I must be slow or something. I can't figure this mod out, as much as I have tried.
I am running around picking up items, but I can't seem to use any of them. Can anyone help? So far I have
1 Empty Forge Template
1 Pebble-Class Forge Template
2 VPC Luxury Goods
1 Hypershunt Tap
1 Synchrotron Core
2 Autonomous Mantle Bore
2 Relay Hypertransmitter
1 Plasma Dynamo
1 Dealmaker Holosuite
2 Atmospheric Minerlaizer
1 Atmospheric Sublimator
1 Stellar Reflector Core
1 Tectonic Attenuator
1 Transformer Brainprint
1 Irradicator Core
Some of these are Vanilla, you just plug those into the proper industry. For the terraforming items added by mod, you have to build the proper terraforming building, then install the correct item into the correct terraforming building. Without proper terraforming item, the terraforming building stalls at 50%, which basically cancels out benefits due to cost for running building (reduces hazard effect by 50%, but still costs $$ and maybe resources to run). Once entire process is run, just deletes the hazard (and sometimes changes planet, getting rid of all hazards on an ice planet makes it a water planet).
It's actually a relatively elegant system, since it builds on just regular vanilla stuff and is practically a utility mod (unlike other terraforming mod, which adds a bunch of stuff so basically impossible to remove from a save). I actually prefer this mod for that exact reason, although I basically haven't ever encountered a situation where I actually needed to attempt to remove the mod. Still not an actual utility mod, but close.
Only major issue is that this mod further inflates the game's rare item pool, so it basically becomes impossible to find nanoforges anymore (gotta raid for 'em!). Hopefully Kentington fixes that whenever they wake back up from their slumber...