I like this mod a lot, but I've run into a bit of an issue with the travel drive. For some reason, some ships (so far, my piloted Centa (but not an unpiloted one, somehow) and an Emerillon) retain far too much of their speed when they come out of the travel drive and slow down far too slowly, which causes them to overshoot the rest of the formation by a long shot. I've learned to raise shields and hold W or S as soon as I can with my Centa so I merely end up about a few ships' lengths ahead of where I should be, since that significantly increases the braking speed, because otherwise I've had situations where I've ended up quite literally at point blank range of an enemy formation (at least in small engagements) in maybe two seconds and my ship dies almost immediately. The Emerillon also seems to happily overshoot, and I think I might have also seen the speed-up bug that was talked about a few pages back, since it seems to turn and change heading far faster than it should when coming out of travel drive, but I hadn't taken much notice of it until I read about the bug so I can't say more about that. Another weird issue with the Emerillon is that sometimes it won't render properly, appearing almost transparent, as if it's in phase, but the problem with that is that it only happens some of the time and I have no idea what the common factors are yet. Otherwise, this is a great mod and I'm enjoying it very much.