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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.1.5 BETA [1/11/25]  (Read 903665 times)


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Hello, how can I get the Altagrave EX? I install the Nexerelin mod.


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My only hope is restore Mechan and glory of Arma Armatura Corporation. Do we see it someday?


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So, i was taking out a pirate armada for its bounty, two atlas mk2's, some other pirate cruisers, this'll be *** easy. But as the fight when on, i realized "where did my carrier go? how did my ristreza suddenly go from 50% hull, to none, and why does it have no armor left anywhere... " a moment later, i see it, 4+ entire wings of valken's SWARMING one of my cruisers and tearing the helpless bastard to pieces... the only cruiser i had left was a python from apex, a phase-brawler with big cannons, i had to just slowly sling shells at the incoming waves of fighters to whittle them down.

Glorious, i have never been afraid of fighters before, let alone PIRATE fighters


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So, i was taking out a pirate armada for its bounty, two atlas mk2's, some other pirate cruisers, this'll be *** easy. But as the fight when on, i realized "where did my carrier go? how did my ristreza suddenly go from 50% hull, to none, and why does it have no armor left anywhere... " a moment later, i see it, 4+ entire wings of valken's SWARMING one of my cruisers and tearing the helpless bastard to pieces... the only cruiser i had left was a python from apex, a phase-brawler with big cannons, i had to just slowly sling shells at the incoming waves of fighters to whittle them down.

Glorious, i have never been afraid of fighters before, let alone PIRATE fighters

This is why i so love AA. Now you seriously think about PD and with Modern Carrier mod, carriers begun to be a serious player option


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So, i was taking out a pirate armada for its bounty, two atlas mk2's, some other pirate cruisers, this'll be *** easy. But as the fight when on, i realized "where did my carrier go? how did my ristreza suddenly go from 50% hull, to none, and why does it have no armor left anywhere... " a moment later, i see it, 4+ entire wings of valken's SWARMING one of my cruisers and tearing the helpless bastard to pieces... the only cruiser i had left was a python from apex, a phase-brawler with big cannons, i had to just slowly sling shells at the incoming waves of fighters to whittle them down.

Glorious, i have never been afraid of fighters before, let alone PIRATE fighters

I exclusively play the Valkhazard ever since I was graced with its presence, its just too fun, and in general the AA mod is amazing.


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On that note: what is the LYC designation on the Valka and its shuttle meant to stand for? That's not the AA fleet's standard designation, and there's no notes about it in the files.


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I exclusively play the Valkhazard ever since I was graced with its presence, its just too fun, and in general the AA mod is amazing.

i wholeheartedly agree with you, and its just a wonderful ship to fly.


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Speaking of the Valkazard, though, I've got another bug to report (even though I have a lot of fun with it): if you set the core system to counter shield and then put the shield conversion: front hullmod on the Valka, when you switch to one of the front-shielding options, the shield will retain the "bonus" arc it got from the previous shield conversion. When combined with Extended Shields, this allows the Valkazard to have a 300 degree frontal shield.


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you'd have to add them in mod config file and tehn to the leganim script since its hardcoded (or make a copy of it, i suppose)

Anything you guys would like to see added/changed in the mod?

Thanks! I just made a copy of the legAnim script and tweaked some values. Im not 100% sure what some of the Valkazard specific code does, but messing with those seems to brick my legs

As for what else to add.... I guess more mechs lol
After fiddling with the Kouto Kai, I think it would be cool to have more mechs that have additional support functionality whether pilotable or LPC. Maybe some low-tech worker mechs that give bonuses to salvaging with a drill arm melee weapon and mining weapons. Or exploration mechs that can assist with surveying somehow. Not sure how it would be to balance them so the logistics bonuses aren't too overwhelming but I like the idea of more mechs that interact with other aspects of the game.

Beyond that, a Cataphract-specific carrier would be neat. Would essentially be ArmaA's White Base-equivalent. I noticed the Caymon in the files, so I guess that's the low hanging fruit waiting to be plucked.


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I dont know if it is a bug but wingcome suite doesnt work on modules of ships like cathedral from swp and gown from scalartech. Only the wings on the main part of those ships get the bonus


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I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug. But it seems that mech pilots with a steady personality has a habit of constantly landing even when their mech is fully functional and fully armed.

At first i thought it only happened when they're equipped with certain weapons. But now i'm not so sure. Now it seems to be frustratingly consistent


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I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug. But it seems that mech pilots with a steady personality has a habit of constantly landing even when their mech is fully functional and fully armed.

At first i thought it only happened when they're equipped with certain weapons. But now i'm not so sure. Now it seems to be frustratingly consistent
Personality doesn't have any impact on refitting.
I'd need more information to help you beyond that, such as if this was observed with AI pilots, the flagship on autopilot, weapons, etc

I dont know if it is a bug but wingcome suite doesnt work on modules of ships like cathedral from swp and gown from scalartech. Only the wings on the main part of those ships get the bonus
known bug, will be fixed hopefully in the next update

Speaking of the Valkazard, though, I've got another bug to report (even though I have a lot of fun with it): if you set the core system to counter shield and then put the shield conversion: front hullmod on the Valka, when you switch to one of the front-shielding options, the shield will retain the "bonus" arc it got from the previous shield conversion. When combined with Extended Shields, this allows the Valkazard to have a 300 degree frontal shield.

Thanks, will fix!

On that note: what is the LYC designation on the Valka and its shuttle meant to stand for? That's not the AA fleet's standard designation, and there's no notes about it in the files.
its kind of a placeholder for now, but ill probably elaborate on it in the future


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On that note: what is the LYC designation on the Valka and its shuttle meant to stand for? That's not the AA fleet's standard designation, and there's no notes about it in the files.
its kind of a placeholder for now, but ill probably elaborate on it in the future

Lore. More delicious lore!

Also, thank you for staying on top of all this, as always. I imagine it gets kind of frustrating


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I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug. But it seems that mech pilots with a steady personality has a habit of constantly landing even when their mech is fully functional and fully armed.

At first i thought it only happened when they're equipped with certain weapons. But now i'm not so sure. Now it seems to be frustratingly consistent
Personality doesn't have any impact on refitting.
I'd need more information to help you beyond that, such as if this was observed with AI pilots, the flagship on autopilot, weapons, etc

Huh. so i just did further testing and yeah. personality doesn't seem to affect reffiting. But now I'm left with a bigger problem. Cataphract AI in general now likes to constantly refit after 1 or 2 seconds of engagement. Regardless of whether there's an officer or not. Or whatever loadouts it had.


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I'm definitely not having that issue on my end. Did you set the landing override to auto-fire? (The auto-config for fire groups likes doing that.)
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