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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.96a-RC10] The Star Federation v0.99-RC5 - Inspired by FTL (5/23/23)  (Read 387496 times)


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Hey kids, remember that silly little game called FTL: Faster than Light? Now you can play a Starsectortm mod that is vaguely modeled after said popular franchise!

The Star Federation sought the same thing many other rebels wanted: freedom from the Domain of Man's brutal and ambitious rule. Somehow coming upon the means of an alternate method of FTL travel, the nascent polity survived numerous Domain assaults using a network of "dark" colonies only accessible via their exclusive jump-drive. All was for naught when their warp beacons fell as dead in the gates, making it pointless to try and reach their once invaluable allies.

Suffering the same fate as all outer-periphery worlds, the Federation has all but rotted away in the Sector's dire state. You can visit them in their lonesome star system Octavia VIII, located roughly north of the core systems!

Often, Star Federation ships generally have:
+ Average to impressive weapon mounts
+ Specialized hulls with high performance
+ Secondary shields on capital-class ships

However, their technology isn't perfect:
- Fewer PD mounts, mostly energy-based
- Shield arc shrinks as hard-flux increases
- Poor durability, but with a few exceptions

Reach 25 Reputation with the Star Federation to be assigned a most important mission. It is given in secret through an unofficial bounty board, located in any Star Federation bar.
"Classified Information: Anomolus Hyperwave-Emitting Entity"

RECOMMENDED: Lazywizard's Version Checker mod. Click HERE to download Version Checker

REQUIRED: MagicLib. Click HERE to download MagicLib

REQUIRED: LazyLib. Click HERE to download LazyLib

NOT SAVE COMPATIBLE with previous Star Federation versions!
WILL BE ADDED TO EXISTING non-Star Federation saves!

Click the image to download! 0.99 RC5 as of May 23rd 2023.
Alternate Download via Google Drive

Special Thanks!
Starsector Unofficial Discord............... for their patience
MesoTronik................. for missions, sounds, and advice
Histidine....................... for mission code, and code help
Avanita................................. for playtesting and advice
Dark.Revenant......................................... for code help
Tartiflette............................. for code and backgrounds
Ben Prunty........................ for faction interaction music
FlyingFlip...................................... for sprite assistance
Soren................................ advice and new faction flag
Techpriest............................................. for coding help
TheSoldier........................................... for proofreading
Nia Tahl................................................. for coding help
CABLES............................................... for proofreading
Matt Damon (discord)............................ for coding help
SirBucketKicker.............. for playtesting and coding help
And probably many more!



-Added custom relation texts in the campaign

-Shortened planetary descriptions and docking prompts

-Legion (SF) should actually appear as a derelict in new games
   -Can still be a historian BP drop in saves using RC4
   -Stoopid fishe

-Federation Construction
   -Shield arc losses from 50/60/80/65% -> 45/50/55/60%
   -Weapon RoF changer no longer affects missiles
   -Removed debug floating-texts on disabled engines

-Probably some other things I forgot


-Legion (SF)
   -Reduced armor from 1550 -> 1400
   -Increased flux dissipation from 550-> 750
   -Increased flux capacity to 12000(?) -> 16000

-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Trying to make it feel more tanky, but still mobile enough
   -Armor/hull increased to 1400/12500 respectively (about 20%)
   -Speed reduced from 60 -> 50
   -Increased shield efficiency from 0.9 -> 0.8
   -Increased flux capacity to 17000
   -Interdictor Array base range increased from 1000 to 1200

-Rebellion-class Battleship
   -Gained Missile Micro-replicator hullmod
   -Power Surge range increased from 1000 -> 1500

-Mod Rebellion-class Battleship
   -Large ballistic turrets changed to energy
   -Lost Heavy Ballistics Integration hullmod
   -Gained Integrated Burst Capactiors hullmod
   -Gained Missile Micro-replicator hullmod
   -Power Surge range increased from 1000 -> 1500

-Kestrel-class Cruiser
   -4 frontal small energies changed to ballistic
   -Universal mediums changed to ballistic
   -Flux dissipation increased from 550 -> 600
   -Removed Missile Microforge hullmod
   -Armor increased from 800 -> 1000
   -Hull increased from 7000 -> 10000
   -Armored Prow reflects changes to durability
   -Increased shield efficiency from 1 -> 0.9
   -Added Missile Autoloader hullmod
   -Added a rear small hybrid turret

-Nesasio-class Infiltrator
   -Sprite updated
   -Added one small energy mount replacing front coil
   -Changed small hardpoints from universals to missiles

-Cormorant-class Bomber Destroyer
   -Central ballistic turret is now Composite
   -Added Missile Micro-replicator hullmod.


