Arma Armatura V1.5.1 RC6

Special Thanks:
Avanitia - Playtesting / Description revisions
Karleen - Playtesting / Feedback & Suggestions
Finn - Playtesting / Feedback & Suggestions
New Ship: Leynos - 6DP / Leynos(RS) - 10DP
-Same schtick as the Aleste, but more durable + heavier weapons
-Damper Field in lieu of standard shield
New Ship: Xyphos(AA) - 4DP
- more offensively tuned Xyphos with an attached Xyphos wing
- Effectively a mobile support wing
New Ship: Gunhazard - 3DP
- Live fast, die faster
- Very mobile with good armor rating, but extremely low HP
- Supported by a wing of Valkens
New Ship: Watchdog - 10DP
- Fire Support
- enhanced range and firepower for its class
- poor mobility / lacks flux to utilize weaponry indefinitely, esp. when pressured
New Hullmod: WINGCOM Suite- Adds fighter bay with 70% range reduction, increased replacement rate of 70%,and increased refit time of 25%
- Instead of launching from the host ship, new fighters either arrive from the deployment zone or from nearby carrier returned to for refit
- If piloted by officer, winning battles improves effectiveness of the wing, while being disabled, destroyed, or losing has chance to reduce it
- Wing members have a small chance to be promoted into elite officers (akin to vanilla officer promotion event)
- The Wing name is randomly generated from a list in data/config/modSettings, which you can add/remove from if you wish. At some point i'll try and find some way to allow user to input their own name.
-Added Nex Mercenary company, the rocket stars
- Curvy Laser should no longer spawn everywhere, and is now obtainable through normal exploration or loot from remnants, who will employ it sporadically. Has been rebalanced to not be as nuts before and has modified behavior when fired.
-Strikecraft will more intelligently attempt to return to a carrier when CR is low/ ammo depleted
Known Bugs:
-Leynos(RS) arms are not colored correctly for some weapons
-Waypoints that Strikecraft create when returning to a carrier are not removed, and when many enemies are around they will waste time and CR out instead of heading to the carrier. The former has no effect on gameplay but can lead to a cluttered command ui due to the latter. Both of these issues should be fixed in 0.95.1 with additions to the API and some AI stuff
Full Changelog
New Ship: Leynos - 6DP / Leynos(RS) - 10DP
-Same schtick as the Aleste, but more durable + heavier weapons
-Damper Field in lieu of standard shield
New Ship: Xyphos(AA) - 4DP
- more offensively tuned Xyphos with an attached Xyphos wing
- Effectively a mobile support wing
New Ship: Gunhazard - 3DP
- Live fast, die faster
- Very mobile with good armor rating, but extremely low HP
New Ship: Watchdog - 10DP
- Fire Support; poor mobility and flux stats but enhanced range and firepower for its class
New Hullmod: WINGCOM Suite
- Adds fighter bay with 70% range reduction, increased replacement rate of 70%,and increased refit time of 25%
- Instead of launching from the host ship, new fighters either arrive from the deployment zone or from nearby carrier returned to for refit
- If piloted by officer, winning battles improves effectiveness of the wing, while being disabled, destroyed, or losing has chance to reduce it
- Wing members have a small chance to be promoted into elite officers (akin to vanilla officer promotion event)
-Added Nex Mercenary company, the rocket stars
- Curvy Laser should no longer spawn everywhere, and is now obtainable through normal exploration or loot from remnants, who will employ it sporadically. Has been rebalanced to not be as nuts before and has modified behavior when fired.
-Only Einhander,Garegga, and altagrave were known to indies + PL, added remaining hulls
-Slightly bumped up frequency so they show up ocassionaly instead of once every few cycles
-Fixed issue that caused custom Aleste/Einhander .skins to crash due to invalid ground support bonus by checking base hull instead
- Damage dealt popup/numbers should now properly display when taking damage
- Fixed bug where game would crash if player took control of enemy strikecraft and then retreated with it (.....somehow)
- Strikecraft will now always be disabled/destroyed after combat if hull is fully depleted, instead of a 50% chance of not needing to be recovered
- Fixed bug where landing ship would only choose bay 0 to land at
- Replacement Time reduction when refitting now occurs during refit time instead of after
- Fixed bug where combat would not end if an allied / enemy strikecraft were on the field after full retreat on the player's side
- Trimmed description to be more concise and less fluffy
- Strikecraft will (should?) no longer attempt to fly directly through enemy fleet to reach a carrier
-Altagrave's will purge all modules once the core ship's HP decreases below 55%
- This is a (AI) buff and should improve survivability somewhat
- AMWS for all head variants DMG: 350->400, IGNORES_FLARES, adjusted offset for better accuracy
- Karma ship system now benefits from Systems Expertise
- Karma Seekers:
- Reduced number of projectiles generated
-Launch Speed: 1500-> 800
-Proj Speed: 1000->700
- Fixed Ear killing shotgun sound used by altagrave ex
- Default Altagrave's main weapon can no longer be intercepted by PD
- Chargedown: 0.12 -> 0.2
- Adjusted firing FX
-Removed ECCM from Ilorin
-Ilorin Rocket Speed: 150->50
-Burst Size: 4->8 (now fires entire clip at once)
Valken X:
- Removed Vulcan Cannon
- Laser Blade DMG: 125->200
- swapped light mortar for light assault gun
- System now affects all weapons
- armor: whatever it was before -> 25
- adjusted sprite yet again
- Revised weapon loadout
- Wing Size: 2->1
- Changed name of playable version to Aleste(S) to better distinguish playable and LPC version
- increased flux capacity
-Heavy Rynex Laser will no longer target fighters
-Dispersal Mortar will immediately detonate in close proximity to enemies
-Added Laser Blade as an option for right arm
-Added SCTR-40 Minigun as an option for right arm
-Laser Blade trails reduced to a more reasonable width/length
-Fixed Laser Blade not doing additional emp damage on hit
-Fixed Laser Blade damage not scaling with energy weapon mastery bonus
-Fixed bug where laser blade trails from different ships would merge into eldritch map spanning megatrails