Disclaimer of the highest order: This update is 100% Peer reviewed and certified NOT Save comp. Don't blame me for breaking your savesHuge update, Additions/Reworks/Removal of Ships and fighters and that one weapon that I forgot existed.
Additions: 1 Remnant Cruiser, New Arms for the LG Cetan and Motorhead
Reworked: Nearly everything has been touched and changed, Major reworks include: Dag and Knifeclaw,Lanius,Spectre and Shadow and Mini Trident.
New Sprites: Zagreus (Mostly Touch ups)/Thanatos/Quant/Scattershot
Nerfs to the Cetan, System has been changed to not use charges. Nerfs to the Mark 9 Arm and some changes to Mirv arm burst delay.
Nerfed Lanius mount types to be a bit less god of all trades.
Made Heavy armor and RSC not built into the Motorhead.
A Special thing has been added to the Pilotable Vic Viper.
Visual Change to the Transam Ship system
Removed: Zeta/Foreshadow/Mojeanu mk2/Bazaar Falcon (Normal)/Aethon(All of them)/Libera/Thunderbolt/Tridentalter/Etc
Let me know if you have any feedback