aware of their progress, and ValkyriaL has allowed the translation to go through.



Mods that are currently undergoing translation
Foundation of Borken
Modder: Originem
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:
Notes: This is the 0.9.1a version that has been Chinese-only for a while, as compared to the out of date 0.9.0 version currently available on the main index.


Mods that have been requested and have been approved for translation

Blue Seas Fisheries
Modder: Sake-Witch Moon
Translator: Iriscoral
Source Link:



Mods that are restricted from translation
ShanHai - (that one glowy Onslaught that keeps popping up on the Discord)
Modder: Eniac79A
Source Link:
Reason: Modder is MIA, permission cannot be sought.


Kantech Terraform Association
Modder: AnyIDElse
Source Link:
Reason: Mod is undergoing rework and hence Modder has requested that it not be translated until its ready (will be handled by Iriscoral)



---| How this Works |--

Basically, if you see a mod on Fossic that catches your fancy and you would like to see made available in English, reply with the name and link to the mod's thread on Fossic, and I will add it to the list if the mod author agrees to have their content translated. Likewise, if you want to translate an available mod, reply to inform me that you have picked it up and when its done. You can also do this via PM or through Discord.

---| Translation Guidelines |--

There's technically no barriers to entry if you want to start translating, and all are welcome, but if you wish to translate, please keep in mind a few things:
  • Seek the modder's permission first
  • Have a decent enough grasp of English and Chinese
  • Understand the file structure and data management of Starsector Mods in general

The first is just common courtesy, and you can do so via this thread in the first place. The second is really important, because fundamentally if you are lacking in proficiency in either language you are just going to mangle the translation (Google Translate will not cut it), so please respect the work of the original creators by treating their work with respect. Furthermore, poor translations equal to poor instructions and bad information for the player, which will negatively impact the experience of people who want to experience the mod. No one is asking for professional translations, but please be certain that you can give a satisfactory product at the end if you volunteer.

Useful Links:


Regarding Repositories

It should be noted that repositories placed here will have duplicates of language-based files, suffixed with _CN or _ENG depending on which version is activated. For example, if there's a file called  ship_data_ENG, it means the currently active version of h8ll_data.csv is the _CN version, which is lacking the suffix as it is activated, and when loaded will use the Chinese version. This is enabled by a specific file within some of these mods called (made by Originem) which basically searches the directory and suffixes which ever file exist to line them with the version of Starsector the user has installed. This system also works automatically at game start when the user has Python installed; but seeing that not everyone in EN will have Python installed; its imperative that one ensures that the CN files are suffixed and the ENG ones are not before deployment to the EN Starsector community to avoid annoyance.

That said, the existence of the both CN and ENG files are for the benefit of doublechecking and maintenance; if you plan to fork, please do not remove them.

Also, while I will encourage the use of repositories as it massively reduces the effort, please be aware that the mods are other people's stuff from across the language barrier. If you wish to add someone's mod to a repository, please get their express permission first.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 03:26:49 AM by Iriscoral »
Translator and (wannabe) game dev.
Currently curates the CN mod repo.

Mods maintained:


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2021, 03:03:48 AM »

I wholeheartedly approve this initiative!


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2021, 03:22:40 AM »

Weapons Group Controls mod - deselect all weapon groups, hold-down hold-fire mode, toggle alternating/linked fire
Captain's Log - throw away your notepad: custom notes, ruins and salvageable reminders
Old Hyperion - for your dose of nostalgia
Adjustable Skill Thresholds - set fleet DP and fighter bay thresholds


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2021, 06:32:15 AM »

Wow, Thank you so much for this! And guys who help this topic to get pinned at top!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 06:35:24 AM by Originem »
My mods


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2021, 08:17:45 AM »

Now it is a bit problematic that Fossic blocks most images to non-chinese IPs, so it's a bit hard to know what mods look interesting or not.


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2021, 09:26:22 PM »

Wow, Thank you so much for this! And guys who help this topic to get pinned at top!

Sorry for being an ass abandon the half baked translation. I'd like to work on the new 0.95 version.  ;)
Please report any translation error to me with PM.
- I just went over to my bank account and figured out I can live comfortably without working for the rest of my life as long as I die on next Tuesday.


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2021, 03:30:26 PM »

I can't help with the Chinese->English translation, but I can help with proof reading and beta testing.

My last Starsector 0.9.1 campaign I did a Foundation of Borken start, with the old version currently available here, and it was still great. I was (and still am!) curious about the newer version of the mod, but wasn't brave enough to pick the Chinese version on Fossic.

So if you guys need help to proof read text files, or even beta test a 0.95-compatible partially translated version of Foundation of Borken, put an announcement somewhere on the forum and/or send me a message!


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2021, 08:26:25 PM »

This thing called FSF looks mechanically intriguing:

I don't speak Chinese unfortunately, but I'd be willing to help test and proofread the English at least.