-Red Drum launcher
   -Fires 3 shots, 1000 damage each
   -Changed sprite to reflect this

-Barracuda Torpedo Launcher
   -Damage changed from frag to energy
   -Torpedo acceleration increased from 25 to 150

-Hull Beam I, II
   -Decreased flux/damage ratio from ~0.9 -> ~0.4

-Most missiles
   -Increased HP to ~400


-Patched for Starsector update 0.96a
-Complied with MagicLib filename changes
-Minor stat adjustments here and there, nothing too big
-Definitely forgot some other minor things
-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Sprite updated, mounts mostly the same
   -Speed actually increased to 60
   -Shield efficiency increased from 1.1 -> 0.9
   -Interdictor system no longer affects fighters

-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Speed reduced from 70 -> 60
   -OP reduced from 300 -> 280
   -Capacity reduced from 20000 to 18000
-Union-class Battlecruiser
   -Changed mounts, only small energies are in plenty!
   -OP reduced from 285 -> 275
   -Hull/armor increased to 11000/1100
   -Deja vu?
-Resolute-class Battleship
   -Fixed an HE invulnerability bug
-Calvacade-class Battlecarrier
   -Speed increased from 45 -> 50
-Osprey-class Crusier
   -Shield efficiency reduced from 0.7 -> 0.8

-Hull Beam (all sizes)
   -Increased HE arc damage by 25%
-Glaive/Halberd Beam
   -Damage increased by ~10% all around
   -EMP component re-added
-Ion Flooder
   -Range reduced from 800 -> 750
   -Flux/shot 700 -> 880
-Artemis Array
   -Increased ammo to 32
   -Reduced cooldown to 6 seconds
-Artemis Launcher
   -Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds
   -Reduced damage by 25%
-Light Overcharger
   -Flux and damage nerfed by 10%
   -Gains like 5% more ammo/second wow


-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Increased speed from 60 -> 70,
   -Accel/decel increased from ~25% to ~40% of top speed/sec
   -Shield upkeep reduced from 0.4->0.3
   -Increased HP/Armor from 10000/1100 -> 12000/1200
-Union-class Battlecarrier
   -Dissipation reduced from 750 -> 700
   -Shield upkeep reduced from 0.4 -> 0.3
   -Shield efficiency increased 0.8 -> 0.7
   -Shield arc changed from 300 Frontal to 180 Omni
   -Weapon arcs changed to prefer a broadside
-Resolute-class Battleship
   -Fixed Auxiliary shield not removing HE resistence debuff
   -Dissipation increased from 650 -> 700
-Osprey-class Cruiser
   -Increased dissipation from 750 -> 800
   -Increased shield efficiency from 0.8 -> 0.7
-Jager-class Crusier
   -Fixed spelling error that prevented ZOLTAN shield effects
   -Added Federation Construction hullmod (oops)
   -Added Integrated Burst Capacitors
   -Added Integrated Burst Capacitors
   -Added Integrated Burst Capacitors

-Interdictor Device
   -Added charges, second charge unlocks with System Expertise
   -Recharge rate slowed to 1 per 20 seconds (previously 1 per 16)

-Volley Fire shipsystem
   -Uptime reduced from 5 to 1.5
   -Cooldown increase from 14 -> 17.5

-Mooneye MRM missiles
   -HP reduced to 100/missile
   -Ammo counts reduced by roughly 20% or more.
-Dace MRM missiles
   -HP reduced to 200/missile
   -Ammo counts reduced by roughly 15% or more.
-Artemis torpedoes
   -Reduced ammo by one volley per launcher.


-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Improved with custom Interdictor Device ship system
      -Custom EMP arcs come from emitters on ship
      -Should work more consistently than vanilla Interdictor
      -Fires out 2x2000 and 2x1000 EMP arcs at things that have no engines
-Jager-class Cruiser
   -Granted ZOLTAN shield module
   -Removed ECM hullmod
   -Added missing turret points on the sprite
-Additional descriptions fixed

=======PREVIEW 4=========

-Truly resolved the semi-rare "alpha" crash, thanks to SirBucketKicker on discord!

   -Adjusted many stats all around now that they have "bad" shields
-Rebellion-class Battleship
   -Increased projectiles from 180 -> 200 min, 360 -> 400 max
   -System overload infliction increased from 0 -> 4 sec min, 10 -> 12 sec max
-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
   -Speed increased to 60
   -System is now "Interdictor Array" to help pin down enemy ships
   -Removed built in Devastator, reverted to additional large energy mount
-Coordinated Strike system
   -Allowed zero-flux boost to function during system activation.
-Micromissile Forge system
   -Timers now need missing ammo to count down
   -Each timer only checks ammo counts for the missile damage range it affects
   -The 20% replenishment effect now uses base ammo, not modified ammo.
   -Greatly increased recoil stats on the main weapons
   -Gave ~20% more flux stats overall
   -DP from 16 -> 18.
-Description/text changes continued
-As always, probably some more stuff slipped by

=======PREVIEW 3=========

-Properly redid shield color changes, value precautions are not relied upon.
-Fixed Jager shipsystem not removing buffs
-Fixed superbright shields for all Federation ships
-Nerfed Glaive beam w/ slightly higher flux generation
-Increased duration of all Hull beams by 0.2 seconds
-Increased cooldown of Ion Flooder by 0.7 seconds
-Maybe some other changes, but mostly focused on the shield crash.

