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Author Topic: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!  (Read 415502 times)


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #225 on: September 08, 2021, 03:27:40 PM »

so i went go that new bar quest and i found a world with an journel and a *** monster of a captial class ship along side the main objective the non splitting Dorito. is that yours because i also found it nowhere with the main objective of the quest


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #226 on: September 27, 2021, 07:47:34 AM »

the Irradicator artifact doesn't work, I Colonized an Irradiated planet with -50 irradiated hazard and -50 extreme heat, I dealt with -50 extreme heat but I can't handle the irradiated modifier.
the problem is that I built the irradicatior building AND I have the item "Rad_remover", but the building doesn't accept it. will you fix it, please???

Note: every other aspect of the mod is working and I really love it.


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #227 on: October 03, 2021, 04:00:27 PM »

the Irradicator artifact doesn't work, I Colonized an Irradiated planet with -50 irradiated hazard and -50 extreme heat, I dealt with -50 extreme heat but I can't handle the irradiated modifier.
the problem is that I built the irradicatior building AND I have the item "Rad_remover", but the building doesn't accept it. will you fix it, please???

Note: every other aspect of the mod is working and I really love it.
I remember a fan fix for the Irradicator Core, back in April after I reported the bug, search the thread.
Not every other aspect of the mod is working by the way, that's why I abandoned it.


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #228 on: November 05, 2021, 07:01:51 AM »

Been a while, hasn't it? I've finally found a bit of sanity in the neverending series of disasters that is 2021, and so here's the first of many fixes to my old and semi-abandoned mods. The latest version of DIY Planets includes fixes for the Irradicator bug and several others, as well as a method of constructing new hypershunts!


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #229 on: November 05, 2021, 12:03:26 PM »

Since your back, I'd like to draw your attention to the quest that gives you the BP for the planet forming ship. I think the fight with the remnants at the end is a bit absurd as they are fully kitted with AI cores but there are no objectives on the map for some reason. This means the player will always be severely under DP compared to the AI fleet.

JUDGE! slowpersun

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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #230 on: November 05, 2021, 06:20:52 PM »

as well as a method of constructing new hypershunts!

Nice!  Question though.  Since vanilla shunts are normally protected by space doritos, does building a your own personal new one trigger some sort of [REDACTED] hostility fleet or something as a balance mechanic, or is it just really, really expensive for balance instead?  Seems faster to ask instead of testing... hopefully, at least.  Nevermind, I see you edited the OP and put stuff in about the hyper shunt construction.

Also, unrelated, but since game added a bunch more rare items/upgrades with the 0.95a update, this mod's items seems to also be considered equally "rare" and therefore (at least as far as I can tell) inflates the rare item pool further.  Does this update have any code to separate generation calculations from the normal vanilla rare item pool, or not?  Specifically referring to your earlier post, wherein you referenced a fix:

So, after some digging, it looks like the techmining_first_find group is responsible for this wild imbalance. All vanilla industry artifacts except the synchrotron core/corrupted nanoforge/AI cores appear only in the rare_tech and rare_tech_low drop groups, but these three also show up in techmining_first_find, which as the name implies is only used by early techmining rolls. Tech-mining can occasionally trigger rare_tech_low, which is where the other vanilla artifacts are coming from.

It may or may not be an accident that only the pre-0.95a artifacts are easily acquired through tech-mining - I've asked Alex to weigh in on the matter and when I hear back I'll change the drop tables in accordance with vanilla's intent. Thanks for looking into this matter, Khornaar!

The next version will also include a method for adding "no atmosphere" and "low gravity" to planets, removing "irradiated," and removing rare ores from farming worlds.

and then this:

For the moment, drop tables have been kept the same.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2021, 06:22:56 PM by slowpersun »
I wasn't always a Judge...


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #231 on: November 27, 2021, 03:23:34 PM »

i really like this mod it made it so much easier to build better planets


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #232 on: November 28, 2021, 10:48:03 AM »

iv played many playthrews with this mod and i dont get it, for some reason me adding the structures make me lose income from the upkeep rather then increeseing it by lowering the hazzard rating. so whats the point?
no offonce to the dev, im just a dumb dumb.

