I think I found my favourite ships composition in fight. I mean One Paragon and 6 Doom's. First time I was playing with Doom I really didn't like him. But for some time i think Mines spam is soo good. If for example REDACTED Capital ship have big flux then he is instantly avaporated. This is beutifull even fighters have no chance. Load out is pretty standard for Doom Like Reapers hammers and max flux capacity and expanded missle racks. Paragon is more punchy then classic Paragon. He have 4 Tachyon Lance, 2 heavy niddler and 4 salamander. To defance I use 2 burst laser and full flux and vent. I love sound of Doom spawning mines it is just killing everything. They are a bit sloppy but If enemy die quickly then they cant hurt themselves.
Other thing is that they can phase thrue disabled ships.
Sorry for english I am trying not to use translator hah