is there any kind of limitation to the damned Myrianous taking over my ships? everytime i fight this thing it takes over another ship every 5 seconds or so, i've seen the mind control wear off a few times so i know it isnt permanent, but it is a LOT longer than the cooldown for the ability, which is a problem. the longer the fight goes the higher the ratio of ships you dont control, and as soon as a ship is taken over every nearby ships instantly starts shooting it rather than the Myrianous.
i like challenges and all, but this game engine is simply not equipped to handle your ships being hijacked. 'avoid' doesnt prevent your ships from destroying your ships, and there is no way to tell your ships to flat out NOT attack something. this is a neat concept for a fight, and i do like the idea... but the inability to order your ships to NOT destroy ships under makes this nothing but frustrating. it simply isnt fun to have no control. game design 101, frankly. if you could order ships to ignore a ship entirely, this would work. as is... worst experience i have ever had in starsector. by far.