Okay so those new missions are really cool, I can definitely see the SHMUP influence in them. ACOC ends with some what of a resolution, so does that mean it’s over, or are there more planned for that?
GuarDUAL- is there only one? It’s strong, but I don’t think its quiite on the level on valkazard.I love this little guy, but at the same time, also feels like this is the one strikecraft that would benefit from being upscaled. It already has a few slots which are further restricted by mode, and I guess while it does technically have 2 other ways of attacking depending on the mode, I think more guns to fire would offset the “slower” play when it’s in mech mode. Also love the QoL touch of having it automatically transform when you try to raise shields. If I could just paint it, id be happy tho

btw, noticed Valk,GuarDUAL, and Kouto are the only 3 strikecraft that don’t have SHMUP influenced names(I think?) Is there a reason for that?
Kshatr-I mean Rajanya- imo the “spear” is a lot easier to use than the axe, especially with the AI. It feels a lot more useful for its DP now in AI hands. But would be cool if there was some altered animation so the spear was “lodged” into the ship instead of kind of sliding over it. Idk how possible that is. I noticed it isn’t always recoverable, not sur if it’s by design
HI-MAC on VX and Aleste by default is a nice addition and makes them really stand out. It’s cool seeing them zoom around w/ it, tho I think it gets them killed a bit more in large engagements too (at least for Aleste)
I think the sub market on Exsedolncould use more LPCs and hulls. I think I’ve only seen the mining mech LPC on there and it’s pretty rare and there are usually only a few ships available
Edit: forgot to mention, the weapon swap hullmods used by Rajanya have wrong descriptions, but work as intended