I'm not sure what you mean - TASC already replaces all vanilla techmining industries on NPC colonies at the start of the game.
Ok sorry, I play with lots of mods, and I forgot what is in vanilla, and what mods add.
So my suggestion was to replace dynamically all techmining industries including the ones added from the other mods.
I have done it manually in my game, but I understand this is more complex and prone to issues than the actual behaviour, so feel free to discard it.
And for information there is a mod compatibility issue between Everybody Loves KoC and Industrial.Evolution that increase the number of industry on Agreus to 5.
But TASC has nothing to do with it (the techmining replacement work fine), as I though in the first place.
But there might be a mod incompatibility between TASC and Content Unlocking Missions, as Content Unlocking Missions seems to need techmining industry on Agreus.
It is not clear to me but Everybody Loves KoC, in previous version, was removing techmining and refining industries which caused some problems (seen in their respective topic).