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Author Topic: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.1.5 BETA [1/11/25]  (Read 899679 times)


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5 (4/15/2021)
« Reply #150 on: April 15, 2021, 10:44:49 PM »

Loving the new system with the Einhander but I got a serious error as shown in the attached file.
How it happened is that I was fighting a larger Pirate fleet and accidentally caused my Einhander to get overload. Needless to say it got stuck with the overload bug. Needing to retreat I opened the map but for some reason the unit automatically got set to Autopilot and went dead silent while drifting for a few seconds. Then the game crashed.

I tried version 1.4.5 and I noticed something weird but pretty cool.

I noticed my AI controlled Einhander dock with an enemy carrier. I'm guessing this was a bug, but it would be pretty cool if the Einhander decided to infiltrate the enemy carrier and attack the crew from the inside!

Happened to me too. I was able to trick an enemy Venture and disabled it's PD then docked in it and got a fresh supply of ammo. Went to destroy it afterwards. Would love to see that implemented where you dock inside an enemy carrier and cause damage like blocking it's ability to relaunch fighters or sabotage it's hangars.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5 (4/15/2021)
« Reply #151 on: April 15, 2021, 10:57:49 PM »

Hi! First of all I love the mod. I'm always in favor of anything that adds more pilotable mecha to Starsector. I've been using this mod, Diable, and Combat Docking to have an awesome mecha/fighter pilot campaign playthrough and the Einhander has been hilarious fun. I'm still early-game so I'm flying off a Condor that has a couple of other Cataphract squadrons to back me up along with a Mule with fighter clamps and a squadron of Valkens.

I think I may have run into a bug with the Einhander in 1.4.5 Once it goes into flux overload the 7 second timer never starts counting down, and so the overload continues until I dock with a carrier and get rearmed and repaired. Is this intentional behavior? I can still fly okay, the weapons and systems just don't work. I've also noticed that sometimes the Einhander just doesn't want to dock while in that state, and will just stay escorting the carrier even with degraded CR. My Einhander also exploded inside a living carrier that was under fire at the time. The carrier died maybe 20 seconds after I did, so I'm not sure if it was combat damage or if it was the same problem Roka ran into. I've also had the game CTD a couple of times when trying to return to the carrier, but that happened after hitting U for autopilot, then going into the map screen and right-clicking on the carrier. When I do that the game crashes and I get this error:

246437 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.cancelDirectOrdersForMember(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.tasks.CombatTaskManager.giveDirectOrder(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.OoOO.A.rightClickReleased(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.OoOO.floatsuper.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.V.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)

If you're taking suggestions for future units, a pilotable mass-produced cataphract along the lines of a Jegan would be awesome. To counter its weaker individual performance relative to the Einhander, perhaps it could have a couple of small hybrid "shoulder hardpoints" similar to the mounts on the Einhander's drones. That'd give the pilot some useful configurability and the ability to set it up like a "Jegan Cannon" or a variant with a couple of torps for extra punch while still leaving that Grunt Suit feel.

As far as extra Mobile Armor goes, I'd love to see something set up a bit like the Deep Striker from Gundam Sentinel or the GP-03 from 0083. It's fast and has impressive firepower, but its playstyle could be more based around maintaining momentum and making cavalry-style "slashing" attacks against a formation rather than getting stuck in.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5 (4/15/2021)
« Reply #152 on: April 16, 2021, 04:30:36 AM »

Requires the latest MagicLib + LazyLib

Download v.1.4.5d for 0.95a - Save Compatible

-Crushed the elusive FighterAI bug/crash, hopefully once and for all
-fixed bad logic that allowed Einhänder to land on enemy carriers
-add temporary workaround to vanilla's infinite overload bug affecting fighters
-add untested fix to prevent spontaneous death while on carrier

Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
This should fix the overload bug (well really it just prevents you from ever overloading for longer than a split second, will remove when alex pushes the next fix) and the FighterAI crashes.

