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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector  (Read 458492 times)


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[0.96a] Adjusted Sector
« on: November 25, 2019, 12:01:33 PM »

Do you like exploration? Do you ever wanted your current playthrough last forever? Do you unsatisfied with the amount of stuff you can find and/or kill in Sector? Suffer no more!

Download Adjusted Sector 0.6.2

This mod overrides procgen system, allowing you to change size of the sector, number of generated constellations, and more importantly - adjust number of themed constellations.
Look for settings.json file that you can find in Adjusted Sector\data\config.
Following fields define the number of stuff you will generate in sector.

Base values in relation to Sector Size:

These are simple numbers. You change the width and height of your map - more space for more stars. Depending on the size of the sector and constellation numbers, sector may be stuffed with stars.
Vanilla values:

In short, the greater this number - the greater amount of stars will be generated.
Vanilla Sector value: 100

"AdjustedSectorConstellationSize": 750,
This field is responsible for size of each constellation cell. You better not touch it, otherwise weird things might happen.
Vanilla Sector value: 2000.

Increase or decrease this number to change the number of stars per constellation.
Increasing this number will result into less stars, decreasing - more stars.
Vanilla Sector value: 10

Themed options:
Theme - is exact theme of the constellations - be that Remnant-themed, Ruin-themed or Misc-themed (derelicts, primarily)

Game will roll the dice from sectorConstellationRemnantMin to sectorConstellationRemnantMax (in this case - from 75 to 125) with skipping probability of zero, to generated less random amount of remnant-infested systems. Low/Medium/High danger level spread is equal to the vanilla one.
Vanilla value: from 10 to 25(with skip prob 0.25).
This one responsible for either spawning Low Danger [REDACTED] systems (if NOT 0) or replacing them with HIGH damger ones (if 0).
This one responsible for either spawning Medium Danger [REDACTED] systems (if NOT 0) or replacing them with HIGH damger ones (if 0).


Research stations? Mining stations? Just random debris? Ship graveyards? Gates?!
All these things are part of "Ruins" theme. Game will roll from sectorConstellationRuinsMin to sectorConstellationRuinsMax (in this case - from 50 to 75) and generate variety of stuff in this much constellations.
Vanilla value: from 15 to 25.

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Ruin-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Following fields are responsible for % probability of things that belong to "Ruin Theme" spawned at star systems designated as "Ruin-themed".
Control the chance of Mining Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.75

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Misc-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Following fields are responsible for % probability of things that belong to "Misc Theme" spawned at star systems designated as "Misc-themed".
"MISC_Theme_Probability_To_Add": 0.75
This field is responsible for probability to lable Theme-less star system as Miscellaneous (derelict ships, such as XIV legion, and many other things that aren't fit for main themes.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Misc-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Misc-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Motherships usually hoard bigger number of resources and rare items, then survey ships. You just need to kill the damn thing.
Strangely enough, the number of motherships are directly responsible for the amount of survey ships and probes that you can find through the sector. You probably should adjust this field to be at least equal to 1/15 (or 6%) of your constellation number.
1 Mothership takes about 5 points from constellation count, so beware.
Vanilla value: 1

Change the amount of the most useful, but annoyingly rare things you can find drifting in space, usually in the system with absolutely worst planets in the middle of nowhere.
Higher number of Cryosleepers is almost nessecary - since on the brink of the sector your colonies will have very low accesability.
Vanilla value: 2.

Coronal Taps:
Controls the amount of Coronal Taps in your Sector. I should mention that number may differ from what you put here, because Coronal Taps have some special conditions to be met before spawning - star type, there's shouldn't be several stars in the star system, etc.
#Default is 2.

These values are responsible for the amount of Gates you will encounter outside of Core Worlds.
#Default is 15 and 20.

Salvageable Legions:
Now you can countrol how much 'derelict', salvageble or not XIV Legions you can find outside the Core Worlds!

Accessibility regulator:
This option allows you to get liveable colonies in the 'giant' version of sector - on the far reaches of the map.

"accessibilityDistFromCOM" value dictates how harsh accessability penalties will be (bigger distance between core worlds and your colony = less accesability). Increase this value if you making your sector bigger.
"accessibilitySameFactionBonus" value responsible for accessability bonus for in-faction import - this is necessary for new colonies created by AI (Vayras Sector, Nexerelin).
Vanilla values:

Completely restored compatibility with SAD..

