yep, making another right now. I want to try avoid bloat so I probably won't make every single possible mech combination possible. The new Aleste should cover most bases, and then i'll look at what to go for after that. Speaking of the new Aleste, here's a teaser:

Right now it has six weapons that can be toggled between, three for the left arm and three for the right. Right arm weapons are basically the main weapons, while the left arm weapons are usually ammo-limited with some type of ancillary effect (the grenade launcher weapon above for example, is great for anti-fighter stuff, but it also does well against stuff large enough where the inaccuracy doesn't matter)
@Tricky: Great minds think alike, I guess, haha.

I don't know if there is a good way to do a physical shield, mostly because for it to work, I would probably have to make it a module, and if it's a module, once it's destroyed/detached I don't believe there's any way to ...reattach it
Hey! I love your mod, and I was wondering if you'll add a cruiser sized mech, or if you'll focus mostly on destroyer and frigate sized ships. Also, thanks for this mod, I love the Altagrave.
I'll probably stick to smaller stuff for the time being. If you are looking for bigger mechs, I'd keep an eye out, since I know there are people in the community cooking up some stuff that look pretty interesting. though no idea when that'll drop

Thanks for all the great feedbacks and suggestions folks!
So I had an idea
What if there was variants of the mechs based on vanilla factions ?
Like a Altagrave thats tri-tachyon themed that replaces the gun on the arm with a litteral jousting lance shaped tachyon lance ?
and a physical shield-shaped weapon in the other ?
A Hegemony themed Garegga with thumper-like minigun arms ?
and a Pirate themed Einhander with a shotgun and skull head motif ?
thoses are the only ones I can think of right now but I feel there could be potential there to expand the lineup...
Einhander's head is like 6 pixels wide lol, so sadly I doubt i'd be able to make that work. But a pirate-esque one could work. I'll keep these ideas in mind