No worries, it wasn't very in depth anyhow :p
Yeah basically. All but whatever weapons groups you have selected when taking off initially. So if it defaults to group 1, but you have autofire for group 1 on, then it will keep autofire on for group 1, while disabling that setting for all other groups. This can be worked around by using Ctrl + whatever weapon group number, but I'm not sure if it's intended or not so I figured I should report it as a bug
Hmm, yeah, I think that's a bug. IIRC, calling .beginLanding() in the API turns off all autofire weapons, and I added some code to get around that, but it might not be in the script that does the takeoff hax at the start of battles. I'll look into it!
Hmm... could you please walk me through how we assign Officers, heck, how Wingcom is supposed to work in general?
I'd like to first make sure that the problem isn't just me being dumb. 

So when you assign an officer to a ship with wingcom and an empty slot, you should just see this. Details, no squad info.

(I had to switch characters here since the previous officer already had a wing, so I just wanted to sanity check and make sure things were being generated properly)
Once you assign a wing, pilots are generated for the fighters. If you mouse over the hullmod again, you will see them listed.
Other way to verify they've been created is opening the intel menu, and looking for the 'Squadron Manager' tab, which will list every officer with a squadron. That tab also has an 'info' tab that details a bit more about the mechanics behind wingcom.

aaand this is what you get with the same setup, but if the wing is automated (0 crew). I am usually pretty light on mods so I havent used the hiigarian mod, but if you're not getting anything, im guessing the wing you assigned was maybe automated? Let me know if this helps