JUDGE! slowpersun

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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #233 on: November 28, 2021, 09:00:23 PM »

iv played many playthrews with this mod and i dont get it, for some reason me adding the structures make me lose income from the upkeep rather then increeseing it by lowering the hazzard rating. so whats the point?
no offonce to the dev, im just a dumb dumb.

Some or even most of the improvements require upkeep for maintenance to work over time, it goes away once terraforming process is complete (unless you're missing the required component, then you are just paying upkeep to lower hazard rating, so kinda cancels out).  It's actually a relatively balanced system, surprising that vanilla hasn't added something like this (even if only accessible after completing vanilla storyline).
I wasn't always a Judge...


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #234 on: November 30, 2021, 02:12:16 PM »

I have a suggestion: maybe there should be another structure (maybe even more expensive than usual) in addition to the Atmospheric Pump to add the Habitable modifier after the No/Thin Atmosphere is gone? It feels kind of overpowered as it is now
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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #235 on: December 04, 2021, 10:24:57 AM »

Hi, so I apparently forgot to make a post here too the other day. Shame on me!
Anyways, I am currently building up my mod list for my next campaign and, while doing some quick research, I came across this mod and an other one named Terraformation and Station Construction. Apparently though, I need to disable TaSC's terraforming options if I want to run your mod on my save at the same time. That's a huge problem because both of them give very interesting choices in my opinion (the Mesozoic park, Planet cracker and Ouyang Optimizer for TaSC, the ability to add low or high gravity to my colonies, create planets, brown dwarves and hypershunts for your mod)! So this got me thinking: do I have a way to maybe disable some of your mod's options while keeping what I want? Maybe edit some of the csv files (industries, rules and stuff)? I honestly don't know if it'll be enough to make both mods work, I'm pretty new at this. From what I could gather from Boggled (TaSC's creator) however, I can technically remove the projects that way. Is it the same for your mod?

Sorry for the mile long comment, and I hope I made it clear enough!

Mira Lendin

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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #236 on: December 09, 2021, 07:03:34 AM »

could you make it so that Terraforming Rig missions do not spawn at the very edge of the galaxy and rather at a "fixed" distance to the core ? some of us run Adjusted sectors at large sector sizes and it's not Feasible to do them in that case.


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #237 on: December 10, 2021, 04:09:20 AM »

Bug or maybe conflict of mods but when i finish terraforming using a [Comet Capture Infrastructure] it cycles again and when i remove it there is a bug on the planet status where it all turns to dots and i cant see it unless i hover over the dots. There is also a bug where i cant go to the colonies tab because of the missing colony status(i guess) as it returns a Fatal:Null error.


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #238 on: December 12, 2021, 09:26:42 AM »

Kentington, please consider the following things:
1 The ability to build a gate is a very necessary and useful thing - albeit long and expensive, but extremely necessary.
2 The ability to add organic matter to planets - for example, drag organic asteroids.
3 Ability to grow food on uninhabited planets (hydroponics, domes, mushroom farms, etc.). Hydroponics can be provided with water by icy asteroids or the planet can be destroyed into systems (cryovolcanic or ice giant), domes can maintain the necessary microclimate, and mushroom farms, for example, will require planets with reduced solar illumination.
4 Ability to drag the cryoslipper to your home system. For example, a player's fleet must have several capitals to be able to tow, or a whole expeditionary fleet (miniquest) must be hired.


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Re: [0.95a] DIY Planets - Terraforming and more!
« Reply #239 on: December 16, 2021, 04:40:47 PM »

There are still holes in this mod, just to name a few:
 - it is possible to remove the atmoshpere of a gas giant and it will become an impossible astrological phenomenon (and balance wise it becomes an industrial powerhouse for low hazard volatiles mining, mass producing fuel, boosted refining and nanoforging)
 - toxic planets needs to have an atmospheric filter+mineralizer before their atmosphere can be removed - maybe its realistic but the structure names are wrong in that case
 - hydrating of a planet continues creating a condition that just feels wrong, especially when its on a terran planet (the description says the planet can host terran lifeforms once weather conditions are normalized - guess what it already can)
 - habitable worlds can't get rid of their atmoshpere, ever
 - graphics are out of place - especially for buildings but even the reused vanilla icons are only vaguely connected to an item's description
 - animations would be nice for such small scale interactions as creating a planet or a star (sarcasm)

The concept is great, I think, terraforming by addressing a specific fault among a planet's conditions but it could use a lot of polish.
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