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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.1.5 BETA [1/11/25]  (Read 899652 times)


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #165 on: April 19, 2021, 11:34:51 PM »

hello man i love the mod with my hearth it amazing what you have made but when i try to pilot the blue mecha the game crash what can i do ?
i add my log

<edit: removed quote that was having an odd effect on subsequent posts on the page -Alex>
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 03:36:24 PM by Alex »


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #166 on: April 20, 2021, 12:28:37 AM »

Just want to say I'm totally loving this mod!  The mechs are awesome and a ton of fun to use :D

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #167 on: April 20, 2021, 05:59:21 AM »

Picking the ArmaA start sets your relation to everyone to 0, this includes Pirates, Pathers, and even [REDACTED].

Ah, so that's why that happened. Was wondering why the redacted weren't attacking me.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #168 on: April 20, 2021, 06:57:41 AM »

Something must have changed with nex, im guessing. i'll fix this once I figure out the root of the cause

In the meantime, i'm working on adding something more customizeable based off of some stuff Tricky mentioned.

Here's an aleste with some extra weapons and a laser blade.  I don't think it's possible to allow full customization for the arm weapons without breaking animations, but I was thinking of maybe a toggle that cycles between a few options..? (I.E. swap between laser blade, the notpilebunker, ...some other weapon i'll probably have to make..machinegun, etc)

Since w/ combat docking you can effectively regenerate lost HP/Armor so long as you are able to make it back to a carrier in one piece I'm thinking it won't have any defensive systems(or perhaps just a very inefficient shield). This should also deal with my concern of being able to dash on top of a ship and unload a reaper or double AMB on top of itm since getting close to big ships is a pretty tall order without them...I think. Anyway, I still have to make something so the arm swapping actually works, so this is more like an early proof of concept.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 07:00:54 AM by shoi »


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #169 on: April 20, 2021, 05:36:08 PM »

hello man i love the mod with my hearth it amazing what you have made but when i try to pilot the blue mecha the game crash what can i do ?
i add my log

Can you try posting it again? I didn't even notice your message in that giant quote, and I don't see the log anywhere.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #170 on: April 22, 2021, 11:10:35 AM »

So I had an idea

What if there was variants of the mechs based on vanilla factions ?

Like a Altagrave thats tri-tachyon themed that replaces the gun on the arm with a litteral jousting lance shaped tachyon lance ?
and a physical shield-shaped weapon in the other ?

A Hegemony themed Garegga with thumper-like minigun arms ?

and a Pirate themed Einhander with a shotgun and skull head motif ?

thoses are the only ones I can think of right now but I feel there could be potential there to expand the lineup...


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #171 on: April 24, 2021, 12:10:29 PM »

Hey! I love your mod, and I was wondering if you'll add a cruiser sized mech, or if you'll focus mostly on destroyer and frigate sized ships. Also, thanks for this mod, I love the Altagrave.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #172 on: April 24, 2021, 01:54:25 PM »

In the meantime, i'm working on adding something more customizeable based off of some stuff Tricky mentioned.
Nice! Yeah I've been struggling to get the weapon selector hullmods to change properly. I got it to work in .91 but in .95 it doesn't switch to the next hullmod in sequence when I remove it. If I strip the hull though it randomly assigns a weapon hullmod so I've just been doing that until it switches to the weapon I want lol

Here's an aleste with some extra weapons and a laser blade.  I don't think it's possible to allow full customization for the arm weapons without breaking animations, but I was thinking of maybe a toggle that cycles between a few options..? (I.E. swap between laser blade, the notpilebunker, ...some other weapon i'll probably have to make..machinegun, etc)
If you're thinking about more left arm weapon ideas, I made a flamethrower that used your old leftarm mkII sprite from previous versions and basically mashed in the plasma thrower stats from the Ship & Weapon Pack and the effect of the Cryoflamer. It looks great but ended up being super janky because the weapon rapid fires multiple projectiles so the animation of the left arm extension rapid triggers too lol.

Another idea I had was a defensive shield that absorbs impacts until it breaks, like the armor platings from SCY. Never got around to exploring it though and honestly have no idea where to start.

Anyways, just want to say great work again and thanks for putting the time into making this mod! It really inspired me to dive into SS modding myself even though I mostly just follow other people's patterns and bash stuff together. Maybe I'll get good enough to actually make my own stuff, but for now my enjoyment of the game has really skyrocketed following your example.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #173 on: April 26, 2021, 09:55:53 AM »

not saying i dont think youre doing a great job with this (this is my favorite content mod) but it would be great to have more pilotable fighters, maybe a superheavy low tech pirate inspired and a midline one of some sort and perhaps an ultra high tech bleeding edge with a medium universal point and two pairs of funnels instead of one (with each pair being separately upgradable).
if i was a wizard with code and sprite making i would just do it and give it to you to do as you please but sadly i specialize in music.
at this point all i have managed is copying a ship i like, changing the hull id and fiddling with stats and built in mods in order to "make upgrades" through the campaign (oddly enough this newest release makes it so i dont have to do that as much lol)
anyways just had what i thought was a neat idea anyone who has permission from op to do anything is more than welcome to run with my ideas
the more stuff like this to add the better imo


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #174 on: April 28, 2021, 10:02:08 PM »

yep, making another right now. I want to try avoid bloat so I probably won't make every single possible mech combination possible. The new Aleste should cover most bases, and then i'll look at what to go for after that. Speaking of the new Aleste, here's a teaser:

Right now it has six weapons that can be toggled between, three for the left arm and three for the right. Right arm weapons are basically the main weapons, while the left arm weapons are usually ammo-limited with some type of ancillary effect (the grenade launcher weapon above for example, is great for anti-fighter stuff, but it also does well against stuff large enough where the inaccuracy doesn't matter)

@Tricky: Great minds think alike, I guess, haha.

