I have noticed that once you have shipped something you can never abandon/disassemble the location as Departure Log will crash the game with null point exception if you do abandon an outpost or a planet that has been used as a source/recipient of courier contract. This means that if by some circumstance a planet becomes de civilized it would destroy the save.
Is there any way to purge those departure logs? Simply pruning them from save file doesn't seem to work as it generates a slew of errors.
I managed to successfully delete the intel log in my save file. The tag you are looking for looks like this:
<com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.econ.impl.courierPort.intel.ShippingIntel z="168940" tt="-55558083527000" nC="true" ending="true" eTR="7.0">
And inside the tags will have the particular details for the specific log. Once I deleted this section, I was able to open the Intel screen without crashing, and I could remove the outpost I made.
I have no idea what future side effects could happen, but at least my save is fixed.
While troubleshooting, I also learned that if you rebuild the outpost, the Intel screen will work again, maybe it would also work if the planet stops being decivilized?
I also tried the console mod, but I couldn't find any way to reference intel entries, let alone delete them.