Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)
blue color scheme used on the rest of the ship.
Basically it kinda looks really jagged? And bumpy, which doesn't really fit the high tech hulls in my opinion.
The bottom small mounts look too close together
hypothetical design line between mid and high
What if you molded it more closely to the turrets, like Odyssey?
Since when are artists allowed to judge their own art anyway?
I have some fun with kitbashing last days. Some are good. Some are not. But this particular hull is weird, it's kind of OK, but it kind of empty at the same time. It have no soul what ever I do to it. Like insipid porridge without even salt. Spoiler[close]I am unable to determine what exactly is wrong. Can anyone help?
look like a space abomination from your favorite anime.
Maybe remove some symmetry and put the fighter bays on one side?
I'd recommend joining the discord server and posting your kitbash there, there are many helpful, experienced people that can provide good criticism and feedback.