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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Nijigen Extend v.0.3.3 || Standalone Pack || Update 08/31 [YREX]  (Read 91225 times)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2020, 02:39:37 PM »

Your patch fixed it thanks mate! Old save even works again too!
Oh, that's great!


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2020, 09:39:02 PM »

An Absolutely amazing, well crafted mod! it has been nice, and it merges well with the colony system, you'll see lots of Player Corsair fleets around your systems.
I find your Criminal Industries a most perfect addition to any villainous playthrough of the game, and the extras are just bonus! Kudos to you

Here's a few ideas:

Gambling Den; [Increases Income, 5,000+ and Accessibility 20+ destabilization -1, -2 luxury goods, -1 food and reduces growth -2, upgrades to Casino income 8,500, accessbility 30+ destabilization -1,5, -3 luxury goods, -2 food] Requires Mob-Run Business District, can spawn friendly and neutral visitors and tourists,
cost 200,000, upgrade 400,000

Illegal Chemicals Lab; [Produces Drugs +3, requires Organics -5, upgrades to Chemicals Plant +5 Drugs, requires -8 Organics -4 Volatiles, destabilization -2 Accessibility -15]
Cost 120,000 upgrade 200,000

Bounty Hunter's Guild (Mercenary Patrols) [Mid-line Corsairs and Bounty hunters moving around the system looking for bounties, they cost income -6,000 per month, but improve accessibility +15 and stability +2, -2 Drugs -2 Food, will engage neutrals for bounties]
cost 150,000 increases security +200

Personal Death Squad Base; [adds a player doctrine fleet enforcing the law, Stability +2, Accessibility -25,  not compatible with Privateers or Bounty Hunters, will not engage neutrals and help allies, create Iron Guard Patrols that helps Faction trade fleets and protect systems -2 Marines, -2 Heavy Armaments -2 Ship Hulls and Weapons, -4 Fuel -3 Supplies ] 1 per system increases security +350
cost 150,000

Underworld Bazaar; [Generates income 3,000 +1 Drugs, +1 Organs, +1,5 H.Armaments, +1 Volturn Crab, +2 supplies, -1 Crew, -3 Luxury and Domestic goods, -2 Food, -2,5 Ship Hulls growth +1 ] Requires Mob Run Business District, 1 per system
cost 400,000

Loan Shark; [Generates income randomly from 1,000 to 3,000 +1 Crew (indentured servant) +1 Organs (From those that couldn't pay and didn't want to serve) -1 Hulls and Weapons -1 Marines, -1,5 growth -1 destabilization] Requires mob-run business District
cost 150,000

Scrap Yard; [Illegal dismantling operations costing -6,000, -3 Machinery but generates +2 Metals, +1 Fuel +1 Hulls and Weapons, -1 destabilization -1 Growth]
cost 100,000

Smugglers Warehouse; [-1 Hull and Weapons, -3 fuel -2 supplies  income +7,500, generates smugglers] Requires Mob-run business district
cost 300,000

Red Light District; [Increases Growth +1, accessibility +10, +1 stability, -1 crew, -2 luxury goods, -1 Domestic goods -1 drugs upgrades to Pleasure Palace +1,5 Stability +1,5 Growth +15 accessibility +1,5 New Crew, -3 Luxury Goods,-2 Domestic Goods -2 Food -2 Drugs, +5,000 income ] Requires mob-run business district
cost 100,000 upgrade to 200,000

Planetary Entry Toll Booth; [Generates 1,000, decreases accessibility by -20 -1 Fuel -1 Supplies] requires Mob Run District
cost 100,000

Nutrient Paste Facility; [+1 Organs +1 Food +1 Organics -4 Growth, -2,000 upkeep]
Cost 100,000 the Soylent Green!

Forced Labor Prison; [-1 Crew -1 Growth, less upkeep for raw industrial buildings such as mining and  farming, upgrades to thought Re-Assignment Institute -3 crew,  less upkeep for all Industry buildings, except criminal]
cost 300,000 upgrade to 600,000

Gladiatorial Grounds; [-2 Marines -3 Food, -1 Luxury Goods -1 Domestic Goods + 2,000 income +2 Stability upgrades to Bloodsports HoloExpo Arena -4 Marines -5 Food -2 Luxury and Domestic Goods, +6,000 income and +4 stability]
cost 200,000 upgrade to 500,000

These are just a few ideas I had while playing Your mod! I think these new buildings reward the risk of having a free port, plus the stability aspect of running a criminal organization oppressing/controlling it's people and terrorising the sector, I do think the Privateers building should also increase relations with pirates by a few ticks every month plus increasing +1 Marines, also increasing the chances of spawning hostile pirate faction patrols, making it seem a little dangerous to travel to these lawless sectors, Free Ports are quite a adventure but many times an unrewarding one since you'll be paying bribes to avoid "inspections" from certain factions and slowly declining in relationships with "above the board" Factions, plus all the destabilization issues, why not embrace it fully then? these *Corruptor* buildings might just fill the role when you go the low road, there are of course a few other ideas I've been looking for, I know some buildings are either excessive, but balacing is quite hard to define.

Thank you again for your hard, quality work, I hope these ideas serve as an inspiration to you if you ever consider giving them your time.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 09:52:18 PM by RoquetheRogue »
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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2020, 10:02:24 PM »

An Absolutely amazing, well crafted mod! it has been nice, and it merges well with the colony system, you'll see lots of Player Corsair fleets around your systems.
I find your Criminal Industries a most perfect addition to any villainous playthrough of the game, and the extras are just bonus! Kudos to you...


Thank you again for your hard, quality work, I hope these ideas serve as an inspiration to you if you ever consider giving them your time.
Thank you very much for your suggestions! Actually, I see some truly interesting buildings here, so I'm interested in implementing them in the future. If you're up for it, perhaps we could talk a bit more to refine their design and balance?  ;D


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2020, 07:26:52 AM »

Thanks for the hardwork, I always needed these.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2020, 07:34:21 AM »

An Absolutely amazing, well crafted mod! it has been nice, and it merges well with the colony system, you'll see lots of Player Corsair fleets around your systems.
I find your Criminal Industries a most perfect addition to any villainous playthrough of the game, and the extras are just bonus! Kudos to you...


Thank you again for your hard, quality work, I hope these ideas serve as an inspiration to you if you ever consider giving them your time.
Thank you very much for your suggestions! Actually, I see some truly interesting buildings here, so I'm interested in implementing them in the future. If you're up for it, perhaps we could talk a bit more to refine their design and balance?  ;D

Of course! more than willing to help! I can write text for some of the buildings if you're interested, as you can see I have no problem creating text walls, I tried to keep a simplistic design and some in theme with your criminal industry, the Mob-run Business district being that key building in order to the create the more nefarious structures, some look like they can break the game's economy, but it is quite a risk running Free Ports, these buildings are the low road, I could think of some other buildings that can improve relations, while also working in FP colonies, let me give you a example:

Ludd's Mission; Invite the Church to build a small Mission building where the faithful may gather, it will generate +2 Growth, will benefit industries such as farming, mining and non-FP Light Industry, increases relationship with the Church by 1 point every month, upgrades to Church of Ludd, +3 Growth, benefits to industry, increases relationship with the Church by 2 points, spawns Faithful Travelers Fleet, upgrades to Cathedral of Ludd +5 Growth, benefits to industries, increases relationships with the Church by +3 and +2 with Pathers every month, spawns Pilgrim and Knights of Ludd fleets, increases stability by +2
cost 200,000, upgrades to 400,000, upgrades to 800,000 Mission Cost resources; -1 Luxury, -1 Domestic and -Less Food, Church -2 luxury -2 domestic -3 food, cathedral -3 luxury -3 domestic, -4 food, -2 fuel

It's a double edged sword, building, while you will be increasing relationships with the Church and at the end the path, you'd also be inviting them straight to your door, if you you AI technology these buildings will have the reverse effect -3 Growth, -less benefits to industry -3 relation with the Church -2 Less Stability, they may also take issues with Criminal Industry structures but not as much as AI, example; You'll gain half benefits from using criminal buildings and Ludd buildings together

I also have a few ideas for a Bank Building, Merchant Fleet, Salvager and Void Mining industries, a few other industrial buildings to generate food without farmlands with GM Crops-Hydroponics
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 10:03:20 AM by RoquetheRogue »
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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2020, 10:35:06 AM »

Any chance you can add an option to add additional material costs to the various Forge Ship productions i.e. organics or fuel like the Supply Forging mod does? Maybe also a campaign ability (perhaps one for each hullmod) to commence or halt the various manufacturing processes? More control over the conversion would be nice.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 10:45:02 AM by PreConceptor »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2020, 02:39:23 PM »

Little bit of feedback based on my most recent save.

Lithovore modules have enough op to fit the forge ship hullmod + a factory of some kind + good mining weapons. I pretty much had 1 lithovore taking care of all my manufacturing needs.

Conversion rate might need to be looked at, with I think 1-2 capital sized forge ships, very easy to have with a lithovore or a prometheus, I was producing 48 supplies a day while my fleet of mostly expensive capitals used 17-20 a day. This means I am only limited by fuel when I'm exploring, as I have functionally infinite supplies as long as I take some time to mine a resource rich planet, not hard to find, every now and then. The forge was consuming 40 metals and 8 transplutonics for 48 supplies which is a fantastic conversion rate. Potential income losses are offset by colonies and the fact that you pretty much don't have to buy supplies from anywhere ever again.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2020, 07:08:00 PM »

Of course! more than willing to help! I can write text for some of the buildings if you're interested, as you can see I have no problem creating text walls, I tried to keep a simplistic design and some in theme with your criminal industry, the Mob-run Business district being that key building in order to the create the more nefarious structures, some look like they can break the game's economy, but it is quite a risk running Free Ports, these buildings are the low road, I could think of some other buildings that can improve relations, while also working in FP colonies, let me give you a example:

Ludd's Mission; Invite the Church to build a small Mission building where the faithful may gather, it will generate +2 Growth, will benefit industries such as farming, mining and non-FP Light Industry, increases relationship with the Church by 1 point every month, upgrades to Church of Ludd, +3 Growth, benefits to industry, increases relationship with the Church by 2 points, spawns Faithful Travelers Fleet, upgrades to Cathedral of Ludd +5 Growth, benefits to industries, increases relationships with the Church by +3 and +2 with Pathers every month, spawns Pilgrim and Knights of Ludd fleets, increases stability by +2
cost 200,000, upgrades to 400,000, upgrades to 800,000 Mission Cost resources; -1 Luxury, -1 Domestic and -Less Food, Church -2 luxury -2 domestic -3 food, cathedral -3 luxury -3 domestic, -4 food, -2 fuel

It's a double edged sword, building, while you will be increasing relationships with the Church and at the end the path, you'd also be inviting them straight to your door, if you you AI technology these buildings will have the reverse effect -3 Growth, -less benefits to industry -3 relation with the Church -2 Less Stability, they may also take issues with Criminal Industry structures but not as much as AI, example; You'll gain half benefits from using criminal buildings and Ludd buildings together

I also have a few ideas for a Bank Building, Merchant Fleet, Salvager and Void Mining industries, a few other industrial buildings to generate food without farmlands with GM Crops-Hydroponics
That's great! First of all, their effects would need to be refined. Most of the designs call for +/- of some commodity, but unfortunately, this isn't how the game's economy works. Let's take a simple building as an example:

Scrap Yard; [Illegal dismantling operations costing -6,000, -3 Machinery but generates +2 Metals, +1 Fuel +1 Hulls and Weapons, -1 destabilization -1 Growth]
cost 100,000

Most in-game buildings produce and demand goods at a certain proportion to colony size. For example, Mob-Run Business District demands the following goods:

Luxury Goods - Equal to colony size
Drugs and Organs - Equal to 1/2 of colony size.

The same system exists for vanilla buildings, such as, for example, Heavy Industry which, iirc, produces supplies equal to the colony size minus one (Size 7 - > 6 supplies). So I would first request that you write out their effects with this methodology in mind. Of course, you can design some buildings which compute their yields in other ways, but you'll need to keep this in mind, because...

The game economy only considers the highest producer/supply in the colony. So, for example, you build the scrap yard, as the above example, but you also have a heavy industry in the same planet (for example, in a size 5 planet), and assuming all of heavy industry's output is size -1:

Scrap yard's production of 1 weapon and 1 hull will be entirely ignored because a heavy industry would produce 4 of each.

This is also true for demand. Again, take Scrap Yard's 3 machinery of demand. At larger colony sizes, it will simply be disregarded because a lot of industries also demand the same thing.

