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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.1.5 BETA [1/11/25]  (Read 900448 times)


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #120 on: April 09, 2021, 02:36:58 AM »

I've seen everything in this mod except the Altagrave. Is it incredibly rare? I'm a few days in and I just cant seem to find it.

the "faction" doesn't have it or any other hull from the mod prioritized, so it shows up rarely. The next update will fix this and also add them to indie markets at lower weights.

On discord some peopel told me that Altagrave "EX" at least requires Nexerelin, since Nexerelin isn't updated...

I gave myself an Altagrave with console command. Early game it is really, really good, can kill a ton of things.

Lategame not so much... it doesn't do enough damage to help in endgame fights... It can be helpful tanking a bit though, with shield mods.  Theretically it could be a great frigate hunter but often enemy AIs have frigates faster than Altagrave :(

This is the first time i've been told it's weak. It might be because the current versions drones were missing a ship system? I'll mess around with it some. I distinctly remember being able to kill capitals with it, but with the new balance in .95a maybe it needs another go over.
I'm new to Starsector and I think this mod is cool.

Are there any other mods featuring mechs besides Arma Armatura, Tahlan Shipworks and Diable Avionics?

There was a mod with Mobilesuits from Iron Blood Orphans but the original author has never updated it since 0.8.

Last I heard someone got permissions to use those assets, so it might pop up again in some form. There are a few other modders making(or planning to make) mech stuff in the future tho.


Great mod, I'm always a sucker for mechs. However two things I've come across don't exactly seem right.

Firstly, New Meshaan never seems to actually have any Arma things for sale. Always seem to have some Apogees though. I've never even seen an Altagrave. I've picked up Trihanders off Tritach, and have built Gareggas and Einhanders, and the Fighters are around the place everywhere, but neither hair nor hide of any of the three Altagraves.

Secondly, on the topic of Einhander, it seems entirely bugged the *** out in the Refit screen. Like the stats and capacitors/vents don't change to its from the previous ship's, I can't edit any of it, and they completely disappear when in the Hullmod screen. I guess it COULD be intentional, given their odd status as not-fighters, but yknow.

I went to check I had the latest version, and I've got b, but the download says the latest is c, but the changelog only goes to b, so I don't even know what.

Still, jammin' mod everywhere else.

Oh yes, and another issue I'd forgotten until now.

Manually firing the Trihander's pulse weapons doesn't seem to work when they're set to Alternating. Looking at the weapon charge bar, it looks like they don't actually have the time to reach full charge and fire before 'Alternating' switches to firing the other weapon, thus cancelling the first. Linked works fine, and Alternating works when they're set on autofire, it's just manual alternating fire that has a problem.

I can't reproduce the issue you mentioned with Einhänder. Does it always happen? Did you click on the module or something?

RE: alternating fire, I ran into this before and just switched the variant to linked and forgot about it. I'll lower the chargeup and see if that helps.

Ideally i'll have an update for all of this by the weekend. I've been integrating a custom version of Harupea's Combat Docking Module for the Einhänder which is mostly functional now alongside some other buffs to make it more viable outside of the early game, just need to iron out a few more kinks.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #121 on: April 09, 2021, 03:17:51 AM »

I got some things to ask about the Einhander (player pilotable version).
- How exactly does the repair system work? I only got it to work in simulators but it sometimes doesn't work on actual battle. From what I've tried, I just need to land on a carrier (Seems to also work with converted hangars) right? But during battles it doesn't work or rather, I see the carrier glows red but none of the repair drones are being launched.
- Resupply is just as odd. I used up 6 shots with it's cannon and went back to reload. But after a minute or so, it didn't resupply my unit.
- I found a guy who built me an Einhander that doesn't have a bit system on it and has 0 OP. I think this is a bug or something?

A little request, there is the Industrial Evolution mod and one of the things in it is the engineering hub. Can you allow the disassembly of both the Garegga and the Trihander (seems like a whitelist issue)? I find it weird that I can disassemble the Einhander which is quite advance but not the Garegga and the Trihander.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #122 on: April 09, 2021, 08:12:34 AM »

I spawned a range of Altagraves to trial them as player ships in my campaign, and overall like them quite a lot. A few thoughts, though:

  • The grenadier variant should maybe have the description altered a bit to reflect its lack of KARMA system.
  • The command variant's KARMA system is described in the same way as the standard variant, but seems to work quite differently - does it just increase fighter effectiveness with no 100% kinetic burst action?
  • EX variant is pretty amazing. In the simulator I can pretty reliably solo non-Paragon capitals. Only real annoyance I have is that the shotgun feels a bit weak - it is pretty good, don't get me wrong, but a bit more armor stripping power would give it some nice oomph. Sure it can have trouble hunting officered frigates, but it's still fast enough to catch many and is great at slaughtering isolated destroyers or grinding down cruisers.
  • Standard version seems fine.

