Uhm, I think I might have broken one of my planets. I tried to teleport it closer to one of my other colonies and now it is lost in hyperspace.
So the rift engine thing appears to provide since it moved one of my planets to an entirely different system
So, did it vanish or move somewhere you didn't expect? First one can happen if you transverse jump out of the system while the animation is running - haven't found a fix for that yet, no idea why it happens.
The animation is too cool to skip it with transverse jumping. However the remaining nascent gravity well in hyperspace is weird, the player can transverse jump through that to empty space - since the planet is long gone.
Is it safe to rift jump a lot? I was afraid that it creates too many new entities in the save file.
About a derelict industry
I noticed that, while installing a built-in logistics hullmod, the Hull Deconstructor strongly favors Efficiency Overhaul for combat ships, and Militarized Subsystems for civilian ships.
Efficiency Overhaul on combat ships is fine, if a little unremarkable, but Militarized Subsystems on civilian ships is an actual negative for those who minmax the fleet composition around their character skills, since it makes the freighters and tankers count as combat ships.
It's good that the Deconstructor tries to integrate fitting hullmods, and I imagine there's many people who appreciate free Militarized Subsystems, but I'd like most of my civilian ships to remain civilian and generally feel like this system is supposed to be more... random? Like a gacha into which you throw ships over and over until you get the perfect extra hullmod configuration. The Hull Forge does that rather well already, but the Deconstructor... you can actually use it knowing that you'll get Efficiency Overhaul or Militarized Subsystems, which doesn't seem like it was intended.
EDIT: It just hit me that Hull Forges can add any hullmod, logistic or otherwise, and that I may have misattributed the constant addition of Militarized Subsystems to the Deconstructor when it was actually the Forge. I'm gonna have to experiment some more.
The hull deconstructor applies the logistics hullmod like MilSubs, the forge applies 2 normal hull mods. Neither, as you correctly found, is random - the Decon and the Forge both try to fit hullmods that are useful to the ship. I can't really account for player intention when doing that since everyone plays the game in a different way, and I can't predict what the player wants to do. If you want no milSubs built in, consider using another AI core on the Deconstructor.
Well, maybe you could do that by taking currently installed hullmods into account on a ship set to deconstruct.
First off, thank you for taking the time and writing your feedback here! I appreciate it a lot.
Whee, you're so appreciative! And thanks for patiently explaining every single mechanic related to the mod, I wish my short-sightedness was the problem in every case.
Ship Components have two primary uses - they can be traded in for cheap construction (with your own blueprints) at a salvage yard and they reduce planetary ship quality when a deficit appears and can thus be used to soften up enemy planets for invasion by intercepting shipments. Components have more actual use than most vanilla commodities (metal, drugs, transplutonics, all ore, organics...), however, I understand that this might not be immediately obvious.
The issue I got with Ship Components is the same as with Metals. I always ended up jettisoning them during explorations cause they overflow cargo capacity so hard.
I imagined that Salvage Yards might be useful when running a colony without Heavy Industry but as it turned out it penalizes your fleet quality if not built alongside a heavy industry so I ended up not doing that in the run. I tried, however building ships with it but the old 0 credit base capacity certainly impacted the experience and sacrificing ships did not extend it enough to be worthwhile and somehow I missed Ship Components altogether since I always jettisoned or put them into storage. Now I revisited this feature and it seems cool except cost/d-mod prediction appears to be slow to react and the first slider of ship components doesn't seem to do anything, the second is fine.
it's intended as a sidegrade, yes. Refining will beat SY in consistent money output, it's the "safe" way to go, and scales with colony size, which the yards don't. It should overshadow them sometimes, but not always. I'll take another look at the metal output, thank you.
It also only has a deficit if you don't produce enough machinery
Output is actually capped with colony size, it could be higher than 10 (I think).
In my experience Salvage Yards outperformed Refining most of the time. I constantly had 550+ salvage points (no ai core) that either come from weapon disassembly or battles in the system. By the way it can't go through Vulcan Cannons and Light Machine Guns fast enough to empty my storage.
I cannot show you a legit screenshot about production values right now, since I let these colonies grow past size 6 which isn't legit anymore, but it was like this with no ai core and a lot of salvage points as long as I can remember:
SY outputs 14 Metals, requires 12 Heavy Machinery.
Heavy Industry/Orbital Works on a colony outputs size-2 + nanoforge_bonus + ai_core_bonus + Industrial_Planning_bonus Heavy Machinery, that's 9 tops in player hands so we default back to Chicomoztoc (10) which is still not enough.
Yup, port's the weakest part of the mod stability wise, I'm working on improving it but it is very complicated.
I see. Yes, I imagine it could be complicated.
Jaghaimo is an actual developer with an education and years of experience, who coded the best modded UI starsector has seen to date (I learned to code from no experience for this mod, legit the first thing I ever programmed was the variable assembler). His UI is also based on methods only available in the "Intel" window, while mine runs on the "Dialogue" methods. I can't use Intel methods and am not a good enough programmer to make it any better, and it sucks, but that's life.
