Yo! Dev update:
New dev incoming very soon, with working bounties and bounty hunters (even on your head rofl).
The screenshot shows also a new thing to spice up the systems in all the sector: abstraction. What does it mean for the player? Almost nothing. What it does is remove all things that are not currently interesting, mostly fleets that wouldn't get within the system you're in in any possible way. This saves up a monstrous amount of ram and processing speed (the screenshot had 50 fleets, 60% idle, 60 fps). See you soon!
Nice! Anything that makes the mod run on my crappy little laptop is music to my ears
Oh, so about the Omnifactory - you mentioned that you are considering implementing it or something similar, but wanted it to require a bit more interaction than it currently does (especially considering how potentially powerful it is). I was thinking one thing you could do is have the Omnifactory have it's own faction defense fleet. To access the station, you must first attack that fleet and destroy its flagship; until you do so, the Omnifactory will be disabled so that even if you reach the station itself, it will not activate.
Once you have defeated the flagship, the Omnifactory will activate and open itself for trade with
all factions, requiring supplies and crew to function. However, the station is not a Voidwalker minion; it will not become hostile if you voidwalk, but it will not
give you ships and weapons for free; you'll still have to come up with the coin by trading supplies, crew, ships, and other materials to the station at regular prices, and purchasing in kind.
Another idea is perhaps the station will not be able to provide weapons or ships from a faction until you have provided it with the requisite faction material resources to analyze. I.E., even if you have submitted Blackrock ships for analysis, the Omnifactory will not begin production until you have provided, say, 400 Blackrock Drive Cores. Lore wise, this could be because the factory needs to preform material nano-analysis before it can begin replicating the specific technology from a faction, but the analysis is destructive - doing so on a ship would prevent that ship from being added to the database unless another specimen was provided
after the faction analysis is complete.
Mostly, I just love the omnifactory, and want to find a way for it to be balanced in your incredibly awesome mod