All but the EX variant are rather starved for OP and flux dissipation, but if they weren't they would be rather overpowered (like the EX, hah). Grenadier variant does feel especially starved with its 2 medium energy mounts, though.

I honestly wasn't a huge fan of the Garrega in my hands, but as an officer frigate it's great. One issue, though - if I issue a retreat command they seem to no longer care about overloading the SILVERSWORD system.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #123 on: April 10, 2021, 10:19:46 PM »

I honestly wasn't a huge fan of the Garrega in my hands, but as an officer frigate it's great. One issue, though - if I issue a retreat command they seem to no longer care about overloading the SILVERSWORD system.

Y'know, if it was the 'at all speed' retreat, then I think that'd be because Overload doesn't slow you down at all. So technically, burning out Silversword as much as possible gets you the most 'go fast' possible. Just thinkin'.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #124 on: April 10, 2021, 10:48:26 PM »

I can't reproduce the issue you mentioned with Einhänder. Does it always happen? Did you click on the module or something?

I have three Einhanders, and it's consistent. Going into Refit them just gets me this.

If I click onto a different ship then back to the Einhander, then that ship's stats stay there instead.

And clicking onto Hullmods gets me this

Also what do you mean about clicking onto modules? Einhander doesn't have any modules, does it?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #125 on: April 11, 2021, 12:39:28 AM »

I can say that I had a pirate contact offer me production, and they had blueprints for two different pilotable Einhanders - one with DP and such, and one with 0/0/0 stats and no description. I bought the former and it works fine, and suspect the latter would have gotten me what DeltaPangaea has.

Back to Altagraves... is it intended that the standard variant's KARMA system build-up doesn't decay? Not too hard to nearly fill it up for a permanent +28% or +29% ROF increase, which feels far more useful than the few seconds of fighter buffs the command variant gets. (Though part of that may be related to fighters feeling more flimsy in general this patch.)


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #126 on: April 11, 2021, 02:36:11 AM »

Just an appreciation post! This is amazing and I think mechs implementations in SS has just been getting better & better! I loved the mission on defense on Meshan. Still couldn’t get a win yet but the amount of work that went into it showed so much you’ve considered to write out the stories. I haven’t finished my play through yet, but I’m kind of half expecting seeing old Meshan as a volcanic world somewhere :3. This is amazing work and I appreciate every effort that went into this.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #127 on: April 11, 2021, 03:47:52 AM »

the KARMA system for C isn't a fighter (only) buff - it gives a scaling time dilation bonus to every friendly ship within 1000 su (at max it's like ..15%?), which is why it decays. It technically uses the same code as the normal version, so I updated the description to include details on both.

Re: Garegga, they indeed do spam the system when retreating, since the huge speed bonus is pretty desireable in that scenario. The system is based off of DR's Overdrive in II, which does the same thing.

I raised Alta G's flux cap/diss to match the Medusa, hopefully that will make things easier.

As for EX, hmm..maybe I increase pellet damage by 10%

I have three Einhanders, and it's consistent. Going into Refit them just gets me this.

Also what do you mean about clicking onto modules? Einhander doesn't have any modules, does it?

okay, that explains it. There's two different versions of the Einhander. There's one that's supposed to be unobtainable except through exploration as an LPC and another that is the "normal", actually pilotable version. It looks like I gave the fighter version a ship blueprint, so it's possible to build it with custom production - which is why you were able to acquire it. The useable version has a module next to it that can be used to change the weapons it's drones use. will fix

Just an appreciation post! This is amazing and I think mechs implementations in SS has just been getting better & better! I loved the mission on defense on Meshan. Still couldn’t get a win yet but the amount of work that went into it showed so much you’ve considered to write out the stories. I haven’t finished my play through yet, but I’m kind of half expecting seeing old Meshan as a volcanic world somewhere :3. This is amazing work and I appreciate every effort that went into this.
Thanks :) it's not actually in game, but i probably will stick it in somewhere and do something special with it once i get a chance

« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 03:50:08 AM by shoi »

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #128 on: April 11, 2021, 08:37:35 AM »

How would I go about changing it so in Nex the Alt EX is an option to start with?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #129 on: April 11, 2021, 09:05:08 AM »

Thanks for all the responses, and of course many thanks for the amazing mod.

