The game needs Graphs!
I’d like to see faction strength, number of colonies/ships, power rankings over time, etc. Unless I’m totally missing it, I don’t see this anywhere.
There aren't any and I don't think there will be any. Faction strength doesn't change, power ranking is a kinda binary at the moment (you either defeat your enemy with a single fleet, or you don't, with expeditions being this sent only after your colonies, which most likely have defences, so these cancel out). Colonies are important enough that you should know them well enough, rendering graphs redundant. Number of ships could work, but it also doesn't, because it's far more important what ship it is, rather than how many you've got.
Charts are useful for processing a lot of data quickly, but Starsector doesn't really put any pressure on you to do so, everything is static.
A map overlay to show who owns what star system. This will be a little more treaky, since there can be multiple factions in a system, but I believe someone ‘owns’ the system, so they will get the color.
Game already determines the system ownership. System owner is the owner of the biggest military colony in that system; if there are none, then just the biggest colony. It could be useful for Nexerelin.
I see the devs mentioned wanting to make ground combat a little more interesting. I wonder if doing what Space Rangers did is a little too much? A full RTS.
You can read about it here. Alex simply decided that if he can't make a fun minigame, he won't make a minigame at all.