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2021, 07:26:25 AM »

This thing called FSF looks mechanically intriguing:

I don't speak Chinese unfortunately, but I'd be willing to help test and proofread the English at least.
I'm afraid this mod is under rapid update now, so the author(me) can not release a English version until it is quite finished. Some sprites need to be reworked and some mechanisms need to be adjusted but I don't have a clear thought about how to change.
Now I'm likely to update it per month or even per week, due to my immature ideas and some minor bug fixing as new modder


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2021, 05:12:14 PM »

This thing called FSF looks mechanically intriguing:

I don't speak Chinese unfortunately, but I'd be willing to help test and proofread the English at least.
I'm afraid this mod is under rapid update now, so the author(me) can not release a English version until it is quite finished. Some sprites need to be reworked and some mechanisms need to be adjusted but I don't have a clear thought about how to change.
Now I'm likely to update it per month or even per week, due to my immature ideas and some minor bug fixing as new modder

thats a shame i would love to playtest and having even a broken translation (im very good at english.  the type of good most native speakers arent) would be great as i can pretty well decipher it

not trying to push you!  just saying im excited!

if you have a friend who could do rough translations (so you can focus on content) i would love to playtest


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2021, 09:08:30 AM »

is fsf any where close to being ready for translation?
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2021, 02:54:29 PM »

is fsf any where close to being ready for translation?
Unfortunately no - in fact, I just got approval to translate it today (the underlying code is done, but sprites and graphics are still a WIP, so I can get translation efforts working on it now).

As for other updates - unfortunately, a good chunk of Chinese mods have yet to be updated for 0.95, so translation work will remain halted until time comes.
Translator and (wannabe) game dev.
Currently curates the CN mod repo.

Mods maintained:


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2021, 10:34:58 AM »

Thought I should take the initative...

Right, so here it is. As it says on the tin, this is a thread that is for collating the various mods from Starsector's Chinese community ( that are available for translation, as well as the status of translation for those mods. With Approlight and Polaris existing here for a while as well as the continued queries from the Discord, there's clearly an interest in more of what comes from the creative minds across the language barrier. As such, this thread should help collate and organize future efforts for translation, so that we may all benefit in the future.

Mods that have been translated and being maintained
Modder: Originem
Translator: [?] - the translator is currently unidentified
Source Link:
Forum Link:
Notes: Originem is requesting some help with additional translations, any interested should contact him.


Polaris Prime
Modder: AnyIDElse
Translator: Scarlet-MagicianX26
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Idoneus Citadel Exiles
Modder: AnyIDElse/Sundog
Translator: Scarlet-MagicianX26
Source Link:
Forum Link:


Mods that are currently undergoing translation
Foundation of Borken
Modder: Originem
Translator: Scarlet-MagicianX26
Source Link:
Notes: This is the 0.9.1a version that has been Chinese-only for a while, as compared to the out of date 0.9.0 version currently available on the main index.


Mods that have been requested and have been approved for translation
Empty for now!


Mods that are restricted from translation
ShanHai - (that one glowy Onslaught that keeps popping up on the Discord)
Modder: Eniac79A
Source Link:
Reason: Modder is MIA, permission cannot be sought.


Kantech Terraform Association
Modder: AnyIDElse
Source Link:
Reason: Mod is undergoing rework and hence Modder has requested that it not be translated until its ready (will be handled by Scarlet-MagicianX26)


Modder: ValkyriaL, Originem
Source Link:
Reason: Original modder (ValkyriaL) has requested for their mod to not be updated for the English version.


---| How this Works |--

Basically, if you see a mod on Fossic that catches your fancy and you would like to see made available in English, reply with the name and link to the mod's thread on Fossic, and I will add it to the list if the mod author agrees to have their content translated. Likewise, if you want to translate an available mod, reply to inform me that you have picked it up and when its done. You can also do this via PM or through Discord.

---| Translation Guidelines |--

There's technically no barriers to entry if you want to start translating, and all are welcome, but if you wish to translate, please keep in mind a few things:
  • Seek the modder's permission first
  • Have a decent enough grasp of English and Chinese
The first is just common courtesy, and you can do so via this thread in the first place. The second is really important, because fundamentally if you are lacking in proficiency in either language you are just going to mangle the translation (Google Translate will not cut it), so please respect the work of the original creators by treating their work with respect. Furthermore, poor translations equal to poor instructions and bad information for the player, which will negatively impact the experience of people who want to experience the mod. No one is asking for professional translations, but please be certain that you can give a satisfactory product at the end if you volunteer.

Useful Links:

Hi! I would like to translate Starsector into Spanish and some users told me that the game had been translated into Chinese. Could you give me more info about it?


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2021, 01:18:54 AM »

Have any Chinese origin mods been translated into English in v95?


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Re: Chinese Mods Translation Repository and Request Thread
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2021, 07:00:08 AM »

is fsf any where close to being ready for translation?
Unfortunately no - in fact, I just got approval to translate it today (the underlying code is done, but sprites and graphics are still a WIP, so I can get translation efforts working on it now).

As for other updates - unfortunately, a good chunk of Chinese mods have yet to be updated for 0.95, so translation work will remain halted until time comes.

any news?
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward
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