Personally i've been hoping for a little more than OP to balance the weapons in general for the obvious reasons. I don't mind ragtag junk fleet, but I'd like to at least feel somewhat rewarded for staying in theme.
Having certain hulls work better with some weapons (like a more elegant/general conquest buff, but perhaps to firing rate or something) to represent the idea that it's more "compatible" seems like a decent idea.
Of course you could just do it with hull mods as well, and then maybe discount those for tech compatibility. Something like you can fire the "black hole tac lance" thing on any ship that's got the slot and the OP for it, however it only "bounces" once. Add the right hull mod though and it does whats in the gif?
None of this feels quite right (a little on the nose or reskinning already existing features) but I'm hoping we get something along these lines, besides story points, to maybe get away from the "Build a paragon and end the universe" linear path we've got right now.
Naturally you can deviate for flavor but there's several hulls that are just better than the rest, and it might be more fun to let a pilot who wants to spend enough time hunting down the right stuff to bring other ships up to those levels rather than just limiting them.