Heya! First off, thank you SirHartley for making this mod, it kicks ass! I first used it in v 0.9 and it worked wonderfully, but ever since I started a 0.95a save last month it's no longer generating Industrial Ruins Forges. I know to look for the description of 'what looks like a dormant nanoforge' but every single world with Industrial Ruins I've encountered has either the ancient laboratory or relocation machine, I've checked probably in excess of 20 now. Even after starting a new save I can't find any Forges. Either I'm *incredibly* unlucky or there might be something wrong? Do Forges spawn in specific parts of the sector? Im using Nex and Expanded Sector but those are the only things I can think of that'd affect sector generation or the game in general in any major ways. If anyone else is looking at this thread and is having the same issue lemme know. Please help
You are incredibly unlucky! However, ruin spawning has been overhauled for the next version to ensure a better distribution. Thank you for letting me know!
First off, some compliment for this mod, it adds a lot to do in the sector. I really like the added structure, even if some seems less interesting than other. Maybe I do not understand their usefullness.
Some features request/proposal:
- Do you think it would be possible, for you, to rework the farmland structure so that it became a food production structure, that can be deployed, even on planet without farmland or aquaculture, using hydroponic and/or green house, on the ground or in space.
I think Hydroponic and green house should have a production level = to the 'poor farmland' condition and should also be an upgrade to farmland and aquaculture, to improve there production level.
Those structure could requests organics in addition to heavy machinery.
- Could you add the date of shipment, or the number of past days since the event has been created, in the intel tab, at least for the single delivery event?
And now, a bug report.
- Whenever an alpha core is present in a shipment, the shipment is successful, but nothing from the shipment is stored in the local storage.
There is so much stuff in this mod that some things might be more suited to a certain playstyle. If that is not yours, well, nothing gained, nothing lost.
Re- Hydroponics: Sadly, I'll have to decline on that. Some niches are not filled on purpose, and this is one of them. Not all planets are supposed to be made equal, and giving access to food (a very valuable commodity) to everyone is not in the spirit of the game.
Re- date of Shipment: Yup. Done~
In 2.2.h, using the Courier Port to send a Forge Template containing a DME Sparrowhawk with +1 charge resulted in the Forge Template vanishing. Destination storage type didn't matter. Whitelists were set to ignored.
I don't know how much of that is relevant as I haven't done troubleshooting to tell which factors are causing it.
Edit: forgot - the shipments weren't lost, they arrived fully intact. Nothing was deposited on the other end.
Courier ports are incredibly scuffed atm and sometimes lose stuff for no reason. Next version has a rework, it's gonna be finally fixed!
Hello all I don't post here much but I got stiffed something nasty here.
This is my 1st playthrough with this mod so pardon me if I get some names a little mixed up.
I fully explored the sector before setting up my colonies living as a raider off the fringes of civil society.
On my travels I found many wonderful ancient technologies, always hoarding them on my personal, somewhat habitable raiding base, Bolunda.
As I docked weary of my adventures and ready to give it all away to become a despot of my own, new industrial options brought me wonderment and joy.
I set about populating the fringes of the sector with renovated ancient industrial ruins and courier ports to begin a shipping triangle of legend.
Then I left for an expedition to the neighboring system evacuating neighboring youths.
Upon my return, everything seemed in order. My undesired hull hoard went to its place, the hundreds of looted weapons to theirs, but my empty hull templates were nowhere to be found.
Is there a console command to spawn more of them so I don't have to restart or search all 7 probes in the sector I missed hoping to find another one? Thanks!
I had fun reading that, even if it's a bug report
Courier ports can lose stuff atm, I am very sorry about that.
You can add forge templates back in by opening the console and typing:
addspecial IndEvo_forgeTemplate_2 yourShipId (For instance, "onslaught")
Other item IDs you might need: