Hello everyone,
I have published a small update that removes the BSG ships from the vanilla fleets entirely!
Was trying to wrap my head around making quests, got a prototype ready but that's still not finished at all haha so it'll be some time until those are released.
I don't suppose a future update will include the type 2 basestar seen in Blood & Chrome? The one that the Osiris rams and nukes?
I don't think I will include that one tbh. I'm not a big fan of B&C as is, for example the overpowered Galactica is just absolutely insane and I think all ship roles needed are fulfilled tbh so I don't really see the need to bloat the fleet rosters even more.
If I get some free time/capacity I might think about it tho. The ship design is nice and overall I like the idea of the ship (I also included the Osiris but I did that solely so I could have a stealth ship

it might be good to give battlestars an ability to deploy all of their equipped vipers en masse from the sides of the ship while all other kinds of strike craft launch normally from the hangars
This is gonna be a balancing nightmare tbh. Making fighters launch on button press is possible but I think that would require the removal of the combat jumps (I really like those so I won't remove them)
Launching a mass fighter assault would prove to be hella OP tho, this mod is already hard to balance as the BSG type of weapons (ballistic artillery with high fire rate and good range) are pretty OP in Starsector.
I'm not gonna stop anyone from adding that ship system themselves tho would certainly look cool!