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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Industrial.Evolution 3.3.e - Campaign content expansion  (Read 1588261 times)


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I've noticed that Centralization Bureau could use a little tweak - if you have over over 3 industries of the same type, the bonus of the bureau won't go above 3 since that is the maximum allowed by an Alpha Core.
However, the game will pester you with monthly notifications about the core being "insufficient" - while technically right, it can't get better than that.


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I've noticed that Centralization Bureau could use a little tweak - if you have over over 3 industries of the same type, the bonus of the bureau won't go above 3 since that is the maximum allowed by an Alpha Core.
However, the game will pester you with monthly notifications about the core being "insufficient" - while technically right, it can't get better than that.

Fixed for the next release, thanks


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Another thing I noticed related to the Bureau: its demand for recreational drugs seems bugged. The icon displays 3 units for demand (with an Alpha Core) but the demand is actually a whopping 8 economy units on a size 6 planet.
I'm not sure if this is intentional and the actual demand scales with something else (like the amount of different industries supported, in which case it should still be 3+3=6), but it's impossible to exceed recreational drug production of 7 for me (6+1 from a Variable Manufactory with the Recreational Drugs LPC on a size 5 planet, I suppose the demand would be met exactly through local production once it hits size 6).

The demand for the bureau's recreational drugs is sketchy in the first place. Miners need that juice to keep them through the grim,gray, daily reality of sniffing volatiles and ore dust. But bureaucrats sitting in their comfy offices in an orbital station with a nice view on the planet below?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2020, 06:32:54 PM by Kh0rnet »


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What industries does it replace, in your opinion?

Using assemblers, I could entirely ignore Light Industry and produce consumer & luxury goods without using industry slots.
Light Industry is entirely obsolete with assemblers.
I could also supply heavy armaments, supplies, machinery, fuel and marines enough to meet demand and trigger the maintenance reduction.
I'm not using any AI cores, but I do have the Industrial Planning 2 skill, and have 4 colonies at sizes 6,5,5,4.

Assemblers have extremely minimal economy export (some commodities don't even have a single export unit up to size 4). Any vanilla industry will always export more than an assembler, and generate more income, especially since output is limited to one, maximum two commodities with a rare VPC - and that is before factoring in import cost for heavy machinery/required base commodities and upkeep.
I get that you want to give the assembler a passive income from the exports. But unless you can de-couple that from the triggering of the cost reduction, then it's way too much without the 'cost' of an industry slot.
That's why manufactories are fine, but assemblers are currently 'too good'.
The flip-side of this is the goods production. Which allows the player to make an obscene amount of money just by having access to huge piles of fairly valuable stuff - which is fine, as the player must put some effort into converting it into money.

Imports don't cost anything though, so that can be ignored.


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Another thing I noticed related to the Bureau: its demand for recreational drugs seems bugged. The icon displays 3 units for demand (with an Alpha Core) but the demand is actually a whopping 8 economy units on a size 6 planet.
I'm not sure if this is intentional and the actual demand scales with something else (like the amount of different industries supported, in which case it should still be 3+3=6), but it's impossible to exceed recreational drug production of 7 for me (6+1 from a Variable Manufactory with the Recreational Drugs LPC on a size 5 planet, I suppose the demand would be met exactly through local production once it hits size 6).

The demand for the bureau's recreational drugs is sketchy in the first place. Miners need that juice to keep them through the grim,gray, daily reality of sniffing volatiles and ore dust. But bureaucrats sitting in their comfy offices in an orbital station with a nice view on the planet below?

not a bug, it increases the demand of mining by one - by setting that demand for itself.
it is not a good system and has been completely overhauled for the next release.

Using assemblers, I could entirely ignore Light Industry and produce consumer & luxury goods without using industry slots.
Light Industry is entirely obsolete with assemblers.
I could also supply heavy armaments, supplies, machinery, fuel and marines enough to meet demand and trigger the maintenance reduction.
I'm not using any AI cores, but I do have the Industrial Planning 2 skill, and have 4 colonies at sizes 6,5,5,4.

You'd need three assemblers for one light industry to achieve that, which I would not call efficient, and you'd miss out on producing stuff you could sell for more money or use.

I get that you want to give the assembler a passive income from the exports. But unless you can de-couple that from the triggering of the cost reduction, then it's way too much without the 'cost' of an industry slot.
That's why manufactories are fine, but assemblers are currently 'too good'.
The flip-side of this is the goods production. Which allows the player to make an obscene amount of money just by having access to huge piles of fairly valuable stuff - which is fine, as the player must put some effort into converting it into money.

I get that, and at the moment, the assembler generates too much income.
Removing exports entirely is not an option, but I am working on a solution for this.

I appreciate the feedback.


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Is there a trick in making the embassy work? I've planted a Hegemony ambassador in mine and the faction relationship hasn't budged from 42/100 for 6 months. I only noticed a negative extra -10 when using connections to disrupt an expedition.


