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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Star Wars 2020 v1.0.4a  (Read 158495 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.9
« Reply #315 on: April 11, 2023, 06:39:12 PM »

I'm getting this error (& crash) after I launch a raid on a Mandalorian held planet for blueprints.
Crash occurs when raiding a Mandalorian planet for blueprints.
Specifically after raiding successfully, and before the loot screen comes up.
I can raid a few times, but I think when I get a specific blueprint it crashes.
That's strange, the hull id and stuff for sw_m12l are correctly inputted in files, shouldn't have an error, I'll run some tests to locate the problem, thanks for reporting the issue.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.9
« Reply #316 on: April 17, 2023, 08:35:58 AM »

I saw you added stuff for that commissioned crews mod so I went to check it out and the descriptions for some of them were off. I tried posting a screenshot but it kept saying the file was too big. Anyways, an example is Black Sun Smuggler Sublight Drive: The ship is outfitted with advanced sublight drive used by Black Sun Smuggler, increases top speed by 5101520 percent depending on hull size.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.9
« Reply #317 on: April 18, 2023, 02:37:19 AM »

I saw you added stuff for that commissioned crews mod so I went to check it out and the descriptions for some of them were off. I tried posting a screenshot but it kept saying the file was too big. Anyways, an example is Black Sun Smuggler Sublight Drive: The ship is outfitted with advanced sublight drive used by Black Sun Smuggler, increases top speed by 5101520 percent depending on hull size.
Oh silly me, I forgot to put slashes between them, it should be 5/10/15/20.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.9
« Reply #318 on: April 18, 2023, 06:46:10 AM »

I saw you added stuff for that commissioned crews mod so I went to check it out and the descriptions for some of them were off. I tried posting a screenshot but it kept saying the file was too big. Anyways, an example is Black Sun Smuggler Sublight Drive: The ship is outfitted with advanced sublight drive used by Black Sun Smuggler, increases top speed by 5101520 percent depending on hull size.
Oh silly me, I forgot to put slashes between them, it should be 5/10/15/20.
that makes a lot more sense and thanks in advance for fixing it!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.9
« Reply #319 on: April 30, 2023, 06:48:37 PM »

I'm getting this error (& crash) after I launch a raid on a Mandalorian held planet for blueprints.
Crash occurs when raiding a Mandalorian planet for blueprints.
Specifically after raiding successfully, and before the loot screen comes up.
I can raid a few times, but I think when I get a specific blueprint it crashes.
Found the problem, turns out the "t" behind the wing will cause the crash, I removed all the t from the wing id and the crash is gone, don't know why. The ship editor will automatically add the "t" to the id when creating a fighter wing and I forgot to remove it. It's fixed in 0.9.10a but it becomes save incompatible, sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #320 on: May 03, 2023, 07:34:50 AM »

how do you get the cumulus class ship?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #321 on: May 07, 2023, 11:08:28 PM »

how do you get the cumulus class ship?
You can find it in the Black Sun faction. I think I'll make it available for Zann Consortium too.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #322 on: May 08, 2023, 03:46:22 PM »

how do you get the cumulus class ship?
You can find it in the Black Sun faction. I think I'll make it available for Zann Consortium too.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #323 on: May 11, 2023, 01:38:41 AM »

I had a question. Would you consider adding a fan ship to a faction? I know of a ship I would personally love to see added to the mod for the New Republic/Rebel Alliance and that ship is the Liberation from the Empire at War, Forces of Corruption mod Awakening of the Rebellion.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #324 on: May 11, 2023, 03:56:28 PM »


I played around a bit in the variant editor to test your ships. I have to all honesty? I have a few things to mention.

the positives:
1: Ship models look good. Good integration of weapons on the sprites.
2: Shield system is a MASSIVE improvement over what I was working with years ago when I was attempting to build this mod
3: Weapons are comprehensive and very well done.
4: Love the way you did fighters. Very good application within the limits of the game.

Now my critiques (WARNING!!! STRICTLY my opinion):
1: Weapon range is FAR too short. The main battery of a MkII ISD should at least match the firing range of an Onslaught. I found it utterly impossible to fight any vanilla ship. the ISD was losing against an Onslaught due to being unable to actually hit the thing.
2: Thrust seems to be a small issue on larger ships. All the SSD variants I tested were pointless. Lack of forward thrust combined with the limited weapon range meant that EVERY ship was able to stay out of range yet still damage me.
3: Scale is a bit wonky? Granted I understand that there are limitations that must be dealt with due to the game engine and physical screen space. I just felt the SSD and other dreadnaught-class ships were not massive enough compared to the more typical line ships. This is a minor point that is more question than critique.

Overall I am impressed with your work. It just doesn't quite have the right feel to me. I am working on trying to test your ships vs themselves for more complete data comparison, but currently the lack of range on the weapons and having a MkII ISD fall on its face VS an Onslaught strikes me as a major design flaw.