I don't know if there is a good way to do a physical shield, mostly because for it to work, I would probably have to make it a module, and if it's a module, once it's destroyed/detached I don't believe there's any way to ...reattach it

Hey! I love your mod, and I was wondering if you'll add a cruiser sized mech, or if you'll focus mostly on destroyer and frigate sized ships. Also, thanks for this mod, I love the Altagrave.

I'll probably stick to smaller stuff for the time being. If you are looking for bigger mechs, I'd keep an eye out, since I know there are people in the community cooking up some stuff that look pretty interesting. though no idea when that'll drop :-X

Thanks for all the great feedbacks and suggestions folks!

So I had an idea

What if there was variants of the mechs based on vanilla factions ?

Like a Altagrave thats tri-tachyon themed that replaces the gun on the arm with a litteral jousting lance shaped tachyon lance ?
and a physical shield-shaped weapon in the other ?

A Hegemony themed Garegga with thumper-like minigun arms ?

and a Pirate themed Einhander with a shotgun and skull head motif ?

thoses are the only ones I can think of right now but I feel there could be potential there to expand the lineup...

Einhander's head is like 6 pixels wide lol, so sadly I doubt i'd be able to make that work. But a pirate-esque one could work. I'll keep these ideas in mind

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #175 on: April 29, 2021, 06:36:06 AM »

For making a shield, if you made it a module and are worried about it breaking.. why not make it invincible? Or have massive armor/hull?

The maker of Kingdom of Tera would also probably be a good one to ask for help as well.

Your new work is amazing, cant wait to try it out. Will we ever see a melee mech? Or a standalone faction?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #176 on: April 29, 2021, 08:40:14 AM »

I know its a pretty stupid thing to ask, half expect you already got that question...


Would there be a chance you ever make a full on faction mod where the player starts off with very rudimentary mechs (like ships with makeshift arms) and have him work his way up a sort of tech tree to some Gundam levels of b@llsh@t ?

Like you start off with the equivalant of a "Ball" in gundam to eventually work your way up to some Zone of the Enders level tech ?

Also not just mechs but also ships built to support said mechs in combat, like a carrier that gives strike crafts a speed boost for X amount of time after being launched or even a massive shield that allows strike crafts to fight from within ?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #177 on: April 30, 2021, 08:49:30 PM »

I know its a pretty stupid thing to ask, half expect you already got that question...


Would there be a chance you ever make a full on faction mod where the player starts off with very rudimentary mechs (like ships with makeshift arms) and have him work his way up a sort of tech tree to some Gundam levels of b@llsh@t ?

Like you start off with the equivalant of a "Ball" in gundam to eventually work your way up to some Zone of the Enders level tech ?

Also not just mechs but also ships built to support said mechs in combat, like a carrier that gives strike crafts a speed boost for X amount of time after being launched or even a massive shield that allows strike crafts to fight from within ?

I don't think he has plans on making a full on faction atm.

I'm excited on the new pilotable mech. Don't get me wrong, the Einhander is sick and I loved piloting it even in mid-late parts of the game (soup up Einhander with an edited settings file to allow me to stuff it with 9 built-in hullmods + plus a powerful Remnant Burst PD on it's "bits" from another mod pretty much causes havoc on larger capitals by killing of their engines) but it does feel a bit too strong as a starter unit. Was planning on suggesting on a custom Valken (or X) as a starter unit since it feels more logical that a nameless captain gets a modified/customized Mass production unit rather than a rare and precious experimental unit.

On a side note, I saw a unit called Spriggan in the files, I don't remember seeing it being used in the game. Is it something like a left-over from previous version or something new for a future update?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #178 on: May 01, 2021, 02:06:10 PM »

yep, making another right now. I want to try avoid bloat so I probably won't make every single possible mech combination possible. The new Aleste should cover most bases, and then i'll look at what to go for after that. Speaking of the new Aleste, here's a teaser:

Right now it has six weapons that can be toggled between, three for the left arm and three for the right. Right arm weapons are basically the main weapons, while the left arm weapons are usually ammo-limited with some type of ancillary effect (the grenade launcher weapon above for example, is great for anti-fighter stuff, but it also does well against stuff large enough where the inaccuracy doesn't matter)

@Tricky: Great minds think alike, I guess, haha.

I don't know if there is a good way to do a physical shield, mostly because for it to work, I would probably have to make it a module, and if it's a module, once it's destroyed/detached I don't believe there's any way to ...reattach it

The new Aleste looks great! So hyped to try it out. Also equally excited to see how you got the weapon switching to work, because I haven't figured it out yet.

And that flamethrower is a beauty lol

As for the shield, you're right that the shield would likely be a module and should be restored in combat when the mech lands for rearm/refit. I don't think there're any mods that handle restoring a destroyed module. The only examples of destructible armour that I can think of are those SCY ships and the Draft from Diable. I might do some poking around there later.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #179 on: May 02, 2021, 06:30:07 AM »

First of all, thank you for bringing various mechs to starsector! Wouldn't be able to play without this one next lmao I mean, gundams! I really love seeing mechs bring down a very large starship all on its own and firing various armaments while at it.. it just really looks cool!

Though in regards to 'gundam' and seeing you're still (thankfully) active at creating new mechs, could you please add a variation of it? Just the thought of one gundam being able to fire laser beams, rockets, and what not is just really COOL! And I think it would nice to have a 'siege' type of mech which is kind of slow but has many weapon slots and able to deal a LOT of damage from a far. Just a suggestion! 

Oh, just realized @hydremajor already said what I wanted LMAO! But oh well still posting this x)
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