Mostly I just want to see the stuff currently hinted at developed further - some kind of questline for showing up at New Meshan after recovering or waking up in the Valkazard.

Beyond that, just whatever you think feels good to add!
About the only thing that feels "missing" right now is that it feels a little strange that AA doesn't really have an in-house carrier solution aside from the AA Valkyrie. I get that during the First AI War they largely used existing carrier designs, but they don't have anything optimized for Cataphract use? Nothin' at all, even from the halcyon days? I'm not asking for a customized Astral or anything - that feels too large-scale for AA - but I think a destroyer or cruiser-scale carrier that's been optimized for AA robotics would feel right.
Oh, and of course, in the current release version strikecraft still take armor damage even with a proper carrier in-fleet. I'm not sure if that's intended, but from the tooltips it feels like it's not.