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Author Topic: [0.97a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.6.3a  (Read 502668 times)

Soviet Tom Bombadil

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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #315 on: May 21, 2023, 12:30:13 PM »

this is another one of those mods where I didn't realize how central it was to my play experience until it was unavailable.  I miss my space furries  genetically modified recombinant trans-humans.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #316 on: May 22, 2023, 01:03:36 PM »

The work continues, so here are some spoilers for the upcoming stuff.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 02:03:28 PM by Astarat »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #317 on: May 22, 2023, 02:14:50 PM »

The work continues, so here are some spoilers for the upcoming stuff.

I imagine this will give UAF point defense a run for its money. Very gnarly, looking forward to it.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #318 on: May 25, 2023, 09:31:08 PM »

Give me the dakka!

And the hatifs... I miss those!  And the burst missile thing is such a useful stand-in for a well-tuned build.  Makes any ship threatening enough the opposition doesn't just go nose to nose and kill it every time!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #319 on: May 27, 2023, 01:39:35 PM »

My apologies in advance if this isn't the place to ask but how well does VIC fit in with vanilla in terms of power level?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #320 on: May 27, 2023, 03:26:51 PM »

I'd say the average power level is above vanilla but vanilla has some things which are insane so I'd say it is fine(looking at some of the vanilla phase ships... >_>).
The heavy fighter, the new missle cruiser, the reloading missles, the general mobility and decent flux dissipation makes VIC imo punch above vanilla, but once for example some vanilla redacted or vanilla phase ships enter the chat.... It's fine, the mod is &%$!ing awesome. Did I mention I love the mod community? The SS mod community is awesome!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #321 on: May 27, 2023, 03:47:55 PM »

I'd say the average power level is above vanilla but vanilla has some things which are insane so I'd say it is fine(looking at some of the vanilla phase ships... >_>).
The heavy fighter, the new missle cruiser, the reloading missles, the general mobility and decent flux dissipation makes VIC imo punch above vanilla, but once for example some vanilla redacted or vanilla phase ships enter the chat.... It's fine, the mod is &%$!ing awesome. Did I mention I love the mod community? The SS mod community is awesome!

Yeah, I've been so impressed with the mod community for this game too!

How do you think VIC compares to mods like Scalartech Solutions, Apex Design Collective, Interstellar Imperium or Diable Avionics?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #322 on: May 27, 2023, 04:32:00 PM »

My apologies in advance if this isn't the place to ask but how well does VIC fit in with vanilla in terms of power level?
Generally it fits pretty well, though their stuff tends to be tuned more towards the stronger end of vanilla ships and weapons. (Which is pretty normal for well-balanced mods; most modders don't want to add stuff that's worse than the best vanilla options.)

How do you think VIC compares to mods like Scalartech Solutions, Apex Design Collective, Interstellar Imperium or Diable Avionics?
All of these mods are on about the same level of balance vs vanilla. Imperium and Scalartech tend to be more solidly in line with vanilla (all their ships and weapons are at least as good as the vanilla average, without really anything above and beyond the strongest vanilla options). Apex, Diable, and VIC have some things that are a bit above vanilla power levels, but are generally still balanced by their cost in flux, OP, or DP. Diable has very strong heavy fighters, Apex has very good slot layouts and durability, VIC has very fast ships with good flux dissipation.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #323 on: May 27, 2023, 08:11:25 PM »

My apologies in advance if this isn't the place to ask but how well does VIC fit in with vanilla in terms of power level?
Generally it fits pretty well, though their stuff tends to be tuned more towards the stronger end of vanilla ships and weapons. (Which is pretty normal for well-balanced mods; most modders don't want to add stuff that's worse than the best vanilla options.)

How do you think VIC compares to mods like Scalartech Solutions, Apex Design Collective, Interstellar Imperium or Diable Avionics?
All of these mods are on about the same level of balance vs vanilla. Imperium and Scalartech tend to be more solidly in line with vanilla (all their ships and weapons are at least as good as the vanilla average, without really anything above and beyond the strongest vanilla options). Apex, Diable, and VIC have some things that are a bit above vanilla power levels, but are generally still balanced by their cost in flux, OP, or DP. Diable has very strong heavy fighters, Apex has very good slot layouts and durability, VIC has very fast ships with good flux dissipation.