If SAD mod is enabled, you can adjust the number of SAD-themed constellations.
Vanilla values:

...and DME:

If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
This setting will work only if you have the most recent version of DME.
Vanilla values:

.. also Prv Starworks now too!
If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.

This mod incompatible with Grand Sector, since it does the same thing and more.
Whenever you change the values for themed constellations be wary - if the number is too high for one theme, the other won't generate anything. Normaly, the number for theme shouldn't be greater than 40% of your constellations number, and total sum of all your "themed" numbers should be close or equal to constellations number. If sum is greater than constellation number, one "theme" will supress all others in such way:
Derelict > Ruins > Remnant.

Now you can set your Hyperstorm pattern to be exact (or close to) the size of your Sector to reduce lag.
How do you do that?
1) Go to Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain\
2) Find the correct .png with size that is equal to your sector;
3) Delete existing hyperspace_new.png
4) Rename the file of your choice to hyperspace_new.png
5) Go to settings of the mod and set 'AdjustedSectorHS' to 'true'.
6) Start a new game!

If you use some size that isn't mentioned in the options - just tag me and i'll add another one!

With Adjusted Sector you can adjust almost everything.
Download this mod, open settings, and forever change your life.
Don't forget to read 'READ ME' file in the config directory of the mod.

Special thanks to creator of the Grand Sector, Alec, for inspiring this project, as well as people on discord. If not for you, guys, this thing would've never became mod.
Thanks to Histidine for adding compatibility changes to Nexerelin, and to Snrasha for incorporating adjusting settings into his mod.

See below detailed description for additional presets:
You must pick one of these and rename it to settings.json, otherwise your game won't start.
Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.
".json" isn't a part of file's name, but the file type, so keep that in mind.
Vanilla size presets
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 250 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~750
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~55
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50

Vanilla x1.25 size presets
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~45
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30

Unhinged presets
Sector size: x2.5 times default sector (x1.5 Width, about x1.8 Height);
Constellation count: 320 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: 900-1000
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30

2019.11.25 - 0.1.0 release.
2019.11.26 - 0.1.1: Fixed misplaced code, now constellations should generate as in vanilla, without suddenly appearing beyond the reaches of sector map.
2019.11.27 - 0.1.2: Fixed problem with zoom (unable to see entire map due to inability to zoom out). Additional changes to remove random stars being generates very close to/beyond reaches of sector map.
2019.12.01 - 0.2.0: Added proper (bigger) hyperstorm generation. Now you can adjust number of SAD-themed constellations. Added accessibility settings.
2019.12.01 - 0.2.1: Found and fixed bug with DME (Blade Breakers) and SAD not generating random systems when AS enabled.
2019.12.03 - 0.2.2: Now you can adjust number of "Blade Breaker"-themed constellations.
2021.03.30 - 0.3.0: Updated to 0.95 version of Starsector. New setting file by default is 'almost the same as default sector' to prevent players going into 10 fps mod straightly after getting this mod.
Also, send help.
2021.03.30 - 0.3.1: Added new settings, "sectorRemnantPresenceLow" and "sectorRemnantPresenceMed" - these are responsible for low and medium danger remnant systems.
2021.04.07 - 0.3.2:
- Mod no longer breaks latest version of HeavyArmor hullmod. Save compatible.
- In addition to smolsector setting, there's now also large sector preset - you can enable it manually, by deleting settings.json and renaming settings_large_sector.json in 'settings.json'.
2021.04.09 - 0.3.3:
- added new field, "sectorCoronalTaps" - which, you guessed it - controls the amount of Coronal Taps in your Sector. I should mention that number may differ from what you put here, because Coronal Taps have some special conditions to be met before spawning - star type, there's shouldn't be several stars in the star system, etc.
- presets are still DIY file shite, because i have very little spare time. Sorry.
2021.12.13 - 0.4:
- completely restructurized the mod, removed all the cancer.
- restored the compatibility with both SAD and DME mods.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of Gates outside the Core Worlds.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of XIV Legions, both recoverable and not.
2021.12.13 - 0.4.1:
- fixed me being stupid, now doesn't cause CTD with small preset settings
2021.12.21 - 0.4.2:
- version updated due to RC6;
- some adjustments to MiscTheme because vanilla generation file slightly changed.
2022.08.25 - 0.5.0:
- preset updated;
- fixed the amount of Coronal Hypershunts spawned - no longer stuck at 2;
- now 'AdjustedSectorHS' regulates the size of hyperstorm. Use 'false' for normal size (width and height) sector, or 'true' for giant one;
- added compatibility with Prv Starworks - Agni generation.
2022.08.26 - 0.5.1:
- added presets for hyperstorm maps
2023.09.08 - 0.6.0:
- Updated mod to 0.96a version of the game;
- Fixed errors/legacy changes.
2023.09.12 - 0.6.0:
- Added additonal presets with detailed description.
2023.09.18 - 0.6.1:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Ruin-themed things spawned (such as Mining Stations, Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
2023.09.18 - 0.6.2:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Misc-themed things spawned (such as Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
- Added additional setting that controls how much secondary star systems game "skips" while adding content, for Misc and Ruin themes.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 02:03:34 AM by Nerzhull_AI »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 12:27:43 PM »

