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Author Topic: So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system  (Read 2631 times)

Totally NotSpacePabloEsca

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So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system
« on: September 20, 2020, 04:43:33 PM »

What do I do now? I managed to get the colony fully developed with the [REDACTED] fighting all my battles for me.

Do I leave the [REDACTED] ??? They just smashed my starfortress. I'm building an orbital station to put industry on, from the terraforming mod, will the [REDACTED] smash it all the time?

Is it worthwhile to just leave them alone and let them keep smashing all the expeditions against the colony???


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Re: So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2020, 05:23:46 PM »

in MY OPINION is unwise to build a colony in a REDACTED system, is better to leave the stations alive so you can farm ai cores and wings, but since you already build on it, i would say to let them last as long as you can, let them kill your enemys for you.

but that is just MY OPINION.


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Re: So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2020, 09:47:01 PM »

There are more reasons to let them live:

1. They won't hurt your colonies. At least they shouldn't. Very biggest problem they cause - trade convoy disruptions.
2. AI core farming is never that easy, than in your own colonized system, as patrols and star fortresses would help you in battles and it's always a place to repair/refit/resupply/store loot.

Just make sure your patrols overcome in strength [REDACTED] patrols and try evading personal battles near the Nexus (not to destroy it accidentally).
I dislike human beings... or I just do not know how to cook them well.


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Re: So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2020, 05:23:58 AM »

Its quite wise to build a starfortess in Remnant space, but you shouldn't build the patrol hq to make sure they follow you to your fortress.
A Hightech starfortess and a single Paragon are more than enough to kill multiple Ordos in one battle though multiple smaller battles should be preferred.
A single battle yields between 0.5 to 2.0 million credits in AI cores.
As you can freely disengage next to an allied starbase, you can use this to keep most Ordos "standing down" while only fighting with one or two of them though all would be in range.


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Re: So I started my colony in a high threat [REDACTED] system
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2020, 08:44:33 AM »

Its quite wise to build a starfortess in Remnant space, but you shouldn't build the patrol hq to make sure they follow you to your fortress.

I'll be damned, building a Starfortress in a Remnant Sector gives you enough of an advantage to mothball the Drovers. Something to add is:
  • If you approach the Remnant fleet before they can reach the Starfortress, it'll count as "Remnants attack you, Starfortress helps out" so in my experience, the Remnants are attacking your ships more aggressively.
  • If you approach the Remnant fleet after it has already begun attacking your Starfortress, it'll obviously count as "You are helping your Startfortress, which is getting attacked by the Remnant fleet" so they're going to attack the Starfortress more aggressively. This goes as far as having a Brilliant try to push you aside as it holds fire if you're directly between them and the Starfortress.
  • If you've built a Patrol HQ or if there is some trader that's crazy enough to stick around in a red sector, you joining the fight will count as "The Starfortress is getting attacked by Remnants and a patrol or some random traders are helping. You are joining an ongoing battle!". Even if that trader fleet or patrol is baaarely in the range of joining the battle or hasn't even moved towards the Remnant fleet.
    This means you'll drop in waayyyy to the bottom of the map and the Starfortress will take unnecessary damage. Sure, it's a friggin Starfortress, but if it has three Radiants hugging it closely, there can be a few bits that come off.