Alright I'm back again, I've noticed the kouto wing seems to be either missing a weapon, or the change wasn't reflected right in the patch notes.
(note the first weapon lacks a name)
Looking at the files, "armaa_kouto_torso" appears to have been a weapon at some point, it's also unique in the fact that it's missing the SYSTEM tag. I've dug up my old version, seems that it used to be a "Micro Missile Pod" at some point.
While I'm at it, the homing laser is missing a primary role.
Finally, I'm curious as to why the vulcan built ins differ from the standard vulcan. Were they too strong as-is, or was it for a different reason?
Edit: While testing for the missing weapon, I saw that the Valken wing doesn't appear for use in missions. Not really a big deal, since it appears in the campaign, but odd nonetheless.
Fixed all of these, thanks! I removed the missile weapon from Kouto, but didn't change the turret back to a Deco. I've added back the Kouto's system as well, so it should be a bit tankier now.
For the vulcans, I know for sure that I fiddled with the Valken's because it felt too good at interception (even though it -is- an interceptor, technically)
I did this pretty early on, so I might have to mess with it again to see if it was as bad as I thought.
Wow. Very nice! It seems that auto pilot is not working if you set hullsize to fighter. I am working on something similar and I ran into the problem of losing auto pilot as well. For me the soft breaks mentioned by MesoTronik is more playable right now. Especially if you want to have multiple fake fighters in the fleet, they need auto pilot. Oh well.
I don't really use autopilot, but I think the only way you can activate it is from the Command UI, right? If that's the case, you can still enable it for ships set to fighter hullsize with a BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin.
ui = engine.getCombatUI();
right now for the einhander this code is on a hullmod, so it works kind of jankily (you have to open the command UI, then unpause to be able to issue orders/activate autopilot) but the fix im cooking up should let you immediately do so as soon as the UI is up.
How did you get the Einhander bits to be selectable on the ship refit screen? That's really cool, I'll take a look. Thanks for the mod.
Liberal application of hax. The bit that shows up on the refit screen is a module that gets disabled and hidden with 100% damage resistance (fun fact, AI will ignore targets they can't actually hurt) as soon as combat starts. Straight out deleting it for some reason results in the Einhander deploying in the next round of combat as a husk, which is why you can sometimes see it being disabled at the start of a battle. I think this won't be an issue come 0.95 though.