Is there any performance impact?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2019, 12:33:14 PM »

Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 12:45:10 PM »

Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.

So take this with a grain of salt.

I started with a tonne of mods, and have no idea whether or not any of them were slowing my game down at any point (Probably)...BUT I found 180 per constellation was the sweet spot for stability and 60fps. I might experiment going higher but am not knowledgeable enough about what resources the game is using. I'm not brave enough to go past 300 yet re stability.

BTW thanks for explaining what the values are with references to tweak them as needed, it makes it a lot easier.

I've allocated extra ram, and these are my specs:

I7 6700k
GTX 1060 6GB



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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2019, 07:01:07 PM »

Just when I needed to start a new game~!
My Dwarf Fortress Mod: DESOLATION 1.5
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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2019, 06:59:20 AM »

Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
My Dwarf Fortress Mod: DESOLATION 1.5
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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2019, 07:34:29 AM »

Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2019, 07:45:52 AM »

Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.

For some reason, the game won't let me actually move the map with holding down the RMB, when zoomed out. It only moves by a sliver, not enough to reveal all the hidden stuff.

Here's the maximum zoomed out map:
And the maximum zoomed out intel screen:

So, um... neither allows to see the entire map, though the intel screen allows to see a higher degree of it on the Y axis, and the map screen on the X axis.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 07:48:49 AM by Valikdu »
My Dwarf Fortress Mod: DESOLATION 1.5
My Channel: V. S. Cosplay

Nick XR

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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2019, 09:33:12 AM »

I'm playing through with Grand Sector now, the only real problem I have with it, that I think you might encounter too, is that bounty fleets are way too far away now to be reasonable.  If you like doing bounty missions, the larger sector almost ruins that IMO :(


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2019, 09:35:58 AM »

Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.

For some reason, the game won't let me actually move the map with holding down the RMB, when zoomed out. It only moves by a sliver, not enough to reveal all the hidden stuff.

Here's the maximum zoomed out map:
And the maximum zoomed out intel screen:

So, um... neither allows to see the entire map, though the intel screen allows to see a higher degree of it on the Y axis, and the map screen on the X axis.
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2019, 10:03:06 AM »

Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
My Dwarf Fortress Mod: DESOLATION 1.5
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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2019, 11:29:07 AM »

Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2019, 11:49:05 AM »

Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?

Yeah, although GS has one parameter in its config file that Adjusted does not use: SectorCellSize (not ConstellationCellSize).
But that one just seems to use the stated vanilla value.
My Dwarf Fortress Mod: DESOLATION 1.5
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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2019, 12:30:08 PM »

Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?

Yeah, although GS has one parameter in its config file that Adjusted does not use: SectorCellSize (not ConstellationCellSize).
But that one just seems to use the stated vanilla value.
Ok, i slightly messed up while compiling sectorprocgen file.
I've updated main post, now it should be okay.

Also, i've managed to generate hyperstorms for adjusted sector size.

Bad news is, it's janky and can cover star system jump points and other gravity wells. Vanilla code doesn't do anything to it for some reasons.
So, untill i found how to do it +- correctly, hyperstorm changes won't be included in mod.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 12:34:28 PM by Nerzhull_AI »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2019, 01:11:54 PM »

yo, i have same issue as the other dude. just normal sized map, with stars beyond the window. on 0.11. tried with no mods. didnt change config
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