Just got my first cargo delivery mission requiring more cargo space than my fleet has. 1800 units of cargo when my already logistics-focussed fleet can hold a max of 1270. If I buy the available Colossus I still will not have enough space left over for the Supplies I'm carrying, and the open market cost of the ship...is actually only ~65K, and I can Story Point the payout of the mission up to 168K (from 112K, for the record). Yes, that's something you can do with story points, at 100% bonus xp: Increase the payout of delivery missions.
...I don't have Augmented Drive Field yet, so that's a definite nope, but aside I'm hopeful. I'll have to play with it more, see the mechanic in action in more situations, but either way I am loving that story point option. And story points in general, really
What impresses me less so far is skills, since to me some definitely seem more...not "mandatory", but utterly outclassing their counterpart to the point where it's not a contest. Navigation vs. Sensors is not even close, for starters. Bulk Transport vs. Salvaging seems to be the same, though I might be misreading what the former actually does? I can understand the different playstyles options, like Flux Regulation is a no-brainer if you're not using phase ships and less so if you do, but I can't imagine a scenario where Sensors would be a sensible first pick.
Incidentally, I've found a habitable planet (moon?) in the core, Livueta in Kumari Kandam, map seed MN-6593263186804071588. Not sure if that's intended? It seems to be the only one, so not sure if it's story-related or something.