I'm not 100% sure what the cause of the deaths on carriers is from. It's either that einhander is still vulnerable while docked and was taking hits, or the carrier somehow dereferenced...? either way, I made some changes to try and prevent this, but i couldn't reproduce the bug. Hopefully this is a valid fix.
Loving the new system with the Einhander but I got a serious error as shown in the attached file.
How it happened is that I was fighting a larger Pirate fleet and accidentally caused my Einhander to get overload. Needless to say it got stuck with the overload bug. Needing to retreat I opened the map but for some reason the unit automatically got set to Autopilot and went dead silent while drifting for a few seconds. Then the game crashed.

I tried version 1.4.5 and I noticed something weird but pretty cool.

I noticed my AI controlled Einhander dock with an enemy carrier. I'm guessing this was a bug, but it would be pretty cool if the Einhander decided to infiltrate the enemy carrier and attack the crew from the inside!

Happened to me too. I was able to trick an enemy Venture and disabled it's PD then docked in it and got a fresh supply of ammo. Went to destroy it afterwards. Would love to see that implemented where you dock inside an enemy carrier and cause damage like blocking it's ability to relaunch fighters or sabotage it's hangars.

This was a mistake on my part on not checking if the carrier targetted is even on the player's side, so unfortunately it's a bug..but might be something worth exploring for a different mech down the line

Hi! First of all I love the mod. I'm always in favor of anything that adds more pilotable mecha to Starsector. I've been using this mod, Diable, and Combat Docking to have an awesome mecha/fighter pilot campaign playthrough and the Einhander has been hilarious fun. I'm still early-game so I'm flying off a Condor that has a couple of other Cataphract squadrons to back me up along with a Mule with fighter clamps and a squadron of Valkens.

I think I may have run into a bug with the Einhander in 1.4.5 Once it goes into flux overload the 7 second timer never starts counting down, and so the overload continues until I dock with a carrier and get rearmed and repaired. Is this intentional behavior? I can still fly okay, the weapons and systems just don't work. I've also noticed that sometimes the Einhander just doesn't want to dock while in that state, and will just stay escorting the carrier even with degraded CR. My Einhander also exploded inside a living carrier that was under fire at the time. The carrier died maybe 20 seconds after I did, so I'm not sure if it was combat damage or if it was the same problem Roka ran into. I've also had the game CTD a couple of times when trying to return to the carrier, but that happened after hitting U for autopilot, then going into the map screen and right-clicking on the carrier. When I do that the game crashes and I get this error:
If you're taking suggestions for future units, a pilotable mass-produced cataphract along the lines of a Jegan would be awesome. To counter its weaker individual performance relative to the Einhander, perhaps it could have a couple of small hybrid "shoulder hardpoints" similar to the mounts on the Einhander's drones. That'd give the pilot some useful configurability and the ability to set it up like a "Jegan Cannon" or a variant with a couple of torps for extra punch while still leaving that Grunt Suit feel.

As far as extra Mobile Armor goes, I'd love to see something set up a bit like the Deep Striker from Gundam Sentinel or the GP-03 from 0083. It's fast and has impressive firepower, but its playstyle could be more based around maintaining momentum and making cavalry-style "slashing" attacks against a formation rather than getting stuck in.

FYI, I dont think that anything will happen if you give einhander an escort order on a carrier. At one point I think this wasn't the case, but im pretty sure that logic no longer exists. Now it's either

a.) activate autopilot and go to the nearest carrier
b.) target a carrier and then activate autopilot, go to targeted carrier

About the additional ideas, they're all pretty neat, i'll keep them in mind. Once this is a bit more stable and im sure things are working pretty well, I'll probably make another cat in the same vein as einhander but with more modularity, and then maybe an HVB version to appease the folks who insist that the base einhander is too weak. The biggest obstacle is trying to balance the ability to manuever over things with customized loadouts, since being able to fly on top of  stuff and dump say, a reaper would probably be pretty broken. Just making it harder to approach probably will fix this though (I.E. no phase-like ability/time dilation) but i'll be experimenting with stuff to see what works.

