Hello everyone ! I've been playing this game for three days straight and I can't stop, it's that good!
I am on my first campaign and while I've been tempted to recover huge capital ships I decided to remain thoroughly high tech, only using ships of the latter category since they really focus on what I like most: a both agile and elite force to break down large sheathes of enemy from both close and afar, with minimal to no losses.
The most present ship in my fleet is what all this thread is about. I love my Medusa to bits and usually deploy all 8 of them into battles since they're just so flexible. So here's a list of what I like:
1) It's so fast for a Destroyer that it's basically a frigade, making it able to both stay engaged and retreat from any enemy it faces. The teleport also really helps
2) it's got a lot of turrets making it ideal for tracking the enemy and shooting it accurately
3) It can also be a very potent escort to larger, slower ship if you decide to refit it with anti-fighter/bomber/missile lasers
4)It can be modified to either be a close range finisher with Ions and Blasters or a relentless long range harasser with long range lasers. I have yet to try going crazy and installing a modspec to try giving one a fighter bay to get a very easy to retreat carrier tough.
The high deployment cost and combat readiness reductions can and will drive people away from it (combined with how utterly fragile it can be if you get a bit too confident) but fighting fleets double your size, butchering all enemy frigades, destroyers and even cruisers to then swiftly retreating and finishing the rest off the second assault with no losses whatsoever feels good.