=======PREVIEW 2=========

-Buffed Union shields from 1.0 to 0.8
-Fiddled with shield code, hopefully solves the bad RGB thing.
   -Never happens to me...! :(
-Now uses JRE7 (icky gross)
-Maybe some other things I forgot?

   -Added several new missile weapons, poor tracking but funny arcing damage.
      -Mooneye MRM - kinetic missile in S/M/L.
      -Dace MRM - HE missile with a minor HE arc effect in S/M.
            -Barracuda - Slow frag torpedo with big shock. BEEG SHOCK FOR MADAME.
      -Red Drum - HE torp, superheavy Dace kinda?
      -Swarm Battery got stronger but has limited ammo.

   -Beam changes, nerfs
      -Hull beams are frag with HE arcs
      -Glaive/Halberd damage nerfs, now pierce small things
      -New sounds all around
   -Removed a lot of itty bitty EMP values floating around various weapons.


   -Wayyy too many changes overall
      -Balances, revisions, ect. Some notable ones below.
   -Resolute got big guns, big armor, big slow.
   -Accordant got wings clipped
   -Rebellion got slightly nerfed ship system
   -Perserverance got huge buff in nearly every department, costs more DP.
   -Major Jager rework, new missile buffing ship system

   -Fleet and ZOLTAN shields now give ships immunity to most damage
      -A green glow appears when a ship is "protected"

   -Federation station got more modules overall, variant work done.

   -Hopefully frigates seem better while everything else is moving sideways at most.

   -Federation Design got a tooltip fancy overhaul
      -Provides modest 100 range bonus to energy weapons
      -Provides Cruise Engines to all ships
   -Heavy Burst Capacitors/Integrated Burst Capacitors
      -No longer provides range
      -Chunky 30% more damage, -30% firerate.

   -Huge description update in progress
      -Many thanks to friendly USC folks like CABLES and Wisp for editing help!
   -Scaria has a custom sprite, is terran eccentric
   -New weapon sounds sourced and modified from Muse, as per terms of use.
   -I probably forgor (skull emoji)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 10:17:29 PM by FasterThanSleepyfish »


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 08:44:18 AM »


I played FTL for years and years before discovering Starsector. I am immensely excited to see this.

Admittedly, I played FTL Captain's Edition for so long that I no longer remember what's Vanilla FTL and what's not. So, question then; will you be doing any of the stuff from CE?


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2020, 08:54:10 AM »

That's a really impressive homage to FTL! You put a lot of effort on bringing in the special features of the game in Starsector!


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2020, 08:58:08 AM »

Pirate versions! We need pirate versions of those!
I dislike human beings... or I just do not know how to cook them well.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2020, 10:17:29 AM »



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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2020, 11:17:43 AM »

Alex doesn't tweet releases of any old regular mods. It's nice to see you publish something at last.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2020, 01:03:10 PM »

Alex doesn't tweet releases of any old regular mods. It's nice to see you publish something at last.
Oh no, the state of things! Scrambles for broom and dustpan!

That's a really impressive homage to FTL! You put a lot of effort on bringing in the special features of the game in Starsector!
Ah, thanks! Just don't tell anyone I only play FTL on easy...

Pirate versions! We need pirate versions of those!
Y'arrr, parrr-haps. Purple paintjobs and ammofeeders unite?


I played FTL for years and years before discovering Starsector. I am immensely excited to see this.

Admittedly, I played FTL Captain's Edition for so long that I no longer remember what's Vanilla FTL and what's not. So, question then; will you be doing any of the stuff from CE?
I was thinking about snatching a little shuttlecraft from a different mod to fill out the frigate roster. But those CE designs do seem somewhat interesting! We'll see!

Harmful Mechanic

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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2020, 01:29:12 PM »

Really glad to see this finally leave the nest. Looks great; I love the way you translated FTL's designs and mechanics into Starsector.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2020, 03:37:51 PM »

Few things I noticed:
The stations this mod adds have absurdly large icons on the minimap for some reason. Not like its a problem or anything but just thought it was weird.
The Flak 1, or Light Scrapshot is classified as a medium weapon instead of small which is weird since its name, id and firing sound id "fed_flaksmall_fire" implies that this weapon is meant to be a small weapon.
The Pike Beam's description says Glaive Beam instead of Pike Beam.
There is already a Buzzard-class frigate in the Kadur Remnant mod. Unless "Buzzard" is the official name for the Federation Bomber it is based on, I think you should change it.
The Defense drone MKIIs sound like flak cannons when they fire. I'm pretty sure they sounded more like pew pew.
And finally the Federation lacks a faction description but you are probably aware of this yes?