I do, however, see a potential use for it, in its current state - as a temporary building for a budding (size 3) colony. Since its stats aren't tied to size, it would be more productive than a heavy industry. Maybe the price is already good too (though maybe reduce a bit too), given there's a refund when you tear a building down.

Not so for big ticket items though, like Smuggler's Warehouse.

Any chance you can add an option to add additional material costs to the various Forge Ship productions i.e. organics or fuel like the Supply Forging mod does? Maybe also a campaign ability (perhaps one for each hullmod) to commence or halt the various manufacturing processes? More control over the conversion would be nice.
Sorry, I made the forge mods to somewhat correspond to the vanilla buildings. As for organics processing though, I do have something planned in the future, but for that, please tune in to Yuri Expedition instead!

Little bit of feedback based on my most recent save.

Lithovore modules have enough op to fit the forge ship hullmod + a factory of some kind + good mining weapons. I pretty much had 1 lithovore taking care of all my manufacturing needs.

Conversion rate might need to be looked at, with I think 1-2 capital sized forge ships, very easy to have with a lithovore or a prometheus, I was producing 48 supplies a day while my fleet of mostly expensive capitals used 17-20 a day. This means I am only limited by fuel when I'm exploring, as I have functionally infinite supplies as long as I take some time to mine a resource rich planet, not hard to find, every now and then. The forge was consuming 40 metals and 8 transplutonics for 48 supplies which is a fantastic conversion rate. Potential income losses are offset by colonies and the fact that you pretty much don't have to buy supplies from anywhere ever again.
Ah thank you very much! I failed to account for child modules. Starting from the next patch, child modules cannot mount the forge ship mod. In your case, I suppose you can keep your souped-up Lithovores as a bonus for finding the issue!

With regards to the conversion rate, I set the default values to be able to make a little profit when buying and selling through the market system. However - there is a super secret method for controlling the conversion rates! I'll post a clue in the next update, but will you be able to find it before then?  ;D
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 07:09:42 PM by creature »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2020, 08:17:26 AM »

The Pyramid of Egypt must end

it really sucks the productions are not additive, it takes out some of the joy of buildings like the Underworld Bazaar, so in order to get any effect buildings like the illegal chemicals plant would need a higher output like +5 normal, and upgraded get +7 drug production? I was thinking the Smuggler's warehouse could null some building requirements for illegal goods, and improve the sell price of any surplus drugs, while also spawning smuggler fleets that go sell products, if they suceed the Player get a cut from their earnings, as to simulate a smuggling operation backed by the PC Faction

The scrap yard is a bit gimmicky, I was think it could spawn fleets that would go around salvaging battlefields for ships and parts, bringing mothballed ships back, and either converting into Hulls resource or simply storing it in the PC storage

Maybe we can improve their outputs so they'll remain relevant even when their production gets replaced, maybe they could boost ship quality and quantity as well, a boost to income

How do you feel about buildings that help decivilize and depopulate planets for easy, temporary rewards?
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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2020, 08:46:49 AM »

Antimatter Centrifuge - Produces fuel from volatiles. Passively improves the ship's fuel economy.

Ingame description: "... 50.0 % better fuel economy."

Do you mean (1) reduce fuel usage in hyperspace or (2) salvage more fuel after battle?
If (1)... the fuel usage don't change hm...


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2020, 02:16:36 PM »

it really sucks the productions are not additive, it takes out some of the joy of buildings like the Underworld Bazaar, so in order to get any effect buildings like the illegal chemicals plant would need a higher output like +5 normal, and upgraded get +7 drug production? I was thinking the Smuggler's warehouse could null some building requirements for illegal goods, and improve the sell price of any surplus drugs, while also spawning smuggler fleets that go sell products, if they suceed the Player get a cut from their earnings, as to simulate a smuggling operation backed by the PC Faction

The scrap yard is a bit gimmicky, I was think it could spawn fleets that would go around salvaging battlefields for ships and parts, bringing mothballed ships back, and either converting into Hulls resource or simply storing it in the PC storage

Maybe we can improve their outputs so they'll remain relevant even when their production gets replaced, maybe they could boost ship quality and quantity as well, a boost to income

How do you feel about buildings that help decivilize and depopulate planets for easy, temporary rewards?
I say let your imagination run wild! I only offered those pointers because it seemed there was a misunderstanding of how the economy system works. Now that that's clear, feel free to twist it around and make whatever fun stuff you can think of!

