Generally High Tech Ships have better Flux Managements (Higher Flux Limit & Better Dissipation) and better Shields
Low Tech Mostly gets more Armor and Ballistics (more Damagereduction the higher the armor iss, but stripped armor still provides some Damagereduction)
Now to the Stupid Idea
The bonus high tech ships get is retained over the course of the battle ( you cant strip a ship of its better shield or flux stats)
Since Low Tech ships are intended to armortank why not give them some advantage if they loose armor? Why not increase flux disipation and/or venting speed based on how much armor is stripped( think of it like this, they had to choice between more armor or more vents -> they went with more armor (why not), but now the armor is gone soooo the flux can better be released)
(as for numbers different types of shipclasses (high, midline, low tech) should get different bonuses which rise but are maxed at 50% armor stripped)
(low tech ship has lost 10% armor -> 4% better dissipation, at 50% armor -> 20% better dissipation,
midline ship lost 10% armor -> 2% better dissipation, at 50% armor ->10% better dissipation
high tech ship lost 10% armor -> 1% better dissipation, at 50% armor ->5% better dissipation)
(Those number are just an idea)
(high tech ships are already very efficient thats why they get less of a bonus )
dunno if its feasible, but would be an intresting choice ,also it would increase the danger of low tech ships in prolonged battles + armortanking can now actually help flux management
+ Charging into battle with your shields disabled now seems like a better choice