For me Odyssey with 2 Tachyon Lances is the best option in FUN category. You can ram everything, you can EVAPORATE anything that dares to turn it shields off, and that's only 2 large mounts and the ship system i've described! Add to this 2 fighter bays, ANOTHER side of the ship and the fact that it is a CAPITAL, and you'll get it. The best option in "serious battle" category is Conquest for me. It has it's weaknesses, but c'mon, do you know any other ship that can fire 2 Mjolnir's simultaneously (and not die in like 1 second like Atlas Mk2)? Not to mention that i totally love to see a battle between two broadside capitals.
Agree with OP for Victory, love this one, but i think 4 Large mounts pointing at one spot is a thing that only Almighty Onslaught need to have. As for modded ones, i really enjoy the Nemean Lion from Scy Nation. Very versatile due to 3 universal large mounts, and the idea of modular armor parts is something that i'd be really happy to see someday in the base game (you can't pilot battlestations, so that doesn't count)! And the sounds, ooh, the sounds of armor changing from one position to another got right into my heart.
Some interesting offtopic here that i've noticed. So, there has been like 100 topics, where everybody was complaining about how strong Paragon is and how everybody is tired of seeing it and so on. And then, in actual "what's your fav cap" topic only 1 person put it to god-tier. Maybe it's not THAT bad after all. Still, i'll agree with some guys that already mentioned that Paragon is just dull. It's like opposite of fun, to me. Also, great respect to the guy that actually mentioned Atlas Mk2, now that he said this i'll totally go and try some crazy stuff with it, for Ludd sake!