Re: Garegga, they indeed do spam the system when retreating, since the huge speed bonus is pretty desireable in that scenario. The system is based off of DR's Overdrive in II, which does the same thing.

Ah, makes sense. Only concern I have is that I'm usually ordering the Garegga to retreat because it's hit the PPT limit, which SILVERSWORDing might exacerbate. Given that it's a frigate any extra CR loss isn't a big deal, though.

As for EX, hmm..maybe I increase pellet damage by 10%

No idea how much of a pain it'd be, but based on the description perhaps giving it a minor version of the Breach SRM effect? That is, a bit of extra damage to armor but not hull - it's already pretty devastating to unarmored hull.

Of course, the EX is already powerful enough that maybe a buff isn't needed.


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #130 on: April 11, 2021, 09:58:47 AM »

I got some things to ask about the Einhander (player pilotable version).
- How exactly does the repair system work? I only got it to work in simulators but it sometimes doesn't work on actual battle. From what I've tried, I just need to land on a carrier (Seems to also work with converted hangars) right? But during battles it doesn't work or rather, I see the carrier glows red but none of the repair drones are being launched.
- Resupply is just as odd. I used up 6 shots with it's cannon and went back to reload. But after a minute or so, it didn't resupply my unit.
- I found a guy who built me an Einhander that doesn't have a bit system on it and has 0 OP. I think this is a bug or something?

A little request, there is the Industrial Evolution mod and one of the things in it is the engineering hub. Can you allow the disassembly of both the Garegga and the Trihander (seems like a whitelist issue)? I find it weird that I can disassemble the Einhander which is quite advance but not the Garegga and the Trihander.
-get near carrier with no enemy in 2000 su and ship will launch drones to repair or rearm. There's a delay between them if one gets destroyed
carrier will still glow red tho sometimes even when it can't do anything, not sure why this was since I completely replaced this system for something better
-the one that was built was a fighter LPC that I gave a blueprint on accident
Ill fix add garegga and trihander for indevo support

How would I go about changing it so in Nex the Alt EX is an option to start with?

goto \mods\armaa\data\config\exerelinFactionConfig and open armaarmatura.json

look for  "startShipsSuper":[["armaa_altagrave_c_Standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_altagrave_standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_altagrave_g_Standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_garegga_standard","wayfarer_Standard"]],

and paste over it with this:   "startShipsSuper":[["armaa_altagrave_c_Standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_altagrave_standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_altagrave_g_Standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_garegga_standard","wayfarer_Standard"],["armaa_altagrave_ex_Standard","wayfarer_Standard"]],

it'll appear as the fifth option under super ship
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 10:03:07 AM by shoi »

Jet Black

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #131 on: April 11, 2021, 10:40:00 AM »

Thanks! XD


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #132 on: April 11, 2021, 10:37:35 PM »

So about my Altagrave EX adventures.

1. About it being weak: With nocooldown + infiniteflux active, it still takes a quite long time to kill some larger, lategame or rarer ships (paragon, [redacteds] of various kinds, a bunch of capital ships from mods).

2. With infiniteflux and infinitecr active, enemies still somehow, shoot off parts of it, I dunno how but seemly they can poke through the shield and blast off the rear parts, had to stay on my stoes even with blatant cheating, some fights I had nocooldown, inifniteflux, infinitecr and inifniteammo all active at same time, and still had to actually pilot, because risking getting shot too much by fighters and or explosive weapons could still kill me through the shield somhow.

3. The special system it has is no match for phase ships and some other special systems frigates have, unless you abuse mods to make the ship faster, but then your CR is screwed. So some endgame fights (for example "Ordo" ones) were a pain: big ships just shrugged off my damage, and frigates kept hunting me, and if I tried to kill them they would just lure me away from my own ships and leave them undefended.

Still, had a blast playing with it :)

Must ask though... why you need Nexerelin to get the EX without cheating?

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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #133 on: April 12, 2021, 06:18:13 AM »

How does one get a hold of the trihander?


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Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.4.3c
« Reply #134 on: April 12, 2021, 06:35:56 AM »

I found it from a (pirate, I think) contact offering custom production.

And as for EX, it is only a 20 DP superdestroyer - having something that can take out a cruiser or even capitals for only 20 DP is pretty good already, hah.
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