I wanted to give my feedback on the experience I had.
First I really loved the spaceship combat!
I found a problem with Eclipse ships, it's possible to buy their weapon from an NPC that you sometimes find in the bar and he offers you to build stolen technologies. In the list appears the weapon of the Eclipse ships and I understand that this shouldn't happen.
Another thing about these weapons, there should be some kind of penalty, maybe the ship can't move for a few seconds, the laser should take a while to load and especially the FLUX used should be very high, this weapon simply has no defects. I would even dare to imagine that all the weapons on the ship should stop firing until the laser firing is complete and make the laser last longer, but cause the same damage in a longer period of time.
The fighters I think need some buffs, compared to most mods I see they are almost always inferior, extremely slow, very low health or no shields and so big that most ships hit them even by accident.
I started using other fighters because they had almost no effect on medium and large combats. While the fighters of other mods made a lot of difference.
For example, I see fighters with 800 hull, have shield and are relatively fast while the ships of this mod have 220 hull, no shield and fly slowly.
I believe the behavior also needs some tweaking, they throw themselves at other ships and die. I keep imagining them making a pass and coming back like ships from the movies.
The "shipyard" space station that uses 1 million to build appears to be weaker than the previous version "Gollan III".
I don't know if you've seen that the Remnants space station generates fleets of ships to protect the system, maybe this behavior should also happen on the last level of the station with Republic or Empire ships (Just an idea). That would justify its price.
I think that's all I wish was better.