Ingame description: "... 50.0 % better fuel economy."

Do you mean (1) reduce fuel usage in hyperspace or (2) salvage more fuel after battle?
If (1)... the fuel usage don't change hm...
It should be the former (1), I'll check it out to make sure.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2020, 03:05:30 PM »

Ingame description: "... 50.0 % better fuel economy."

Do you mean (1) reduce fuel usage in hyperspace or (2) salvage more fuel after battle?
If (1)... the fuel usage don't change hm...
It should be the former (1), I'll check it out to make sure.
Contrary to the hullmod description, it actually increases BaseRepairRatePerDay and BaseCRRecoveryRatePercentPerDay by 50%; but it does nothing about fuel usage, if \mods\YREX\data\scripts\hullmods\ is any indication.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2020, 03:20:16 PM »

Gave Authorization to commit massive floods of textwalls with crazy ideas

Cool! which ones you want me to refine? I wasn't aware of the economy system which is a little disheartening but necessary for balance I believe, all those faction mods adding its own mega productive planets... weeeeiiirdoooooooos
I have been having so much fun with the current criminal industries, are you planning on adding any of those above if they're balanced? I also saw some images on Google that worked perfectly as art for the new building, free for use, "for creative purposes", said by the authors, which is nice and inspiring..

Planetary Depopulation Industry building chain;
Biomass Processing Facility;
Eats Growth for Harvested Organs and Organics, +4 Organs and +5 Organics Production -6 Growth, -3 Stability -3,000 upkeep
this way you are turning your humans into resources, (without NEX in where you can capture planets, this is a bit pointless, unless you really want to decivilize a place in a very cruel way, without pressing the... Abandon button) can be upgraded to Reaping Plant -10 Growth +8 Harvested Organs but in order to be more efficient it will replace the Organics production with a tool demand of -4, -5 Stability 7,000 upkeep cost... you reap what you sow... I guess
Cost 230,00 upgrade to 300,000

Organics Repurpose Facility;
-4 Organics +3 Food, -1 Growth -1 Stability -2,000 upkeep
early colony building, can be upgraded into the Nutrient Paste Plant which will produce +4 food, cost -6 organics, reduce growth -1,5 and -1 Stability
Cost to build 80,000 upgrade to 200,000, 280,000 investment to satisfy food needs in a colony costing a bit of growth and stability, who wants to eat nutrient paste?

These two buildings could replace the Soylent Green Nutrient Paste Facility

Growth Processing Facility
Basically this building turns Growth into Marines +5 Marines -6 Growth 5,000 upkeep -2 Stability
Cost 120,000 with Free Port it can also produce +2 Harvested Organs (not as efficient as the biomass facility and reaping plant.
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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2020, 06:08:04 PM »

Contrary to the hullmod description, it actually increases BaseRepairRatePerDay and BaseCRRecoveryRatePercentPerDay by 50%; but it does nothing about fuel usage, if \mods\YREX\data\scripts\hullmods\ is any indication.
You're right, just looked at the code and it seems I forgot to edit the effects line right after copying it from the refinery forge. Tehe- :P

Cool! which ones you want me to refine? I wasn't aware of the economy system which is a little disheartening but necessary for balance I believe, all those faction mods adding its own mega productive planets... weeeeiiirdoooooooos
I have been having so much fun with the current criminal industries, are you planning on adding any of those above if they're balanced? I also saw some images on Google that worked perfectly as art for the new building, free for use, "for creative purposes", said by the authors, which is nice and inspiring..
Whichever you'd like to see first, I suppose? I'm still focused on an update for Aria right now, but once I feel like it, I'll come back to this and do a few buildings on whatever list you come up with  :)

And do post or send the art you mentioned! That'll save me time trying to look for a nice icon to use (don't forget to note the author so I can add the name to the credits!)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Nijigen Extend v.0.1.1 || Expansion Pack || Patch 02/04 [YREX]
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2020, 09:54:52 PM »

I'll send you some of the art via PM soon.

I think the Gambling/casino, illegal chemicals drug lab, underworld bazaar and red light district will see more usefulness with the current system
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