Thanks for the feedback!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 04:32:16 AM by shoi »


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #153 on: April 16, 2021, 06:28:43 AM »

I'm not sure what ideas you have for making a more modular Cataphract, but I also wanted to give a little more flexibility to my custom Einhander. Started with removing the Glaive and giving it modular shoulder mounts but different weapon sprites can clash pretty badly with the Einhander itself.

Now I've been tinkering around with using Tart's fire selector hullmod on the Versant to make my custom Einhander have different rifle selection options. It's worked pretty well so far because you can use weapon sprites that fit the mech properly. Now that you made a pile bunker and laser blade on the left arm, I've been seeing if I could do the same thing for the left arm weapons and shoulder mounted weapons.

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #154 on: April 16, 2021, 07:30:37 AM »

I finally got a hold of a trihander and set it up. I must be missing something but it just feels overall much weaker than the bihander? What am I missing? Or was it designed to be worse?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #155 on: April 16, 2021, 09:46:05 AM »

I finally got a hold of a trihander and set it up. I must be missing something but it just feels overall much weaker than the bihander? What am I missing? Or was it designed to be worse?

Not sure what you mean, Trihander is a frigate and Bihander is an unplayable bomber with a railgun


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #156 on: April 16, 2021, 09:52:20 AM »

Anyone know if it is possible to make a navy of cataphracts?

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #157 on: April 16, 2021, 10:31:02 AM »

oh, I think im comparing trihander to gregga. nvm


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #158 on: April 16, 2021, 12:00:10 PM »

Anyone know if it is possible to make a navy of cataphracts?

I mean you can just fill carriers full of the LPCs, unless you mean loading a fleet full of Einhanders. The latter isn't really viable since they have no cargo storage or fuel capacity

oh, I think im comparing trihander to gregga. nvm

ah, its base stats are higher than the garegga but the garegga is definitely more player-baity

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #159 on: April 16, 2021, 12:13:29 PM »

How would you go about building a trihander?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #160 on: April 16, 2021, 12:15:04 PM »

Whatever you did, it seems to have fixed my instant death bug.

The Einhander is fun as hell to use, perfect for an overly aggressive person like me who tends to get themselves blown up by other ships exploding because im always too close and forget to use my shields.

Would love to try a Kouto or Valken at some point if that ever becomes possible, maybe as early game pilotable mechs.

Either way, i love this mod!


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #161 on: April 17, 2021, 06:23:34 AM »

How would you go about building a trihander?

Like normally you can do so by stealing the blueprint or finding it. I need to add them to the historian so that is also an option.

Whatever you did, it seems to have fixed my instant death bug.

The Einhander is fun as hell to use, perfect for an overly aggressive person like me who tends to get themselves blown up by other ships exploding because im always too close and forget to use my shields.

Would love to try a Kouto or Valken at some point if that ever becomes possible, maybe as early game pilotable mechs.

Either way, i love this mod!

Either of those two seem like extreme hard mode picks, but I can look into it  ;D


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #162 on: April 17, 2021, 09:56:28 AM »

1. I made a custom garegga with different stats for my “gundam themed” playthrough. How do I go about editing the TriTech garegga? I cant seem to find it in the ship_data file. Basically I want to make a new ship with the TriTech skin and arms and buff it’s stats.

2. Is there a blueprint for the TriTech Garegga?

Been using your mod for about a month now and absolutely love it.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #163 on: April 17, 2021, 11:56:40 AM »

I figured it out


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.5d (4/16/2021)
« Reply #164 on: April 19, 2021, 09:25:36 PM »

Picking the ArmaA start sets your relation to everyone to 0, this includes Pirates, Pathers, and even [REDACTED].
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