it makes consumers mad, it makes them question your motives, it makes them question your dedication and discipline. Investors would avoid this model because there would be no return. People who may otherwise love the game would abandon it because readily fixable problems are not dealt with in what could only be described as a reasonable time frame.
From this thread alone we can see how this argument does not hold water at all. Sure there are a few malcontents (somewhat understandably), but there are more people that are very much eager to reply with how happy they are with the pace of development, and a vast silent majority that probably doesn't mind or care either way.
I'm not defending what he said, but the thing you said doesn't make much sense to me either. We're on a forum for one specific game, where you have to go through the effort of making an account, again just to talk about only one game. So naturally a huge part of us here love the game and will defend it pretty much always. Yeah someone can be really mad or have some issues, so they also might want to say something here, but the truth is that the majority just doesn't care / has time to engage in forum talk, they just play the game, or in some cases, leave it and go do something else. For example if I wasn't satisfied with a game and how the devs handle it, guess what, I'd just move on, I wouldn't make an account just to say "yeah this ain't gonna do chief, speed it up". Not everyone has that mentality, but I sure as hell know most people wouldn't bother complaining for a game they don't care about.
Which brings me back to your claim that most people in this thread are saying they're fine with waiting and defend the devs / game itself. If this wasn't the case (either here or someplace else), then something is very wrong.
EDIT: And that's not even mentioning the fact that "controversial" posts get more replies that are contrary to the OP, it's just easier to respond to something you disagree with than go and reply "yeah me too", which is actually against forum rules here (so people just nod at the screen and move on). Just look at any Conquest thread.