Update after some testing:
When the "Long Range Heavy Turbolasers" of the First Order Dreadnaught are unable to hit ANY ship because they can all fly backwards and out of firing range? Maybe a little tweaking might be needed.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 04:26:01 PM by ShadowFox »
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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #325 on: May 12, 2023, 02:36:43 AM »

I had a question. Would you consider adding a fan ship to a faction? I know of a ship I would personally love to see added to the mod for the New Republic/Rebel Alliance and that ship is the Liberation from the Empire at War, Forces of Corruption mod Awakening of the Rebellion.
Sure, let me see if I can get the ship sprite for it.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #326 on: May 12, 2023, 03:02:52 AM »


I played around a bit in the variant editor to test your ships. I have to all honesty? I have a few things to mention.

the positives:
1: Ship models look good. Good integration of weapons on the sprites.
2: Shield system is a MASSIVE improvement over what I was working with years ago when I was attempting to build this mod
3: Weapons are comprehensive and very well done.
4: Love the way you did fighters. Very good application within the limits of the game.

Now my critiques (WARNING!!! STRICTLY my opinion):
1: Weapon range is FAR too short. The main battery of a MkII ISD should at least match the firing range of an Onslaught. I found it utterly impossible to fight any vanilla ship. the ISD was losing against an Onslaught due to being unable to actually hit the thing.
2: Thrust seems to be a small issue on larger ships. All the SSD variants I tested were pointless. Lack of forward thrust combined with the limited weapon range meant that EVERY ship was able to stay out of range yet still damage me.
3: Scale is a bit wonky? Granted I understand that there are limitations that must be dealt with due to the game engine and physical screen space. I just felt the SSD and other dreadnaught-class ships were not massive enough compared to the more typical line ships. This is a minor point that is more question than critique.

Overall I am impressed with your work. It just doesn't quite have the right feel to me. I am working on trying to test your ships vs themselves for more complete data comparison, but currently the lack of range on the weapons and having a MkII ISD fall on its face VS an Onslaught strikes me as a major design flaw.

Update after some testing:
When the "Long Range Heavy Turbolasers" of the First Order Dreadnaught are unable to hit ANY ship because they can all fly backwards and out of firing range? Maybe a little tweaking might be needed.
Thanks for your opinions, quite an insightful observation. For the record, if your were testing the ISD II vs Onslaught in simulation, the Onslaught has a dedicated targeting core which increased its weapon range. On the other hand, the main turbolasers are located at the rear half of the ship so further reducing the effective range. I guess you have a point on the weapon range, I'll increase it and see how it goes.
As for the speed of the larger ships, I think the increased weapon range may make up for it? Tell me if you have any idea about it.
For the ship size of dreadnought ships, I had been thinking of adding a more up-to-scale Executor as a boss bounty to test out how large ships do in the game to decide whether to upscale the ships or not.

EDIT: The firing arc of the long range turbolaser of First Order dreadnought is frontal only, it's kind of a design flaw from Disney, lol. Maybe I can increase the turn rate a bit, but it's better to bring some escort ships.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 03:32:32 AM by BeyondTheHorizon »


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Re: [0.96a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #327 on: May 17, 2023, 01:52:52 PM »

The firing arc on the Dreadnaught was not an issue. It was the range. Those particular weapons I feel should be able to hit anything visible on the screen as far as the range goes.  Due to the charge up and speed of the shot, actually nailing a target at that range will be tricky, as it should be. But I feel you should POTENTIALLY be able to hit anything you can see with those guns. Regarding the other capital-class ships: a range improvement will offset the speed for sure. for anything in the size class of Star Destroyer and above, personally I would prefer to see the main guns be able to hit within half of the visible screen. After all, the main battery of an ISD was supposed to be able to hit a planet from orbit.

Sorry for the delay in replying. I was over the road this past week. Im a truck driver so my free-time is sometimes sporadic.
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Re: [0.96a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #328 on: June 16, 2023, 12:47:17 AM »

I just read a thrawn book that had vulture droid mounts on a base to house starfighters for defense akin to how seperatists ships would have vulture droids latched onto the outer hulls to carry more fighters. The Modern Carriers mod had a hullmod where you could sacrifice a unit of wasps to be added as a makeshift pd screen where they would be latched onto hulls until combat. Could you make a hullmod like that but using vulture driods instead of wasps? It could also be used in place of the one hanger in munificent ships thats dedicated to a wing of vulture droids for the same reason. To balance it out, the wing of vultures could have something that the defense array mod where they can only stay close to their ship and have a reduced respawn time because theyre coming off of mounts instead of being actively made from a normal hanger. Also, are there any plans on making bonuses or debuffs for some S Mods like with 0.96?


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Re: [0.96a] Star Wars 2020 v0.9.10a
« Reply #329 on: June 26, 2023, 06:51:48 PM »

I just read a thrawn book that had vulture droid mounts on a base to house starfighters for defense akin to how seperatists ships would have vulture droids latched onto the outer hulls to carry more fighters. The Modern Carriers mod had a hullmod where you could sacrifice a unit of wasps to be added as a makeshift pd screen where they would be latched onto hulls until combat. Could you make a hullmod like that but using vulture driods instead of wasps? It could also be used in place of the one hanger in munificent ships thats dedicated to a wing of vulture droids for the same reason. To balance it out, the wing of vultures could have something that the defense array mod where they can only stay close to their ship and have a reduced respawn time because theyre coming off of mounts instead of being actively made from a normal hanger. Also, are there any plans on making bonuses or debuffs for some S Mods like with 0.96?
I can look into it, can you give me the name of the hullmod you mentioned in Modern Carrier mod? For the debuffs of Hullmod in 0.96, I need to play 0.96 for a bit first as I haven't played starsector for some time, pretty busy these months :'(.
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