hi youve made a really nice mod
i was playing a new game and went to battle a bounty pirate, but whenever i beat them in combat, the game crashes mentioning this:
- Creating streaming player for music with id [The_Battle_Of_Endor_I.ogg]
129367 [Thread-9] INFO sound.H - Playing music with id [The_Battle_Of_Endor_I.ogg]
129786 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.fs.starfarer.String.L.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain$3.playSound(Unknown Source)
at data.scripts.plugins.SWVoiceLines.advance(SWVoiceLines.java:96)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.Object.for$Oo.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.super.new.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
i hear the music and everything seems to be working fine so far with trading, flying, shooting etc, but looking that swvoicelines.java file, all i can see is it mentions this:
if (engine.isEnemyInFullRetreat() && !EnemyFullRetreatSoundPlayed && !EnemyDefeatedSoundPlayed && enemyFleet.getDeployedCopy().size() == 0) {
EnemyDefeatedSoundPlayed = true;
(it was true i set it to false as a test but still crashed)
but as far as i can tell, those sounds are actually in the mod too but im not a proper coder (i could only just about make a Rimside Recycling mod for rimworld lol)
i searched around a bit and seems there are 2 recent crashes from others regarding this sound file as well, (but they fixed it by removing the mod but id like to continue using your mod
https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18993.msg410686#msg410686if you can help find a fix that will be cool
(am playing with several mods but all are 0.96 compatible as far as i can see)