Thanks for weighing in!  I tend to prefer the power levels not too much above vanilla at maximum but I love having a huge selection of ships and equipment so I tend to go heavy with mods that add those.

Off-topic but you have any interest in making a Covert Ops Incursion for your High Tech Expansion mod?  Or would that be a bit too obscene?    ;D


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #324 on: May 27, 2023, 11:58:54 PM »

Praise the OT:
More or less what theDragn says.

>How do you think VIC compares to mods like Scalartech Solutions, Apex Design Collective, Interstellar Imperium or Diable Avionics?
I don't recall the power level of Interstellar Imperium, but I think all of them are above the average power level of vanilla.

Remember vanilla has things like Dooms and Monitors and other stuff which breaks the power scale imo.
Apex with "Apex dampers" + repairing remote armour patches is nuts, Scalartech is your mobile, shield efficient, high flux dissipation high tech ship stuff which is the superior doctrine imo and I love high tech.

Without much testing and knowledge of the current balance state of the mods I'd say Scalartech and and Diable are somewhat closer to the average vanilla power level while Apex and VIC are stronger on average compared to vanilla, dunno about Interstellar Imperium. Note that I personally prefer high tech and also think it is stronger (muh mobility :D)  so in my eyes that elevates Scalartechs power level for me but I am not sure the armour brick low tech boys will agree with me.

Excellent Dakka brigade armour tonks also above average vanilla power level:
Me like despite being a high tech simp. Also them logistics ships hnnnng!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2023, 12:03:26 AM by Dadada »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #325 on: May 28, 2023, 01:35:42 AM »

There are quite some balance changes planned for the next update, which, hopefully, will trim the most outlying things in the mod as of now (some missiles and fighters are still too bonkers, and a couple of hullmods are overperforming because of bad design choices of the past). All in all, I'd say so far we've been okay at keeping things sane balance-wise, buuuut we do tend to release stuff above the red line which we then have to fine-tune when people (and, consequentially, we, the authors) inevitably realise the true strength behind the new additions, heh.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #326 on: May 28, 2023, 02:19:10 AM »

Will the fire rate mod go? ;_; good bye sweet prince? Q.Q <_< I hope a significant downside will keep the fire rate mod in VIC.

I really love the 25OP Asmoday fighter but I still think it is too strong. I also love the Syntaxis from whatever mod for the same OP (>_> not gonna look that one up despite havin' the whichmod mod since starting 0.95.1 with 200 mods takes ages), Synataxis has like 2 drones with 400 armour and 2 0.95 mining blasters which is absolutely insane, I hope we get to keep that one as a unique for 40OP... <- Syntaxis would be still too strong for 40OP but if there are only 1 or 2 LPCs in the sector...

The new missile cruiser for 20-30 DP (don't remember the amount) is a beast, I fear the nerf hammer will obliterate it. ;_;

The triangle for 30 or 27(?) DP feels really good, I did not do any testing with it recently but it felt balanced and nice to have options like fortress config etc. 10/10 would VIC again

Thank you for the Mod!
Also thank theDragn for his Mods!

E: The new-ish reloading missles are all too stronk I think. I really like the armour bonker (Hailif or Hungruf or something?) and the swarmers, I actually like them all.
E2: added and fix'd
E3: fix'd, mixed up OP/DP
« Last Edit: May 28, 2023, 02:48:13 AM by Dadada »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #327 on: May 28, 2023, 02:22:43 AM »

Will the fire rate mod go? ;_; good bye sweet prince? Q.Q <_< I hope a significant downside will keep the fire rate mod in VIC.
No, that one is actually fine. It's the Fortress Protocol and Shturm Protocol that are overperforming at the moment and will see some nerfs.

Glad that you're enjoying the mod!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #328 on: May 28, 2023, 02:39:10 AM »


Also thank PureTilt!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Volkov Industrial Conglomerate 1.5.8a
« Reply #329 on: June 15, 2023, 02:50:47 PM »

hello community of brave space farers =)
please check the download links - they do not work ATM.
Thanks again for the awesome mod. I love its guns the most.
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