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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.1.5 BETA [1/11/25]  (Read 900503 times)


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According to the latest feedback, one player said that the strange bug( appeared because the missile had limited ammo and would go back to resupply after firing all the ammo, he changed the other missile weapons(These missiles tend to fire for long periods of time, unlike Reaper) and it worked fine.


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According to the latest feedback, one player said that the strange bug( appeared because the missile had limited ammo and would go back to resupply after firing all the ammo, he changed the other missile weapons(These missiles tend to fire for long periods of time, unlike Reaper) and it worked fine.
Im guessing those are mod missile weapons the player is using in the gif? The Valkazard has a script that causes the shoulder missile weapons to disappear when they're empty and I noticed that those ones are still there. Probably a complication with those specific missile weapons the player used.

Unrelated note, if I wanted to add some new leg graphics, how should I go about that? Basically want to make white legs for my notGundam lol


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According to the latest feedback, one player said that the strange bug( appeared because the missile had limited ammo and would go back to resupply after firing all the ammo, he changed the other missile weapons(These missiles tend to fire for long periods of time, unlike Reaper) and it worked fine.
Im guessing those are mod missile weapons the player is using in the gif? The Valkazard has a script that causes the shoulder missile weapons to disappear when they're empty and I noticed that those ones are still there. Probably a complication with those specific missile weapons the player used.

Unrelated note, if I wanted to add some new leg graphics, how should I go about that? Basically want to make white legs for my notGundam lol
I think it's quite possible, because my game doesn't have those problems


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I wonder what it would mean balance-wise if Strikecraft hulls were to receive a scaling debuff the further they're operating outside a given distance from allied ships with dockable fighter bays.
I don't imagine this would play well under AI control though...


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Any way to add the carrier functionality for strikecraft to ships? If i wanted a shepherd to be able to field strikecraft, for example?


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The WINGCOM mod will do that.  You can add the functionality, but it won't make it a carrier.  For instance, I can add the WINGCOM mod to an Aleste and attach a squad of Valken to it, but the squad will spawn in the back of the battlefield like normal ships and can't dock at the Aleste.

You can find the WINGCOM mod sometimes at New Meshan.


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Any way to add the carrier functionality for strikecraft to ships? If i wanted a shepherd to be able to field strikecraft, for example?
you can give strikecraft function to any carrier with wingcom hullmod. for shepherd you might need another mod to remove its built in drone or add more fighter bay.


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Hi, the replenishment speed of the strikecraft like Aleste can be affected by hullmods like Expanded Deck Crew?


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got a little bug to report, only the trihander's right pulselaser will target missiles, its left completely ignores them, probably a missing flag somewhere


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got a little bug to report, only the trihander's right pulselaser will target missiles, its left completely ignores them, probably a missing flag somewhere


Hi, the replenishment speed of the strikecraft like Aleste can be affected by hullmods like Expanded Deck Crew?
At the moment, it does not affect them.

Any way to add the carrier functionality for strikecraft to ships? If i wanted a shepherd to be able to field strikecraft, for example?
Others answered, but just FYI, what you are asking for as an example wouldn't work since frigates are restricted from being landed on.

Unrelated note, if I wanted to add some new leg graphics, how should I go about that? Basically want to make white legs for my notGundam lol

you'd have to add them in mod config file and tehn to the leganim script since its hardcoded (or make a copy of it, i suppose)

Anything you guys would like to see added/changed in the mod?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 06:53:22 PM by shoi »


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Mostly I just want to see the stuff currently hinted at developed further - some kind of questline for showing up at New Meshan after recovering or waking up in the Valkazard. :D Beyond that, just whatever you think feels good to add!

About the only thing that feels "missing" right now is that it feels a little strange that AA doesn't really have an in-house carrier solution aside from the AA Valkyrie. I get that during the First AI War they largely used existing carrier designs, but they don't have anything optimized for Cataphract use? Nothin' at all, even from the halcyon days? I'm not asking for a customized Astral or anything - that feels too large-scale for AA - but I think a destroyer or cruiser-scale carrier that's been optimized for AA robotics would feel right.

Oh, and of course, in the current release version strikecraft still take armor damage even with a proper carrier in-fleet. I'm not sure if that's intended, but from the tooltips it feels like it's not.


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Anything you guys would like to see added/changed in the mod?

i'd like to see some more strikecraft with more customizable ballistics/energy mounts, even if its just a single small energy mount, there's some really neat things you can do with cool weapons


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New update. see the main page
- Strikecraft with missile weapons should no longer immediately disengage if they are still in fighting condition
       (they will continue to fight as long as they have a valid target)
- fixed flickering arrow bug on command ui for strikecraft
- restricted curvy laser use for remnant to a specific variant that appears infrequently
- Misc changes/fixes
- Fixed crash caused by carriers that somehow dont have launchbays, for real this time
    - Previously, fighters with wingcom installed on parent ship would get increased RoF + damage bonus. the damage bonus has been removed.

- Fixed huge supply consumption by salvage gunhazard
- Fixed description bug with valkazard
- Valkazard
    - High Intensity Beam
    - Max Ammo: 8
    - Ammo/Sec : 0.13->0
    - Burst Delay : 4->20

Mostly I just want to see the stuff currently hinted at developed further - some kind of questline for showing up at New Meshan after recovering or waking up in the Valkazard. :D Beyond that, just whatever you think feels good to add!

About the only thing that feels "missing" right now is that it feels a little strange that AA doesn't really have an in-house carrier solution aside from the AA Valkyrie. I get that during the First AI War they largely used existing carrier designs, but they don't have anything optimized for Cataphract use? Nothin' at all, even from the halcyon days? I'm not asking for a customized Astral or anything - that feels too large-scale for AA - but I think a destroyer or cruiser-scale carrier that's been optimized for AA robotics would feel right.

Oh, and of course, in the current release version strikecraft still take armor damage even with a proper carrier in-fleet. I'm not sure if that's intended, but from the tooltips it feels like it's not.

There's a partially complete carrier that just doesn't spawn anywhere; I'll probably get around to properly implementing it soon. As for the quest..yeah, I should probably get that properly implemented too  :'(
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 04:48:50 AM by shoi »


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Does the Altagrave EX spawn in a random system like the Valkazard if you've got Nexerelin installed?


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Does the Altagrave EX spawn in a random system like the Valkazard if you've got Nexerelin installed?

the only times i've managed to find it was from an exceedingly lucky blueprint drop from industrial revolution (that was literally my first run with Arma too ;D) and from a unique locked&loaded bounty. If you have l&l, i would suggest checking the bounty board on new meshan frequently, and any other independent market.
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