Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)
This looks amazing, keep it up!
Spoiler1.0.5---------------------Any carrier with at least 1 Cataphract wing will now get the hullmod "cataphract complement" that grants small ground support bonus, applied when visiting markets === Einhänder ===-can start active vent during phase instead of having to exit phase first, and then venting.- Increased OP from 30 -> 35- Added small SYNERGY hardpoint- Decreased armor from 325 -> 310.-Juno-- Increased Juno's per shot damage from 83 -> 100- Burst size decreased 16->9- EMP Damage Increased 30->60 - Juno now has a 25% chance to create EMP arcs on impact that do 3x EMP damage(150) and 1/2 its per shot damage(50) in energy- Chargedown decreased 3->2-AS Javelin renamed -> AS Glaive ((II has weapon with very similar name))- Damage decreased from 500 -> 400- Ammo decreased from 10 -> 4- chargedown decreased from 6->3- EMP Damage increased 0 -> 200- No longer fully reloads between engagements-Homing Laser-- Chargedown decreased from 12->10- Limited Ammo weapons can be reloaded by returning to carrier, if the weapons max ammo count is at least 2 (no spamming reapers ): )- Einhänder has been fully switched to fighter hullsize, outside of a few edge cases. Gameplay wise this means it **should** suffer or benefit from all the same effects that fighters do, including custom ones (so long as that effect checks if a ship is a **fighter** and not checking its **fighter_wing**), including custom ones, and AI will react and evaluate it as as a fighter also. Thanks to MesoTronIk for bringing this to my attention.-Fighter Doctrine Lv2 bonus now applies to the Einhänder as well=== Valken === -Fixed severed Valken arms showing up in markets.-Replaced Valken's AAF system with new system: GU-14 Firebolt Feeder+25% Damage, +25% ROF, -10% Flux Cost for ballistics[close]
public static boolean isFighterOrDrone(ShipAPI ship) { return ship.isFighter() || ship.isDrone() || isFakeFighter(ship); } public static boolean isFakeFighter(ShipAPI ship) { return ship.getHullSpec().hasTag("fake_fighter"); }
Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.
The therapist removed my F5 key.
Is the Bihänder wing intentionally called "Bihänder New Variant", or is this a mistake? It doesn't seem to line up with the other cataphract's naming convention.Spoiler[close]
Thanks for the update! Also it's a little nitpicky but you can use OBS to record gameplay instead of Bandicam, it's free and open-source recording and streaming app
Didn’t get a chance to explore what happened because I had to step out but my game crashed after installing the new mod. Something about missing a trail fx probably on the homing lasers. Just thought you should know.