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35's the limit for passive increase
can be upped to 50 with a beta core

can't increase it past that
tooltips' broken, fixed in next version
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 07:16:34 AM by SirHartley »


  • Ensign
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I tried to dismiss an ambassador but they didnt leave. I tried to demolish the embassy. There was still an ambassador on my planet. I tried to dismiss that ambassador. Ditto.


  • Ensign
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Hey,like the mod so far although assemblers a bit too good imo.But what i wanted to ask is can u turn off notifications about whats got dropped in ur "storage planet" somehow?


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can u turn off notifications about whats got dropped in ur "storage planet" somehow?
I wonder if there's a way to roll the assembler output notifications into the standard Industry/Tech Mining production notification?
That would probably look a bit tidier.


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I tried to dismiss an ambassador but they didnt leave. I tried to demolish the embassy. There was still an ambassador on my planet. I tried to dismiss that ambassador. Ditto.

did you give the market time to refresh, as in: leave, wait a day, go back?

Hey,like the mod so far although assemblers a bit too good imo.But what i wanted to ask is can u turn off notifications about whats got dropped in ur "storage planet" somehow?
can u turn off notifications about whats got dropped in ur "storage planet" somehow?
I wonder if there's a way to roll the assembler output notifications into the standard Industry/Tech Mining production notification?
That would probably look a bit tidier.

Next version has a summary message for all deposits.


  • Commander
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Assembler production from non-player markets governed by the player(the Nexerelin feature) makes the game crash at the start of each month, which I'm fairly certain didn't happen in 1.3.
294282 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
   at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.econ.impl.deconomics_AdAssem.reportEconomyTi ck(
   at com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.listeners.ListenerUtil.reportEconomyTick(
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper.doEndOfStepStuff(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper.nextFrame(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
I guess it has something to do with the changes to monthly notifications.


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I didn't account for player and player controlled market having different factions. Fixed for next version, thanks for letting me know


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New Update, adding a load of new stuff - 3 industries and massive re balancing for the old ones.
Supercomputer is now actually useful, Assembler and Bureau no longer OP and most other stuff a lot less janky.

Also, heck tooltips.

Change Log
  • General
  • Code adjustment - fixed memory leaks - massively improved long time performance
  • Code adjustment - highly improved general performance
  • Settings - you can now enable/disable industries, and modify some parameters.
  • Variable Industries
  • Adjusted - Output messages are now a single monthly summary report for Assembler/Manufactory
  • Adjusted - Assembler commodity export locked to maximum of 3, regardless of skills or market size.
  • Adjusted - Supply and demand are no longer always legal
  • Fixed - crash on month end if colony is owned by a different faction, but governed by the player (Nexerelin)
  • Fixed - no longer has import demands while building/disrupted
  • Centralization Bureau
  • Adjusted - Now modifies supply and demand of the affected industries directly.
  • Adjusted - Removed all supply and demand from this structure (no longer generates boatloads of free money)
  • Fixed - "Insufficient AI core" notification when Alpha core is installed.
  • Fixed - shortage handling
  • Military Relay
  • Fixed - Unfinished military installations no longer count towards the prerequisites
  • Salvage Yards
  • Fixed - No longer causes a colony to decivilize in certain cases
  • Fixed - Salvage market removal on market faction transfer
  • Fixed - Concurrent modification exception crash (probably)
  • Supercomputer
  • Adjusted - Income increase now 5/15/20% (up from 5/10/15%)
  • Adjusted - AI core runtime now 3/9/18 months (up from 1/3/12)
  • Adjusted - Now takes 50 days to build
  • Adjusted - No longer produces new AI cores (toggleable in settings)
  • Fixed - Can no longer store ships in AI-Core storage
  • Fixed - Storage no longer present after industry removal
  • Fixed - Storage gets properly removed on AI colonies
  • Embassy
  • Fixed - being able to dismiss ambassadors that are already in the process of leaving
  • Fixed - relations increase limit tooltip (for real this time)
  • Fixed - crash when docking at a planet you govern for another faction (Nexerelin)
  • Fixed - wrong ambassador getting arrested on inauguration when compromised
  • Senate
  • Added - Comes free with floating platforms and *** alien costumes.
  • Added - Edicts! Enslave your populace! Cleanse your planet of undesirables! Allow more vacation time for your workers!
  • Restoration Docks
  • Added - Slowly repairs D-Mods of ships placed into a custom storage at a hefty discount.
  • Added - Be careful, the cost might still exceed what you can afford and might land you in debt - Gamma Core is your friend!
  • Privateer Base
  • Added - Automatically raids people you don't like.
  • Added - Output depending on the raided planets, will bring back spoils of war for you after a successful raid.

Cyan Leader

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Can you detail the edicts and their effects?
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