Some shield ideas:
How about adding an effect to the Federation hullmod that would make shields unfold nearly instantly to kinda mimic FTL shields? Would it be too powerful? Multiplying shield unfold rate by 9999f(%) or some higher number got the bubble shield style going.
How about making zoltan shields bigger than normal shields? Zoltan shields deplete first in FTL. Some ships don't have 360 degree zoltan shields so maybe only for the flagship?


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2020, 05:04:47 PM »

Few things I noticed:
The stations this mod adds have absurdly large icons on the minimap for some reason. Not like its a problem or anything but just thought it was weird.
The Flak 1, or Light Scrapshot is classified as a medium weapon instead of small which is weird since its name, id and firing sound id "fed_flaksmall_fire" implies that this weapon is meant to be a small weapon.
The Pike Beam's description says Glaive Beam instead of Pike Beam.
There is already a Buzzard-class frigate in the Kadur Remnant mod. Unless "Buzzard" is the official name for the Federation Bomber it is based on, I think you should change it.
The Defense drone MKIIs sound like flak cannons when they fire. I'm pretty sure they sounded more like pew pew.
And finally the Federation lacks a faction description but you are probably aware of this yes?

Some shield ideas:
How about adding an effect to the Federation hullmod that would make shields unfold nearly instantly to kinda mimic FTL shields? Would it be too powerful? Multiplying shield unfold rate by 9999f(%) or some higher number got the bubble shield style going.
How about making zoltan shields bigger than normal shields? Zoltan shields deplete first in FTL. Some ships don't have 360 degree zoltan shields so maybe only for the flagship?
Ack, file peeker! Well, I'm gonna pull a "early access" mulligan here and say yes, things are rough around the edges.
  • The Pike Beam is very much unfinished if you couldn't tell by the "tachlance" fire sound effect.
  • The Buzzard sharing a name with Kadur, that's good to know.
  • The Light Scrapshot is supposed to be a medium, more like a sidegrade heavy autocannon. Heavy scrapshot is what you want if you need to break thick shields, but is much less effective versus small targets compared to the Light Scrapshot's tight dispersion.
  • Drone PD sfx are on the way!
  • I learned that tuning shields to deploy super fast unfortunately causes some graphical glitches.
  • Zoltan Shields are outside in FTL, true, but I think spending 90% of the battle listening to overload sounds and watching your ship sparkle with green arcs is a bit irritating. It also doesn't protect against torpedoes for engine reasons, so you'd get splashed for double the HE damage on your main shields.
I am also fixing other things like informative hullmods and filling out missing descriptions. I should get integration with Nexerelin done in the next update as well. Shoddy state aside, I wanted to get this out there because it'd be a better way to get balance feedback, and I have been sitting on it for a rather long time.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2020, 06:18:57 PM »

  • I learned that tuning shields to deploy super fast unfortunately causes some graphical glitches.
  • Zoltan Shields are outside in FTL, true, but I think spending 90% of the battle listening to overload sounds and watching your ship sparkle with green arcs is a bit irritating. It also doesn't protect against torpedoes for engine reasons, so you'd get splashed for double the HE damage on your main shields.

I am also fixing other things like informative hullmods and filling out missing descriptions. I should get integration with Nexerelin done in the next update as well. Shoddy state aside, I wanted to get this out there because it'd be a better way to get balance feedback, and I have been sitting on it for a rather long time.
Glad you decided to release it then, was wondering why nobody made a FTL mod yet...
And speaking of nexerelin, are faction relationships final? Just asking because the luddites may not like the ENGICores...


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2020, 08:34:26 AM »

Y'arrr, parrr-haps. Purple paintjobs and ammofeeders unite?

Ya! And a space Cthulhu icon, if possible.
I dislike human beings... or I just do not know how to cook them well.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2020, 09:28:04 AM »

Very nice, beautiful looking ships there.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2020, 09:38:26 AM »

So if this is for the federations ships, and I guess the rebels as they just use recoloured versions of these ships.

Any chances for the other peoples/factions ships for the independents to use?
Sunders are the best ship in the game.


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Re: [0.9.1a] The Star Federation (Based on FTL) - v0.5
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2020, 10:10:12 AM »

So if this is for the federations ships, and I guess the rebels as they just use recoloured versions of these ships.

Any chances for the other peoples/factions ships for the independents to use?

I guess the Slugs ships could be added to the Smugglers/Tri-Tachyon (ships with phase + ECM), while Mantis could be added to the pirates?
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