No need for excuses, I get it. To be fair I wouldn't ever ever touch java for the sake of Starsector modding. Probably.
+ I reloaded a save and did the whole transfer manually in 1/5 game day for about 20 supplies under one real time minute
Sorry for that! The latest update at least fixed the infinite loading times, it's now capped at 7 days iirc.
No harm done, I just missed the warning sign. Good to know there's a cap now.
See Yunrus comment, it lifts the restriction for the entire sector, so you need only one military base anywhere
Can't blame me, every description revolving around Hypertransmitter Relay mentions "system". Did you mean "sector" instead? I checked the feature of fleet size extension, that works only within the star system as correctly stated.
Correct! Removing Deciv. Subpop is supposed to be hard, we are talking about eradicating a huge amount of disorganized people that live hidden in the nooks and crannies of an entire planet and do guerilla warfare. America tried to do that with the viet cong in a single country, and got their ass handed to them. Imagine Vietnam, the planet!
Alright, that makes perfect sense. I'll admit, I'm biased by boggled's Military Policy Headquarters. Its simplicity and carefree nature held me captive. I have a grudge with functions that require visiting the planet with my precious fleet.
You might have been on an old version (pre 2.2.g), there was a problem with Starpocalypse, which added a D-mod after the docks repaired them all. The newest version repairs everything except for scripted D-Mods.
I indeed used 2.2.f. And to be exact Restoration Docks was (and is still) not willing to repair Ill-advised Modifications for me from Pather ships and the damaged Virtuous class from Diable Avionics (which now that you mention it, seemed custom scripted).
Funny enough, I was just told yesterday that the relays are OP as *** because they completely invalidate patrol HQs. They only spawn patrols when there is no other military building on the planet, maybe you misinterpreted that? They are actually slightly better than HQs at that, but worse than military bases. They also give the fleet size transfer/buff, which is a very definite advantage over HQs.
Huh. I'm aware how the structure is intended to work and I'm happy to disagree. If some market is providing substantial fleet size for a Relay to benefit from, then all I need on the planet is stability, since defense is probably already taken care of and I ended up shutting down every Military Relay in favor of a PHQ. Can think of one exception off the top off my head, though: markets are too far away in the system to reliably cover each other with fleets, so ye, there's probably a place for this after all.
All buildings that have the option to install an item, also have an item that can be installed - you might just have not found it
Yep, that's on me. This mess 0.95 brought with special items means some items are never found during a playthrough.
- Never see the use of edicts other than wartime lockdown, gains are either marginal while drawbacks impact (every other) colony heavily or problem can be easily solved some other way (rearranging industries for example instead of Single Child Policy that stops colony growth)
Every time someone tells me the edicts are useless, they list another one as the "only good one" - they are all niche, but all have their use case. It might just not have fit your play style! Single Child Policy was actually created because someone requested that feature.
Forced relocation is especially cool to "feed" other markets with the use of a terran planet, Hard Deadlines for a Derelict Contingent run, Exact Clearences for good ships early on, etc., but the question is, are they worth the time, like Commerce 2.0, 10ish percent accessibilty bonus at the expanse of 7% penalty for every other colony? They aren't exactly gamechangers.
I wouldn't go as far as calling them useless, but can you imagine a scenario for every one of them to be worth bothering with? If yes, I can live with that.
Which really brings me to the gist of it - This mod is a giant amount of different things.
The list of features is so long, there is bound to be stuff that some people like, and others dislike. Depending on your playstyle, you may really like the reverse engineering, and really hate the salvage yards - but I have also gotten feedback that reverse engineering is completely useless and the only thing worth it are the yards.
Imagine that! Reverse engineering felt particularly refreshing since the only reliable method of reproducing technology without your mod is the dullness of never-ending raids. I wish it worked for weapons as well.
It's also a great way to play
Pokémoncompletionist on an UGNP powered black box and then Engineering Hub really does have an impact.
Colonies are still flawed, yes, but I have high hopes that Alex might someday give them a proper purpose - I have yet to be disappointed by his work (except for commerce, *** commerce).
Until that happens, I hope the mod at least improved your gameplay experience, if only by adding to exploration.
Yeah, lol, **** commerce. :
Oh, absolutely! It was my best colony experience since Terraforming and Station Construction. Its easy to use, seemed bug-free, descriptions are clear as day and what structures offer are quite cool and is the best option to expand colony related content in 0.95 in my opinion.
I hope that one day the plethora of features offered by this are not hold back by the vanilla limitation of 12 structures per colony.
ps. Lemme bash on VPC related stuff. Commodity Forge, maybe even Manufactory isn't taken into account by Centralization Bureau for dedicated industries, so their sole use is to output desired stuff into stockpiles/storage in a game where money is not an issue and that leaves me confused.
If VPC drops lower the chance of getting actual useful stuff then I'm unhappy.
Hypertransmitter Relay description might be an exception. It says it can improve a Comm Relay but I wasn't able to do that. Maybe it's meant for the Interstellar Relay planetary structure?
By the way Officer respec or even controlled training would be cool in Academy.