Before I fall any deeper into the feature creep rabbit hole
V1.4 Update
This update adds 3 new fighter wings, including *gasp* a non-mech LPC! There are some buffs and nerfs as well, and one major thing I want to note is that the "suicidal altagrave" issue seems to be a bug that affects module ships, which makes them much more aggressive than they should normally be. Alex couldn't replicate my results, so this seemingly is fixed in 0.9.5a. In the meantime, if you want to prevent this behavior from occuring with AItagrave's, destroying their back module with a console command should make them revert to the proper AI threat evaluation. (Oddly enough, assigning them a ship to escort also resolves the issue).

Since none of my gifs never load, I made another video.

Download v.1.4.2 for 0.9.1a - Probably Save Compatible (market changes need a new game tho)
full changelog
- 14 OP, single wing with two support drones
- +20 ground bonus to equipped carrier
- Primarily energy+frag DPS with some KE and HE
- 15 op
- wingsize: 2 single shot sparkly beam bomber
- cannot move or turn during firing sequence, very vulnerable
- Dakka
- 1x small energy, 2x small composites, 2x built-ins
- Short-Range
- 8 DP
- Tri-tachyon modified Garegga
- Single wing - 25 OP
- +30 ground bonus to equipped carrier
- only can be obtained by finding its blueprint through normal exploration
- only here in prep for some 0.95a modding features, may be altered considerably
-Added two new Altagrave variants, revised [C] variant
-Exceliza Grenade Launcher, 300 shield radius, Plasma Jets as ship system
-upsized central small hybrid to medium energy
- HVB, appears at level 30 + certain fleet strength
- Syrinx MRM
- Backpack Module: Active Flare Launcher
- Karma[C]: Grants all friendly ships(except itself) within 1000 SU a degrading time dilation bonus based on the total of the karma gauge. At full charge, the bonus granted is 15%, and maximum duration is 20 seconds.
-Added 3 new nex starts for base Altagrave, Altagrave[G], and Garegga
-Reduced LPC frequency chance in fleets across the board by 40-60% depending on rarity
-Fixed LPCs never appearing in PL markets/fleets due to a incorrectly named faction file
-Implemented MagicSettings missile resistance modsetting for Altagrave's system
-Changed portrait for meshan admin + fixed missing parameters in cataphract defense base planet condition
-armaa lpcs should now appear in persean league markets/fleets
- nerfed paintjob saturation by 40%
- minor gfx changes to make head more prominent/distinguishable
-Removed omni shields
-HP -> 575->850
- Light Mortar -> Ion Cannon(High Delay)
- Assault Chaingun(Fighter) DMG -> 45->60
-LS-99 MOONLIGHT Range: 35->45; Cooldown: .33->1
-interruptibleBurst -> true
-beamFireOnlyOnFullCharge -> true
-empDamage: 500->50
-Removed Delicate Machinery
-AS Glaive Ammo:4->10
-Hullmods can no longer be equipped to the dummy drone (these had no effect, so nothing was lost)
- Pila Drone system: Teleporter->Temporal Shell(2x dilation)
- Ship System: Phase Damper Field -> None
- Can actually be killed before firing beam now
- Engagement Range: 2000 -> 4000
- Plasma Gatling:
- Range: 500->600
- Damage: 15->30
- Recoil:
-Min: 15->0
-Max: 30->10
- Damage Type: ENERGY-> FRAG
-Shield Radius: 70->360
-There appears to be a bug with ships that use modules that makes them much more aggressive than they should normally be. This seemingly is fixed in 0.9.5a, but if you want to prevent this behavior from occuring with AItagrave's, destroying their back module with a console command or assigning them a ship to escort resolves the issue.
-For this reason, modules no longer confer any statistical bonus/malus to speed/manuverability.
-Fixed weird interaction with shipsystem and missiles using custom AI
-DP: 14->15
-Shield Radius -> 120
-Seeker Damage 250->150
-HP -> 2500->3000
-Flux Cap -> 5750-> 5850
-Armor -> 450 -> 375
-Leg modules: system -> low-grade EMP
-Backpack Module: System-> Pila UWS
-Modules vent & overload with core